A full-stack authentication toolkit for React applications. Built on Cloudflare Workers, Auth Kit provides a secure, low-latency authentication system with email verification and token management. Perfect for applications that need a robust auth system with a great developer experience.
npm install auth-kit jose
# or
yarn add auth-kit jose
# or
pnpm add auth-kit jose
- 🎭 Anonymous-First Auth: Users start with an anonymous session that can be upgraded to a verified account
- 📧 Email Verification: Built-in secure email verification flow with customizable storage and delivery
- 🔐 JWT-Based Tokens: Secure session and refresh tokens with automatic refresh
- ⚡️ Edge-Ready: Designed for Cloudflare Workers with minimal latency
- 🎯 Type-Safe: Full TypeScript support with detailed types
- 🎨 React Integration: Ready-to-use hooks and components for auth state
- 🔌 Customizable: Bring your own storage and email delivery systems
First, set up your environment types to include auth-kit's additions to the Remix context:
// app/types/env.ts
declare module "@remix-run/cloudflare" {
interface AppLoadContext {
env: Env;
// Added by auth-kit middleware
userId: string;
sessionId: string;
export interface Env {
// Required for auth-kit
AUTH_SECRET: string;
// Storage for users and verification codes
USERS_KV: KVNamespace;
CODES_KV: KVNamespace;
// Email service (optional)
RESEND_API_KEY?: string;
// Your other environment variables
[key: string]: unknown;
Create your worker entry point that wraps the Remix handler:
// src/worker.ts
import { createAuthRouter, withAuth, type AuthHooks } from "auth-kit/worker";
import { createRequestHandler } from "@remix-run/cloudflare";
import * as build from "@remix-run/dev/server-build";
import type { Env } from "./types/env";
// Configure your auth hooks with proper environment typing
const authHooks: AuthHooks<Env> = {
// Required: Look up a user ID by email address
getUserIdByEmail: async ({ email, env }) => {
return await env.USERS_KV.get(`email:${email}`);
// Required: Store a verification code
storeVerificationCode: async ({ email, code, env }) => {
await env.CODES_KV.put(`code:${email}`, code, {
expirationTtl: 600
// Required: Verify a code
verifyVerificationCode: async ({ email, code, env }) => {
const storedCode = await env.CODES_KV.get(`code:${email}`);
return storedCode === code;
// Required: Send verification code via email
sendVerificationCode: async ({ email, code, env }) => {
try {
const response = await fetch("https://api.sendgrid.com/v3/mail/send", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${env.SENDGRID_API_KEY}`,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({
personalizations: [{ to: [{ email }] }],
from: { email: "auth@yourdomain.com" },
subject: "Your verification code",
content: [{ type: "text/plain", value: `Your code is: ${code}` }],
return response.ok;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to send email:", error);
return false;
// Optional: Called when new users are created
onNewUser: async ({ userId, env }) => {
await env.USERS_KV.put(
created: new Date().toISOString(),
// Optional: Called on successful authentication
onAuthenticate: async ({ userId, email, env }) => {
await env.USERS_KV.put(
new Date().toISOString()
// Optional: Called when email is verified
onEmailVerified: async ({ userId, email, env }) => {
await env.USERS_KV.put(`user:${userId}:verified`, "true");
await env.USERS_KV.put(`email:${email}`, userId);
// Create request handler with auth middleware
const handleRequest = createRequestHandler(build, process.env.NODE_ENV);
// Export the worker with auth middleware
export default {
fetch: withAuth<Env>(
async (request, env) => {
try {
// Pass userId and sessionId to Remix loader context
const loadContext = {
userId: env.userId,
sessionId: env.sessionId,
return await handleRequest(request, loadContext);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error processing request:", error);
return new Response("Internal Error", { status: 500 });
{ hooks: authHooks }
Now you can access the authenticated user in your Remix routes:
// app/routes/_index.tsx
import type { LoaderFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/cloudflare";
import { json } from "@remix-run/cloudflare";
import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
export async function loader({ context }: LoaderFunctionArgs) {
// Access userId and sessionId from context
const { userId, sessionId } = context;
// Example: Fetch user data from KV
const userData = await context.env.USERS_KV.get(`user:${userId}`);
return json({
userData: userData ? JSON.parse(userData) : null,
export default function Index() {
const { userId, userData } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();
return (
<h1>Welcome, {userId}!</h1>
{userData?.verified && <p>✅ Email verified</p>}
Configure your worker in wrangler.toml
name = "my-remix-app"
main = "src/worker.ts"
compatibility_date = "2024-01-01"
NODE_ENV = "development"
# KV Namespaces for auth storage
kv_namespaces = [
{ binding = "USERS_KV", id = "..." },
{ binding = "CODES_KV", id = "..." }
# Secrets (use wrangler secret put for production)
Deploy your worker:
wrangler deploy
First, create your auth client:
// app/auth.client.ts
import { createAuthClient } from "auth-kit/client";
