An extension to support OML in VSCode-based IDEs.
Download the oml-luxor-VERSION.vsix
file from the latest release to your hard disk.
Open VSCode desktop IDE then click on the Extensions
tab on the right. Drag and drop the vsix file from your hard disk to the tab to install the extension.
Note: if a previous version of the OML Luxor extension was already installed, uninstall it first.
Download the oml-luxor-VERSION.vsix
file from the latest release to your hard disk.
Launch your repo with then open the Extension
tab on the right. Drag and drop the vsix file from your hard disk to the tab to install the extension.
Note: Alternatively, you can install the latest published version from the VSX registry by searching for "OML Luxor" in the extension tab's search box then click on it to install it.
Note: if a previous version of the extension was already installed, uninstall it first.
Follow the steps below only if you intend to build the OML Extension from source.
If you like to build OML Luxor extension from source, make sure you have the right build environment first.
Install nvm.
curl -o- | bash
Install npm
and node
nvm install 12
nvm use 12
Install yarn
npm install -g yarn
Install vsce
if you plan to package the extesnion
npm install -g vsce
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd oml-luxor
This will create a file, extension/oml-luxor-<version>.vsix
See extension/src/oml-lsp-extension.ts for:
// For localhost debugging, uncomment the following:
// return this.activateLanguageClientViaSocket(
// context,
// clientOptions,
// OmlLspVscodeExtension.doRegistrations
// );
// For localhost debugging, comment the following:
return this.activateLanguageClientViaExecutable(
For debugging where the oml-server is started separately via io.opencaesar.oml.dsl.ide.launch.OmlRunSocketServer
// For localhost debugging, uncomment the following:
return this.activateLanguageClientViaSocket(
// For localhost debugging, comment the following:
// return this.activateLanguageClientViaExecutable(
// context,
// clientOptions,
// OmlLspVscodeExtension.doRegistrations
// );