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OpenFurther Reference Documentation


The following documentation applies to OpenFurther version 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT


A note
An important point
A tip
A warning
A point of caution


OpenFurther is an informatics platform that supports federation and integration of data from heterogeneous and disparate data sources.

It has been deployed at the University of Utah (UU) as the Federated Utah Research and Translational Health e-Repository (FURTHeR) since August 2011 and is available for use by all U of U employees and students. OpenFurther links heterogeneous data types, including clinical, public health, biospecimen and patient-generated data; empowering researchers with the ability to assess feasibility of particular clinical research studies, export biomedical datasets for analysis, and create aggregate databases for comparative effectiveness research. With the ability to link unique individuals from these sources, OpenFurther is able to identify cohorts for clinical research.

It provides semantic and syntactic interoperability as it federates health information on-the-fly and in real-time and requires neither data extraction nor homogenization by data source partners, facilitating integration by retaining data in their native format and in their originating systems.

OpenFurther is built upon Maven, Spring, Hibernate, ServiceMix, and other open source frameworks that promote OpenFurther’s code reusability and interoperability.


Loosely, OpenFurther runs as a multi-tier application. The presentation layer or front end/user-interface is served (currently) through the i2b2 web client. The logic layer is served through the ServiceMix ESB, and the database layer is served using Oracle 11g, although it can be configured for other databases as well.

User Interface

OpenFurther utilizes the i2b2 web client as a front-end for querying data. The user interface has been modified to support federated querying.

i2b2 ui query results
Figure 1. Customized i2b2 User Interface

Hooking OpenFurther into i2b2

OpenFurther utilizes a Java Servlet Filter to divert query requests to the OpenFurther backend system. The Servlet filter looks for XML messages from i2b2 that indicate a query is being run. Those XML messages are then diverted to OpenFurther where OpenFurther converts them into a OpenFurther query and runs them. All other XML messages are ignored and i2b2 is allowed to run as normal.

No data is stored within i2b2, all data resides within its original location

The Federated Query Engine (FQE)

In OpenFurther, the term "FQE" (Federated Query Engine) is broadly referred to as the set of software modules involved in the execution of a federated query.

Figure 2. Federated Query Engine
  • A federated query written in FQL (an XML based query language) or an i2b2 query is submitted at 1.

  • Utilizing the publish-subscribe pattern, one or more data source adapters are subscribed to the Query Topic at 2.

  • If the query is an i2b2 query, the FQE converts the i2b2 query to a federated query.

  • The FQE then posts the query to the Query Topic (2) and each listening data source adapter receives a copy of the query.

  • Each data source adapter runs through a number of steps to initialize, process, and translate a query for a given data source (Explained below).

  • Throughout the processing, status messages are sent to a Status Queue at 3.

  • Once results are translated to a common model, they are persisted to the In-Memory database and result count is sent to 4.

Data Source Adapters

Data source adapters are facades around an existing data source. Data source adapters can be entirely custom for any given implementation or they can use a pre-written adapter if their data source is already in a well-known format such as OMOP, i2b2, OpenMRS, etc

Data source adpater configuration should follow the configuration steps outlined in reference-manual-datasources pdf, asciidoc

data source adapters
Figure 3. Data Source Adapters
  • Data source adapters follow the chain-of-responsibility pattern. The process of adapting a query is broken down into several small steps and each output is passed on to the next step. Data source adapters typically have 4 commons steps.

    1. They are given an initialization step which allows them to determine whether or not the given data source can answer the given query. It also provides for any other initialization required throughout the process.

    2. Query translation translates the logical FQL that is not specific to any data source into data source specific language. This will vary with data sources. Some data sources will utilize SQL, other’s might be a web service. It utilizes the Metadata Repository (MDR) for translating attributes and values (e.g. logical query uses Gender but actual data source uses Sex as the attribute). It also utilizes DTS (Terminology Server) to translate from a given code (e.g. ICD9 250) to the data source’s code (e.g. 12345)

    3. The query is executed against the data source and results are returned in their native format (SQL ResultSet, XML, etc).

    4. Result translations translates the results into a common model with standardized vocabulary/terminology utilizing the Metadata Repository (MDR) and DTS (Terminology Server).