export const authClient = createAuthClient({
baseUrl: "https://your-worker.workers.dev",
Then create your auth context:
// app/auth.context.ts
import { createAuthContext } from "auth-kit/react";
export const AuthContext = createAuthContext();
Set up the provider in your root component:
// app/root.tsx
import { AuthContext } from "./auth.context";
import { authClient } from "./auth.client";
export default function App() {
return (
<AuthContext.Provider client={authClient}>
<Meta />
<Links />
<Outlet />
<ScrollRestoration />
<Scripts />
<LiveReload />
Now you can use the auth hooks and components in your routes:
// app/routes/profile.tsx
import { AuthContext } from "~/auth.context";
export default function Profile() {
// Use the useSelector hook for fine-grained state updates
const userId = AuthContext.useSelector(state => state.userId);
const isVerified = AuthContext.useSelector(state => state.isVerified);
// Or use the useAuth hook for all auth state and methods
const { requestCode, verifyEmail, logout } = AuthContext.useAuth();
const handleVerify = async (email: string, code: string) => {
try {
await verifyEmail(email, code);
// Handle success
} catch (error) {
// Handle error
return (
{/* Show loading state */}
{/* Only show when user is authenticated */}
<p>User ID: {userId}</p>
{/* Content for verified users */}
<h2>Welcome back!</h2>
<button onClick={logout}>Logout</button>
{/* Email verification flow for unverified users */}
<h2>Verify your email</h2>
<EmailVerificationForm onVerify={handleVerify} />
// Example email verification form
function EmailVerificationForm({ onVerify }: { onVerify: (email: string, code: string) => Promise<void> }) {
const { requestCode } = AuthContext.useAuth();
const [email, setEmail] = useState("");
const [code, setCode] = useState("");
const [step, setStep] = useState<"email" | "code">("email");
const handleRequestCode = async (e: FormEvent) => {
try {
await requestCode(email);
} catch (error) {
// Handle error
const handleVerifyCode = async (e: FormEvent) => {
await onVerify(email, code);
if (step === "email") {
return (
<form onSubmit={handleRequestCode}>
onChange={e => setEmail(e.target.value)}
placeholder="Enter your email"
<button type="submit">Send Code</button>
return (
<form onSubmit={handleVerifyCode}>
onChange={e => setCode(e.target.value)}
placeholder="Enter verification code"
<button type="submit">Verify</button>
The React integration provides:
State Management
: Subscribe to specific parts of auth stateuseAuth
: Access all auth state and methodsuseClient
: Direct access to auth client (advanced usage)
Conditional Components
: Show during auth operations<AuthContext.Authenticated>
: Only render for authenticated users<AuthContext.Verified>
: Only render for verified users<AuthContext.Unverified>
: Only render for unverified users
Auth Methods
: Request email verification codeverifyEmail
: Verify email with codelogout
: Log out current userrefresh
: Manually refresh session token
Type Safety
- Full TypeScript support
- Autocomplete for state and methods
- Type inference for selectors
Auth Kit is built on three main components that work together to provide a complete authentication solution:
- Handles all
routes automatically - Manages JWT session (15m) and refresh (7d) tokens
- Creates anonymous users for new visitors
- Provides hooks for email verification and user management
- Integrates with Remix's loader context to provide
- Manages auth state on the client
- Handles token refresh automatically
- Provides methods for email verification flow
- Implements pub/sub for state updates
- Works with or without React
- Provides hooks for accessing auth state
- Offers conditional rendering components
- Handles state subscriptions efficiently
- Integrates with Suspense for loading states
Initial Visit
// 1. Middleware creates anonymous user const userId = crypto.randomUUID(); const sessionToken = await createSessionToken(userId); const refreshToken = await createRefreshToken(userId); // 2. Tokens available in Remix loader context export async function loader({ context }: LoaderFunctionArgs) { const { userId, sessionId } = context; // ... } // 3. React components can access auth state function Profile() { const { userId, isVerified } = AuthContext.useAuth(); // ... }
Email Verification
// 1. User requests verification code const { requestCode } = AuthContext.useAuth(); await requestCode("user@example.com"); // 2. Worker calls hooks await hooks.storeVerificationCode({ email, code, env }); await hooks.sendVerificationCode({ email, code, env }); // 3. User verifies code const { verifyEmail } = AuthContext.useAuth(); await verifyEmail("user@example.com", "123456"); // 4. Worker updates user await hooks.onEmailVerified({ userId, email, env });
Token Refresh
// 1. Session token expires (15m) // 2. Client uses refresh token to get new session // 3. Worker validates refresh token (7d) // 4. New tokens are issued // 5. Auth state is updated automatically
This architecture provides:
- 🔒 Secure, JWT-based sessions
- 🎭 Anonymous-first authentication
- 📨 Customizable email verification
- ⚡️ Automatic token refresh
- 🎯 Type-safe integration with Remix
- 🎨 Efficient React state management
Creates an auth client instance.
