A Django events app focused on community-run and community-managed gatherings.
See more detailed features description in the release 0.8 docs.
Major features:
- Events support images, multiple organizers, organizer notes, RSVPs, RSVP caps, and private events.
- The notion of site-wide event admins who can see and approve pending events, or propose and approve their own events
- A default workflow which seeks feedback when an event is created, in recognition of the decentralized approval process of many communities.
- Event management includes the ability to endorse or "+1" an event to indicate passive support, to discuss an event amongst organizers and admins via an automatically generated email address, a pipeline for event approval for both approved admins and general community members, and tracking of RSVPs.
- An email notification object which tracks and allows users to specify preferences both for individual event reminders (on or off), or weekly event reminders.
This module is not yet entirely independent of modernomad. In particular there are certain dependencies on the url structure, template names and awareness of reservations which shouldn't show up here.
- add to your requirements.txt file:
- re-run pip
install -r requirements.txt
(orpip install --upgrade git+https://git@github.com/opendoor/django-gather.git
when there have been code changes to gather) - add
to your settings.py file, under INSTALLED_APPS - add stub location to your settings file:
LOCATION_MODEL = 'gather.Location'
- do the necessary db updates:
./manage.py syncdb
(no need to migrate now because the app is new, for upgrades south migrations might be needed) - manually create the event notifications object for each user by iterating through all users and accessing the event_notifications attribute of each user object
- add users as appropriate to the event_admin group (manual, for now)
- requires at least one location. go to django admin and create at least one
- location object of the type you spcified in the LOCATION_MODEL setting abobe. the default would be gather.Location, which is basically a stub. Use this or extend/reference your own.
- jquery (assumed to be included in your parent project; if not - do it)
- timepicker jquery addon - the files should be in included your media directories as appropriate.
- expects you to have a block called {% extrajs %} in your base or main template file. this block should come at the bottom of the page, after your other javascipt includes (eg. jquery).
- the included templates reference a base template called 'base.html' and use a main body block called 'content.' Of course these can and should be customized for any other applications.
- mailgun integration and certain local settings included such as MAILGUN_API_KEY and LIST_DOMAIN.