Terminology Server

OpenFurther utilizes Apelon’s Distributed Terminology System version (aka. DTS) for terminology related functionality. The OpenFurther instance of DTS contains concepts from the standard terminologies SNOMED-CT, ICD-9, RxNorm, and UCUM. There are also non-standard terminologies (aka Local) for each of the data sources as well as associated mappings. The use of standard terminologies and mappings make it possible for the software to resolve differences between concepts in various data sources and achieve a degree of semantic interoperability. Use of Apelon DTS is an assumption of agreement to the Apache Version 2 standard open source license agreement For more information about Apelon DTS please see their website

Features of Apelon DTS

The Apelon DTS (Distributed Terminology System) is an integrated set of open source components that provides comprehensive terminology services in distributed application environments.

DTS Supports national and international data standards, which are a necessary foundation for comparable and interoperable health information, as well as local vocabularies.

DTS consists of

  • DTS Core - the core system, database, api, etc

  • DTS Editor - a GUI interface for viewing, adding, and editing concepts

  • DTS Browser - a web interface for viewing concepts

  • Modular Classifier - allows for extending standard ontologies


Getting Started

In order to utilize the OpenFurther software, it is necessary to have terminology mappings from your desired data sources to standard terminologies. These standard codes are then translated via the software, terminology server, and associated mappings to be able to resolve to a local data source’s codes/terms.

It is important to note that the content distributed with OpenFurther is for demonstration purposes only. The standard terminologies have been provided with permission via Apelon’s distribution of free subscription content available on their open source website This standard content is several years out of date and would not be the most suitable for a real world instance.
It is recommended for organizations that desire to use the OpenFurther software to consider resourcing a dedicated terminologist or someone that has experience with controlled vocabularies and ontologies to work on managing/mapping local vocabularies/codes to their specific implementation of OpenFurther.

Apelon provides a content delivery subscription service at a reasonable cost. Standard terminologies can also be downloaded from the U.S. National Library of Medicine Unified Medical Language System (link: UMLS) after meeting and accepting their requirements and license agreements.

The local vocabularies have been mapped to the best possible matches to the available standard terminologies. However, in some cases such as OpenMRS, local concepts had to be created to fit the OpenFurther demonstration scenario. Any creation of local concepts was done in best accordance of the specifications provided by the source.

OpenFurther’s i2b2 front end user interface contains an ontology based off of the recommendations of the Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP). For instance, HITSP recommends the use of ICD-9 codes for diagnosis and LOINC for laboratory data. Please note that because of licensing agreements, not all of the HITSP recommendations could be followed for OpenFurther. For example, HITSP recommends the use of CPT for procedures. In OpenFurther, procedures will be based off the SNOMED CT hierarchy for procedures.

Why are mappings needed?

Mappings are needed because of the variations in terminology used between disparate data sources. Mappings equate concepts that are intended to mean the same thing.

Mapping can be a very human labor intensive task. Mappings must be verified and tested to ensure quality of results. Involving subject matter experts and collaborating effectively across datasources will be paramount to achieving a successful implementation of terminology.
mapping terminology
Figure 4. Mapping Terminology

Initial Steps

Apelon DTS provides excellent documentation and examples of how to use their terminology server software. All Apelon documentation can be found at:

It is highly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the basic use of the Apelon DTS software. The instance included in OpenFurther can serve as an example of how the OpenFurther team has used Apelon DTS but the best instruction on how to use Apelon DTS is provided directly from Apelon.
Local Namespaces

Refer to page 62 of the Apelon DTS Editor documentation.


Refer to page 72 of the Apelon DTS Editor documentation.

Association Types

Refer to pages 75-77 of the Apelon DTS Editor documentation.

Association Qualifier Types

Refer to pages 80-84 of the Apelon DTS Editor documentation.

Property Types

Refer to pages 94-96 of the Apelon DTS Editor documentation.

Property Qualifier Types

Refer to pages 99-101 of the Apelon DTS Editor documentation.

Adding new concepts/terms, assign properties, assosciations/mappings

Refer to pages 119-141 of the Apelon DTS Editor documentation.

Bulk loading and working with spreadsheets

Refer to the import wizard plugin user guide

The Metadata Repository (MDR)

The MDR is responsible for storing information (artifacts) about varying data sources. This includes things like data models, attributes, attribute types, etc. It is accessed using web services.