interface AuthClientConfig {
baseUrl: string;
initialState?: Partial<AuthState>;
onStateChange?: (state: AuthState) => void;
onError?: (error: Error) => void;
const client = createAuthClient(config);
interface AuthClient {
// State Management
getState(): AuthState;
subscribe(callback: (state: AuthState) => void): () => void;
// Auth Operations
createAnonymousUser(): Promise<void>;
requestCode(email: string): Promise<void>;
verifyEmail(email: string, code: string): Promise<{ success: boolean }>;
logout(): Promise<void>;
refresh(): Promise<void>;
Request an email verification code.
// Request
email: string;
// Response
success: true;
Verify an email with a code.
// Request
email: string;
code: string;
// Response
success: true;
Refresh the session using a refresh token.
// Request
Cookie: auth_refresh_token=<token>
// Response
userId: string;
sessionToken: string;
refreshToken: string;
Log out the current user.
// Response
success: true;
// + Cleared cookies
const handler = withAuth(requestHandler, {
hooks?: {
onNewUser?: (props: { userId: string; env: TEnv; request: Request }) => Promise<void>;
onEmailVerified?: (props: { userId: string; email: string; env: TEnv; request: Request }) => Promise<void>;
Creates a React context with hooks and components for auth state management.
const AuthContext = createAuthContext();
// Returns:
// Core Provider Component
Provider: React.FC<{
children: ReactNode;
client: AuthClient;
initializing?: ReactNode;
// Hooks
useClient(): AuthClient;
useSelector<T>(selector: (state: AuthState) => T): T;
useAuth(): AuthState & AuthMethods;
// State-Based Components
Loading: React.FC<{ children: ReactNode }>;
Verified: React.FC<{ children: ReactNode }>;
Unverified: React.FC<{ children: ReactNode }>;
Authenticated: React.FC<{ children: ReactNode }>;
// Select specific state values
const userId = AuthContext.useSelector((state) => state.userId);
const isVerified = AuthContext.useSelector((state) => state.isVerified);
// Select multiple values
const { userId, isVerified } = AuthContext.useSelector((state) => ({
userId: state.userId,
isVerified: state.isVerified,
<LoadingSpinner />
<VerifiedUserContent />
<EmailVerificationFlow />
type AuthState = {
isInitializing: boolean;
isLoading: boolean;
baseUrl: string;
} & (
| {
userId: string;
sessionToken: string;
refreshToken: string | null;
isVerified: boolean;
error?: undefined;
| {
userId: null;
sessionToken: null;
refreshToken: null;
isVerified: false;
error?: string;
interface Env {
AUTH_SECRET: string;
USER: DurableObjectNamespace;
The auth router takes the following hooks (some are required, others are optional):
const authHooks = {
// Required: Look up a user ID by email address
getUserIdByEmail: async ({ email, env, request }) => {
// Return the user ID if found, null if no user exists with this email
return await env.DB.get(`user:${email}`);
// Required: Store a verification code for an email address
storeVerificationCode: async ({ email, code, env, request }) => {
// Store the code with expiration (e.g. 10 minutes)
await env.DB.put(`verification:${email}`, code, { expirationTtl: 600 });
// Required: Verify if a code matches what was stored for an email
verifyVerificationCode: async ({ email, code, env, request }) => {
const storedCode = await env.DB.get(`verification:${email}`);
return storedCode === code;
// Required: Send a verification code via email
sendVerificationCode: async ({ email, code, env, request }) => {
try {
await sendEmail({
to: email,
subject: "Your verification code",
text: `Your code is: ${code}`,
return true;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to send email:", error);
return false;
// Optional: Called when a new anonymous user is created
onNewUser: async ({ userId, env, request }) => {
await env.DB.put(`user:${userId}`, { created: new Date() });
// Optional: Called when a user successfully authenticates with their email code
onAuthenticate: async ({ userId, email, env, request }) => {
await env.DB.put(`user:${userId}:lastLogin`, new Date());
// Optional: Called when a user verifies their email address for the first time
onEmailVerified: async ({ userId, email, env, request }) => {
await env.DB.put(`user:${userId}:verified`, true);
// Create the auth router
const router = createAuthRouter<Env>({ hooks: authHooks });
// ... rest of your code ...