title: "Enhanced Revocation Extensions for the Internet PKI" abbrev: "Enhanced Revocation Extensions" category: std
docname: draft-pala-enhanced-revocation-latest v: 3 area: Security workgroup: LAMPS Working Group keyword: Internet-Draft venue: group: LAMPS type: Working Group mail: spasm@ietf.org arch: https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/lamps/documents/ github: "openca/draft-pala-enhanced-revocation" latest: "https://openca.github.io/draft-pala-enhanced-revocation/draft-pala-enhanced-revocation.html"
ins: M. Pala
fullname: Massimiliano Pala
organization: CableLabs Inc.
abbrev: CableLabs
street: 858 Coal Creek Cir
city: Louisville, Colorado
country: United States of America
code: 80027
email: director@openca.org
--- abstract
TODO Abstract
--- middle
TODO Introduction
{::boilerplate bcp14-tagged}
TODO Security
This document has no IANA actions.
--- back
This document incorporates contributions from a large group of experts that contributed to the work behind composite cryptography for the Internet. The Editors would especially like to acknowledge the expertise and tireless dedication of the following people, who attended many long meetings and generated millions of bytes of electronic mail and VOIP traffic over the past year(s) in pursuit of a better world:
John Gray (Entrust), Serge Mister (Entrust), Scott Fluhrer (Cisco Systems), Panos Kampanakis (Cisco Systems), Daniel Van Geest (ISARA), Tim Hollebeek (Digicert), Jan Klaussner (D-Trust), Klaus-Dieter Wirth (D-Trust), François Rousseau.
We are grateful to all, including any contributors who may have been inadvertently omitted from this list.
This document borrows text from similar documents, including those referenced below. Thanks go to the authors of those documents.