  • Home grown but follows standards

    • XMI, Dublin Core

    • HL7 datatypes, CDA, DDI

  • Stores artifacts

    • Logical models (UML), local models (UML), model mappings

    • Administrative information

    • Descriptive information

  • Models supported

    • OMOP, i2b2, local models

Metadata Repository (MDR)

Getting Started

Two important functions supported by the metadata repository are Query Translation and Result Translation. Data stored within the MDR is used to drive each of these processes.

translating metadata
Figure 5. Translating Metadata

Query Translation

The objective of a query translation is to convert the OpenFurther Query Language (FQL) query (OpenFurther’s classes, attributes, and attribute values) into the target physical data source’s data classes, attributes, and attribute values while maintaining the integrity of the query logic. If the attributes being queried does not exist in the external target data source, no data will be returned from the particular source. Therefore, the end user must carefully select the attributes to ensure that they exist in the target of interest.

query translation
Figure 6. Query Translation

The user interface, currently i2b2, is responsible for building a query. When a query is submitted to the FQE, the FQE converts i2b2’s query into the FQL, an XML representation of the query (see the FQL XML Schema) that consists of logical expressions using OpenFurther’s data model classes and attributes. Class and class attribute names used in FQL are based on OpenFurther classes and attributes and can be found in the OpenFurther’s Java code located here:

Coded class attribute value domains within the OpenFurther model are all based on standard terminology where demographics are SNOMED CT codes, diagnosis are ICD-9 codes, and labs are LOINC codes. All attributes that have coded values sets also have an associated attribute that ends with the term NamespaceId (namespaces are also called coding systems). This NamespaceId attribute is used to signify what coding system a particular attribute will use. For instance, raceCode=413773004 and raceCodeNamespaceId=30 would signify the SNOMED CT code for the Caucasian race.

By default, Apelon DTS reserves certain identifiers for use with standard terminologys.

Table 1. Apelon DTS Namespace Identifiers
Namespace Identifier









Example input and output
Example query translation input
<query xmlns=""
	xmlns:xsi="" rootObject="Person">
				<parameter xsi:type="RelationType">EQ</parameter>
				<parameter xsi:type="xs:string">
				<parameter xsi:type="xs:long">30</parameter>
				<parameter xsi:type="RelationType">EQ</parameter>
				<parameter xsi:type="xs:string">race</parameter>
				<parameter xsi:type="xs:string">
	<sortCriteria />
	<aliases />

Given the above input, query translation would generate the following output

Example query translation output
<query xmlns=""
	xmlns:xsi="" rootObject="Person">
				<parameter xsi:type="RelationType">EQ</parameter>
				<parameter xsi:type="xs:string">
				<parameter xsi:type="xs:decimal">
	<sortCriteria />
	<aliases />

Result Translation

Each data source queried by OpenFurther will respond with a result set in the platform/database specific format and need to be converted into OpenFurther’s data model for final analysis and reconciliation of the returned data from each data source, ie. all the pears, oranges, and pineapples need to be converted the same kind of apples. This is the job of the query result set translations, to translate all the query results back to a common/canonical/platform-independent model, or the OpenFurther model in this case. OpenFurther uses XQuery code to translate platform-specific result sets to the OpenFurther model implying all data is/must be converted to XML. Converting to XML is not an extra cost since OpenFurther is a web service-centric infrastructure where messages between services are communicated via XML. Query results are no exception. Data within the MDR drives the XQuery code to translate the data source specific data model and values to the OpenFurther data model and values based on standard terminology. After the XML has been translated the data are unmarshaled back to Java objects, the OpenFurther model Java objects, where/when they are persisted to the query results database (typically the in-memory database) using Hibernate.

result translation
Figure 7. Result Translation
Creating metadata in the MDR

Translations depend on the MDR for attribute-to-attribute translations. The MDR is supported by an abstract data model where metadata "things" are Assets (see the FMDR.ASSET table), including data classes and class attributes. There are other Asset supporting tables ASSET_VERSION and ASSET_RESOURCE that you can ignore for now, as they are not currently used for this purpose. There are, however, two other tables that are critical, ASSET_ASSOC (association) and ASSET_ASSOC_PROP (association properties). ASSET, ASSET_ASSOC, and ASSET_ASSOC_PROP work together to describe attribute-to-attribute translation mappings. Assets also represent association types, such as hasAttribute, or translatesTo. The MDR contains metadata used for both Query Translations and Result Translations.

The MDR is configured using Java class and Java field names, rather than database table and attribute names.

There are 3 phases to configure a new data source for the MDR.

Phase 1

The first thing that should happen is to create a Mapping of the FURTHER model to your local data model. This step is generally performed by a Terminologist and/or Data Architect and has no specific configuration with the MDR, but serves as the business requirements or data dictionary document for configuring the MDR in Phases 2 and 3.

You can use this Excel file as an example: (Click on the Raw Link to save the file)

Phase 2

Configure your local data source for the MDR.

You should have review and have a fair understanding of the following MDR data model before proceeding.

MDR ERD Diagram
Figure 8. MDR ERD Diagram

Use this Excel file as an example: (Click on the Raw Link to save the file)

The Excel File’s Instructions Tab contains these following high level steps:

  1. Create a namespace - a namespace is itself an Asset of Asset type namespace (see other namespace Assets for examples. Retrieve the newly created Asset ID for MyNamespace and use this Asset ID to create your classes and attributes in Steps 2 & 3.

  2. Create a class in MyNamespace - this is done by creating another Asset that is of type Physical Class. Retrieve the newly created Asset ID for MyClass and use this Asset ID to create your Class-To-Attributes Associations in Step 4.

  3. Create the class attributes in MyNamespace - this is done by creating Assets that are of type Class Attribute.

  4. Associate all of the class attributes with your class by creating an Asset Association (ASSET_ASSOC) to create the associations myPhysicalClass hasAttribute myClassAttribute for each of the attributes created in Step 3.

Phase 3

Configure FURTHER to External Data Source Associations and Properties

Use this Excel file as an example: (Click on the Raw Link to save the file)

The Excel File’s Instructions Tab contains these following high level steps:

  1. Configure FURTHER Attribute (Java Field) to External Attribute (Java Field) Associations. For example, OpenFurther.Person.dateOfBirth to MyNamespace.myPatient.birthDate. The direction of this relationship is crucial, LS=left side, RS=right side, so that OpenFurther.Person.dateOfBirth (left side) maps to myPerson.birthDate (right side) using the association "translatesTo". The view ASSET_ASSOC_V illustrates existing mappings that are enabled. Note that associations can be "disabled" with a "N" in the asset_assoc.enabled field.

  2. Configure FURTHER Table (Java Class) to External Table (Java Class) Associations. For example, OpenFurther.Person to MyNamespace.myPatient. The direction of this relationship is crucial, LS=left side, RS=right side, so that OpenFurther.Person (left side) maps to MyNamespace.myPatient (right side) using the association "translatesTo". The view ASSET_ASSOC_V illustrates existing mappings that are enabled. Note that associations can be "disabled" with a "N" in the asset_assoc.enabled field.

  3. Create translatesTo association translation properties for the above 2 steps. Translation associations (and other associations) can have properties (in ASSET_ASSOC_PROP table) that describe the translation mapping requirements. For example, some properties may direct a data type conversion such as int to string, while others may declare a function that needs to be used for a functional conversion, or even an instruction to not change an attribute name. Properties are created via the ASSET_ASSOC_PROP table and are associated to ASSET_ASSOC records.

There are two parts to the list of Potential Association Properties. Part One is primarily used for Query Translations, and part Two is used for Result Translations. Query Translations are much more complex and therefore supports more association properties than Result Translations.
General Error Handling Note: If you query an Attribute (Data Element) that exists in the Central Data Model, but is missing and does not have an associated Attribute in the External Data Model, the XQuery Query Translation program is expected to Error out with the missing data element specified. The reasoning is because when a data element is missing from a criteria, the definition of the entire query is changed, and therefore invalidates the entire Query. This Error will halt the entire Query Processing Session. However, for Result Translation, Missing data elements are not critical since the rest of the data values are still valid and may be valuable to the researchers. Therefore, a missing data element association in Result Translations will not halt the entire Result Translation process.
Part One (Query Translations)

There are Normal Scenarios and Special Scenarios for Query Translations.

Normal Scenario 1) Configure Translate Attribute Name

For each Attribute Name that requires Translation:


Prop_Val = translateAttr

Normal Scenario 2) Configure for DTS Coded Value Translation with:


Prop_Val = translateCode

Normal Scenario 3) Configure for Data Type Translation with:


Prop_Val = xs:decimal (Or other appropriate valid XML Data Types)

Table 2. Java Data Type to XML Data Type Mapping. There may be others not listed here.
Java Data Type XML Data Type

char or java.lang.Character


byte or java.lang.Byte


short or java.lang.Short


int or java.lang.Integer


long or java.lang.Long


float or java.lang.Float


double or java.lang.Double


boolean or java.lang.Boolean














xs:string or xs:anyURI















Normal Scenario 4) Configure property for the Composite ID Association.

This is currently needed to support queries within previous Query Result Sets.


Prop_Val = Java Data Type of the external person ID that is associated with the OpenFurther.Person.compositeId

For example,


Prop_Val = java.lang.Integer

Normal Scenario 5) Configure 2 properties, Alias_Key and Alias_Value for each Table Association.

If there are more than one table associations, configure multiple pairs of these properties.

The Prop_Val for ALIAS_KEY can be anything.

For example,

Prop_Name = ALIAS_KEY

Prop_Val = dx

If your data source requires a Static Alias Key Prop_Val, append STATIC^ to your Alias Key Prop_Val.

Use this example:

Prop_Name = ALIAS_KEY

Prop_Val = STATIC^Diagnosis

Now, configure the ALIAS_VALUE Property

The Prop_Val for ALIAS_VALUE is the Java member name within the rootObject (Person Class).

For example,


Prop_Val = conditionEras

Special Scenario 1) Occasionally, there may be some value translations that are non-coded values. For example, if you associate age to birthYear, you will need to special custom XQuery function to perform the translation. In this case, create a function in the XQuery program called ageToBirthYear and configure the MDR with this property.


Prop_Val = ageToBirthYear

So instead of the normal translateCode in the Prop_Val, we have "ageToBirthYear".

Special Scenario 2) Each Asset Association by default specifies that Left Asset translates to Right Asset. However, if you want to skip this translation without throwing an Error, provide an assocation property with the following. This is mostly used with devNull associations. For example, the FURTHER.PERSON.ID.DATASETID does not translate to anything at the External Data Sources, however, we do not want to consider this as an Error, therefore, we simply skip it from translation processing. This property is used for only Special attributes such as datasetID, and Qualifier "Type" attributes. This skipping property should NOT be applied to normal attributes, where an Error is expected. If you have an ObservationType that does not associate to anything in the External Source, be sure to configure an Association to devNull, and then create this property to skip the ObservationType Attribute.


Prop_Val = skipAttr

Special Scenario 3) The FURTHER table attribute Obervation.observation is overloaded as Diagnosis, Procedure, and Lab Order. If the FURTHER.Obervation table translates to more then one table at the External Data Source, we must provide this property to assist with Query Translation. This property specifies the type of observation (Diagnosis Procedure, or Lab) in the FURTHER model so we know what kind of data the row is representing. The Prop_Val is the SNOMED code representing the observation type. If the FURTHER.Obervation table translates to ONLY one table at the external data source, we do not need to configure this, but do ensure that the ALIAS_KEY and ALIAS_VALUE properties are configured properly as stated above in Normal Scenario 3. Always start the Prop_Name with “OBSERVATION_TYPE”.

Note: OBSERVATION_TYPE_DX means Diagnosis.


Prop_Val = 439401001



Prop_Val = 364712009



Prop_Val = 71388002

Special Scenario 3 Addendum) To distinguish between coding standards with the Same Observation Type.

When you have multiple attributes that translated to multiple coding standards in the external data source, you will need to configure the Prop_Name with a unique name and appended DTS Namespace ID to the Prop_Val. Replace the ^DTS_Namespace_ID with whatever you are actually using in your DTS environment.

For Diagnosis, using ICD9


Prop_Val = 439401001^10

For Diagnosis, using ICD10


Prop_Val = 439401001^1518

if you would like to force a specific observationType and namespace combination to Error Out, you append ^E at the end of the Prop_Name like this:


Prop_Val = 439401001^1518

Special Scenario 4) Sometimes one FURTHER <criteria> node translates to two <criteria> nodes at the External Data Source. For example, FURTHER.Person.race translates to OpenMRS.PersonAttribute.value, where the PersonAttributeType = 1. Therefore, we need one <criteria> for the OpenMRS.PersonAttribute.value and another <criteria> node for OpenMRS.PersonAttribute.PersonAttributeType. What we will do is create an XML Template in the MDR where we will replace a specific <criteria> with the translated criteria. Refer to the example below.

To configure a XML Template, use this Property:


Prop_Val = {XML Template} (In One Continuous String is better for output format)

Where Prop_Val =

<criteria xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi=""> <searchType>IN</searchType> <parameters> <parameter xsi:type="xs:string">personId</parameter> </parameters> <query rootObject="Person" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi=""> <rootCriterion> <searchType>CONJUNCTION</searchType> <criteria moreCriteria="ReplaceMe"></criteria> <criteria> <searchType>SIMPLE</searchType> <parameters> <parameter xsi:type="RelationType">EQ</parameter> <parameter xsi:type="xs:string">pa.personAttributeType</parameter> <parameter xsi:type="xs:long">1</parameter> </parameters> </criteria> </rootCriterion> <aliases> <alias associationObject="PersonAttribute"> <key>pa</key> <value>personAttributes</value> </alias> </aliases> </query> </criteria>

Special Scenario 5) Sometimes a FURTHER Person Field translates to a non-person table at the external source. Since we do not get <alias> nodes for FURTHER Person Fields, we need to create new alias(es) for these scenarios. For example, FURTHER.Person.vitalStatus translates to OpemMRS.ObservationPeriod.personStatusConceptId field. In this case, use this property configuration:

Prop_Name = ATTR_ALIAS

Prop_Val = “aliasKey^aliasValue”

Where, Prop_Val = “op^observationPeriods”

Note that duplicate Aliases are removed during the cleanup phase. So having more than one of these configured is ok. However, in order to support ‘AND’ conditions with multiple fields in the SAME table, we need to replace <criteria> with a subquery template using Special Scenario 4 above.

Special Scenario 5a)

There are other times when we need the oppossite of adding new custom alias. In other words, we need to remove the alias of an attribute. This happens when a FURTHER Non-Root Object translates to the External Root Object. For example, a Location Zip Code from the central model, translating to the External Person Root Object. In this case, configure this way:

Prop_Name = ATTR_ALIAS

Prop_Val = “REMOVE^oldAliasKey”

Where, e.g. Prop_Val = “REMOVE^lctn”

Currently, only the uppercase "REMOVE" is important. The oldAliasKey value is reserved for future use. Since this format is consistent with the other ATTR_ALIAS Configuration in Special Scenario 5 above.

Special Scenario 6) Add Extra Alias for Special Cases

Sometimes we have an alias that translates to multiple aliases due to hierarchy relationship levels. This EXCLUDES Observation Types Issues. For example, FURTHER.orders table translates to OpenMRS.patient.orders table. Therefore, we need another alias to support the Sub Level. We need the Translated aliases to be like this, where the ord will go through the patient object:

<aliases> <alias associationObject="Observations"> <key>p</key> <value>patient</value> </alias> <alias associationObject="Order"> <key>ord</key> <value>p.orders</value> </alias> </aliases>

Note that for this situation, we DO NOT want to update any parameter alias values in the XML Query file.


Prop_Val = “aliasKey^aliasValue”

i.e. Prop_Val = “obs^observations”

Note that duplicate Aliases are removed during the cleanup phase. So having more than one of these configured is ok. However, in order to support ‘AND’ conditions with multiple fields in the SAME table, we need to replace <criteria> with a subquery template using Special Scenario 4 above.

Special Scenario 7) To activate Dynamic Custom Function Calls, we can configure a function name, prefixed with CUSTOM^fqt:.

You must have a XQuery function with a matching name for this to work. Note that the function name must be prefixed with the fqt: XQuery Namespace.

For example, if you want to apply a Custom XQuery function yearFromDateTime to the value to be translated:


Prop_Val = CUSTOM^fqt:yearFromDateTime

Special Scenario 8) To Translate a SIMPLE searchType into an IN searchType criterion.

Sometimes a single coded value needs to be translated into many coded values. For example, a single Multum Drug Code translates into many NDC Drug Codes. The entire criteria would need to be converted from a SIMPLE searchType into an IN searchType.


Prop_Val Format = ONE_TO_MANY

e.g. Prop_Val = ONE_TO_MANY

Part Two (Result Translations)

There are Normal Scenarios and Special Scenarios for Result Translations.

Normal Scenario 1) Specify the RESULT_PATH for each External Asset. You can include the XPath Predicate when necessary. The XPath Value begins under the rootObject of the External data model. For example, if the rootObject is Person, and you are trying to get to the gender, use ‘/gender’ as the XPath value. The rootObject ‘/Person’ part is not needed.


Prop_Val = {XPath Value to the External XML Node}

For example, Prop_Val = /personAttributes/personAttribute/value[../personAttributeType=1]

Normal Scenario 2) Specify the External Root Object’s ID Attribute.

Generally, this property is set for the {FURTHER.PERSON} to {EXTERNAL.PERSON} association.

Note that we may want to rename this property name to EXT_PERSON_ID_ATTR in the future, since we may want to support multiple root objects in the future.


Prop_Val = {rootObject ID Attribute}

For example, Prop_Val = personId

Be sure to have a One-To-One Mapping for the rootObject. If a One-To-Many mapping is really necessary, specify an additional property with:


Prop_Val = pickMe

Or you can disable the unnessary association by setting the asset_assoc.enabled field to ‘N’.

Special Scenario 3) To skip an attribute from Result Translation, Set the RESULT_PATH property value to “S” (Skip).

A Result Attribute will automatically be skipped if it has no value, or if the result tag does not exist.


Prop_Val = S

Part Three (Query & Result Translations)

By default, when calling DTS (Apelon Terminology Server), we get the exact match of the external Local Code value. However, we can override this default with an association property like this:

If we want to get the value of DTS property type Value_Of_Race


Prop_Val = Value_Of_Race


If we want to get the value of DTS property type Domain


Prop_Val = Domain

This will create a DTS call like this:


If we want to get the value of DTS property type ndc_code


Prop_Format = DTS_Property_Name^fqt:customDataConversionFunction

Prop_Val = ndc_code^fqt:getNdc

Data Source Adapters

Data source adapters are the pieces of OpenFurther which interact with a data source. Loosely speaking, data source adapters are like plugins. They are simply modules that listen for incoming query requests and act upon them, following a specified protocol. Any programming language that can send and receive messages to a JMS topic, as well as process XML, can be used to program a data source adapter. We do, however, recommend using the existing framework.

Data source adapters follow a standard protocol:

  • initialization

  • query translation

  • execution

  • result translation

At the end of each step, status messages are sent to a JMS topic. Statuses include the current state of the query and how many results have been processed at that time.

Likewise, every query can be in one of the following states:






Java Data Source Adapter Framework

OpenFurther provides several data source adapters, supported by the community, that run against well known data models. These adapters can be used by downloading the existing adapter, customizing the configuration, compiling them for execution, and installing them into the system.

Additionally, OpenFurther is flexible and also provides the ability to implement your own custom adapter. Reasons for doing this include but are not limited to:

  • A custom data model

  • A custom interface for accessing the data, such as a web service.

  • Custom processing required beyond the standard processing steps within an adapter.

Implementing a custom data source adapter

We recommend downloading the source code of an existing data source adapter to use as a reference and starting point for your custom data source adapter. Existing data source adapters can found here

Query Processors

Data source adapters follow a chain-of-responsibility pattern. The query is passed through several processors and each processor is given an opportunity to interact or ignore the data given to it by the processing of previous processors.

There are several default query processors for each step within data source adaption.

Each Query Processor has a Delegate implementation that contains the business logic to implement each processor.

  • QueryTranslatorQp

    • Delegate: QueryTranslatorXQueryImpl - implements query translator by utilizing an XQuery program which in turns utilizes metadata within the MDR. Xquery files are stored within the MDR and can be referenced by path. The path to the MDR file is given as part of initialization.

  • QueryExecutorQp

    • Delegate: ExecutorQuestImpl – implements query execution based on the data source type specified by DS_TYPE within initialization. Currently, only database data sources are well supported, however, web services data sources can be implemented with additional effort.

  • ResultTranslatorQp

    • Delegate: ResultTranslatorXqueryImpl – implements results translation by applying an xquery file to the marshaled XML results. Xquery files are stored within the MDR and can be referenced by path. The path to the MDR file is given as part of initialization.

  • FinalizerQp

    • Delegate: FinalizerMock – does nothing but finish the query

Federated Query Engine (FQE)

Federated Query Language (FQL)

All queries sent to OpenFurther are constructed using FQL. FQL is an object oriented query language expressed in XML that is largely based off of the Hibernate Criteria API.

Root Object

FQL queries are constructed against a given data model, for instance, the OpenFurther model. Every query is centered around a given object. This is called the root object. For instance, when querying for persons with a particular diagnosis, the root object would be Person.

You declare the root object as an attribute of the <query> tag

Declaring a root object
<query xmlns=""

Query Attributes

FQL query attributes are simply the field names (instance variables) of the root object you’re querying against. If you’re familiar with SQL, you can think of query attributes like database columns.

For instance, in the following Person class, you could use compositeId, administrativeGenderNamespaceId, and administrativeGender are all query attributes that can be used in FQL.

Java root object fields
public class Person implements PersistentEntity<PersonId>

	@Column(name = "FPERSON_COMPOSITE_ID")
	private String compositeId;

	@Column(name = "administrative_gender_nmspc_id")
	private Long administrativeGenderNamespaceId;

	@Column(name = "administrative_gender_cid")
	private String administrativeGender;



FQL Reference

Simple Expressions
EQ - Equals
NE - Not Equals
GT - Greater Than
LT - Less Than
LE - Less Than or Equal
GE - Greater Than or Equal
Unary Expressions
NOT - Negation
Multinary Expressions
Conjunction - a conjunction between two or more expressions
Disjunction - a disjunction between two or more expressions
Interval Expressions
String Expressions
Like - Contains the value
        <parameter xsi:type="xs:string">Observation.observation</parameter>
        <parameter xsi:type="xs:string">250</parameter>
Like - Exact match of the value
        <parameter xsi:type="xs:string">Observation.observation</parameter>
        <parameter xsi:type="xs:string">250</parameter>
Like - Value starts with
        <parameter xsi:type="xs:string">Observation.observation</parameter>
        <parameter xsi:type="xs:string">250</parameter>
Like - Value ends with
        <parameter xsi:type="xs:string">Observation.observation</parameter>
        <parameter xsi:type="xs:string">250</parameter>
Collection Expressions
In - Value(s) is within set
        <parameter xsi:type="xs:string">Observation.observation</parameter>
        <parameter xsi:type="xs:string">401.1</parameter>
        <parameter xsi:type="xs:string">401.2</parameter>
        <parameter xsi:type="xs:string">401.3</parameter>

FQL to Hibernate Criteria

Since FQL is largely based on Hibernate Criteria objects, it’s possible to convert an FQL query into Hibernate Criteria that will then allow Hibernate to convert that into SQL.

Converting an FQL is very simple.

  1. Using JAXB, unmarshal the XML into a SearchQueryTo.

  2. Locate the root hibernate entity class (typically Person or Patient) <Root Entity>

  3. Call the QueryBuilder class like below

Converting FQL to Hibernate Criteria
final GenericCriteria hibernateCriteria =
	QueryBuilderHibernateImpl.convert(CriteriaType.CRITERIA, <Root
		Entity>.class, sessionFactory, searchQuery);

FQL Schema

search query xsd
Figure 9. FQL Schema


OpenFurther is built on a number of Open Source technologies

  • Languages

    • Java

    • Groovy

    • Bash

    • Python

  • Development Tools

    • Maven 3

    • SonaType Nexus

    • Eclipse

    • Git

    • JIRA

    • Bamboo

  • Service Frameworks

    • Spring

    • Apache Commons

    • Apache CXF

    • Apache Camel

  • Application Servers

    • Apache ServiceMix

  • Testing

    • JUnit

    • Spock


OpenFurther is provided as a VM image for download at this time. The VM can be used as a reference for installation, typically splitting out each Linux user as an individual server.

TODO: Expand this section with detailed instructions for installing on Linux and Windows

Demo System Administration

OpenFurther utilizes a number of different servers to run. The following instructions pertain to the demo VM of OpenFurther that is available for download. All scripts used for starting and stopping services are available within the further-open-extras repository on GitHub.

The demo version contains all of the servers as individual Linux users.

Apache HTTP Server

The Apache HTTP server runs on port 80 and port 443. As root, run the following

service httpd start|stop

In-Memory Database Server

The HSQLDB server runs on port 9001. As root, run the following

/etc/init.d/hsqldb start|stop

Core Database Server

While our architecture supports different database, we’ve currently only tested OpenFurther on Oracle and Oracle XE
service oracle-xe start|stop

Terminology Server

The terminology server (Apelon DTS) runs on port 16666 (Requires that the Oracle Database Server has started). As root, run the following

su - dtsdemo
dts-auto start|stop

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)

OpenFurther utilizes an ESB (Apache ServiceMix) to run application code. The ESB requires that the in-memory database, core database, and terminology server are already started. As root, run the following

su - esb

To stop the ESB:

su - esb
further@localhost’s password:
further@local> shutdown
Confirm: shutdown instance local (yes/no):

Logging Locations

Apache HTTP Server

The Apache HTTP server logs are located in /var/www/httpd/

In-Memory Database Server

The HSQLDB is currently not configured for logging

Core Database Server

The Oracle XE database server is currently not configured for logging

Terminology Server

The Apelon DTS server logs in /home/demodts/Apelon_DTS/dts/bin/logs

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)

ServiceMix ESB logs in /home/esb/servicemix/data/log


FURTHeR-i2b2 logs in 2 different locations

  • jboss: /home/i2b2/jboss/server/default/logs

  • tomcat: /home/i2b2/tomcat/logs