- Introduction
- Magic Square
- Desired goal times
- Population order
- Picking goals
- Blackout boards
- Theoretical row length
This document explains in detail how an OoT bingo board gets generated. It includes all the steps the generator takes to generate a board from scratch, apart from the synergy calculations. For a step-by-step explanation on those, read the Synergy Calculation doc.
You can use this document to help guide you through the code of the generator, but it was also written to be understood without any prior programming knowledge! So if you're not into coding but still want to know what steps the generator takes, you're in the right place. There are a few references to the code here and there, but those are not essential to understand the generation process.
At the end of each section, you will find an example illustrating has just been explained with actual numbers. The examples are consistent between sections and are all based on the same seed.
In the code of the generator, a 5x5 bingo board is represented as an array of 25 squares. The generator aims to
populate the positions 0 to 24 of the array with a goal. The first 5 elements of the array correspond to the
squares of row 1
, the next 5 to the squares of row 2
, et cetera.
The first step to generating a board is calculating a 5x5 magic square . In a magic square, the sum of the numbers in each row, column, and diagonal is the same. For bingo boards, the numbers 1 to 25 are used to fill each position of the square, all only appearing once. The sum of each possible row, column, or diagonal is equal to 65.
In the code, this step is taken when the PotentialBingoBoard
class is created.
In magicSquare.ts you can find the calculations for generating the magic square. Based on the
seed, the function magicSquareNumber()
calculates what number should go in a given position of the square. It gets
called by generateMagicSquare()
, which loops over positions 1 to 24 to calculate each magic square number.
With seed 112233
, the following magic square numbers are generated:
[21, 15, 19, 3, 7, 4, 8, 22, 11, 20, 12, 16, 5, 9, 23, 10, 24, 13, 17, 1, 18, 2, 6, 25, 14]
Formatted as an actual square:
21 | 15 | 19 | 3 | 7 |
4 | 8 | 22 | 11 | 20 |
12 | 16 | 5 | 9 | 23 |
10 | 24 | 13 | 17 | 1 |
18 | 2 | 6 | 25 | 14 |
The term 'difficulty' is being used in a slightly confusing way in bingo lingo. Counterintuitively, the difficulty of a goal is related to its length and has nothing to do with how hard or easy the goal is to complete. The latter is being taken into account by the timings sheet, and is called the 'skill' of a goal (see the Balancing doc for more info on skill).
The number on each tile of the generated magic square represents the difficulty of that tile. That means that the tile with a 1 should get the shortest goal, and the tile with 25 should get the longest. Because of the properties of the magic square, this approach results in rows that are all of similar length.
Note that from now on, the term 'square' will indicate one tile of the board.
Now, to know what goals can go in what squares, we need to convert the difficulty of each square to an actual time in
minutes. That is accomplished by multiplying by the timePerDifficulty
constant. All constants that the generator uses
are defined in profiles.ts. There are profiles with different constants for each type of
bingo board. In types/settings.ts you can find a short explanation on each parameter.
Each difficulty gets multiplied by the timePerDifficulty to get the desired time of the square. The desired time is
the ideal amount of time a goal on that square should take to complete. The generator is allowed to deviate from it a
little; the offset
constants define how much. More on that later.
When the magic square has been computed, each difficulty gets mapped to a Square
object containing the
calculated desiredTime
and the unchanged difficulty
for reference.
For normal bingo boards, the timePerDifficulty
is equal to 0.75. Continuing the earlier example, the first square,
with the number 21, gets a desired time of 15.75 (21 * 0.75
), i.e. 15m45s. The second square gets a
desired time of 11.25 (15 * 0.75
). Doing this for all squares results in the following
desired times (in minutes):
15.75 | 11.25 | 14.25 | 2.25 | 5.25 |
3 | 6 | 16.5 | 8.25 | 15 |
9 | 12 | 3.75 | 6.75 | 17.25 |
7.5 | 18 | 9.75 | 12.75 | 0.75 |
13.5 | 1.5 | 4.5 | 18.75 | 10.5 |
It's almost time to start picking goals. But first, the generator needs to know in which order each square has to be
populated with a goal. This happens in the generatePopulationOrder()
function, which returns a list of indices. The
order is as follows:
- The 3 squares with the highest difficulty are always filled first (difficulty 25, then 24, then 23)
- Then the center square of the board
- Then the squares on the diagonals (tlbr/bltr), in random order
- Then all the other squares, in random order
Note that for steps 2-4, it can occur that some of the squares were already picked in step 1, then they get ignored in these steps.
The reason that the squares with the highest difficulty get picked first, is that they will have the longest desired times, meaning they will be populated with the longest goals. But there are significantly fewer long goals to pick from. If you pick them late, there might not be any options left that do not conflict with already populated squares.
For similar reasons, the center square and diagonals get populated before the rest of the board. These squares appear in the most rows, so goals on those squares deal with more restrictions caused by goals in the rows they're in. Generation is more likely to be successful if you pick these first.
For our example board, the population order would be:
[23, 16, 14, 12, 8, 24, 20, 18, 6, 4, 0, 10, 1, 19, 22, 5, 21, 17, 7, 15, 3, 2, 11, 13, 9]
Index 23 belongs to the square with difficulty 25 (row5
), index 16 belongs to the square with
difficulty 24 (row4
) and index 14 belongs to the square with difficulty 23 (row3
The next index is 12, which is the center square. Then the diagonal square indices follow in random order (8, 24, 20, 18, 6, 4, 0). It's worth nothing that index number 24 is also on a diagonal, but it appeared earlier in the list because its square has a difficulty of 24.
The next indices belong to all the other squares, in random order.
To fill the board with goals, the generator first picks the first square from the population order, and tries to pick a goal for it. If it succeeds, it picks the next square from the population order, and continues until all squares have a goal. If it fails to find any goal for a square that meets all the requirements, it gives up.
The iterations
parameter of the generator decides how many times it will try to generate a board for a certain seed
before giving up. Usually this is a high number, like 100. Every iteration it starts 'from scratch' with an empty
board, but the rng will be different, allowing for a new chance to possibly succeed.
Every time the generator tries to fill a square, the pickGoalForPosition()
function is called. This looks at the
desired time of the square, and tries to pick a goal from the goal list that is close in length to that desired time.
The initialOffset
parameter determines how much the length of a goal on this square may vary from the desired time.
The getShuffledGoalsInTimeRange()
function then gathers and shuffles all goals from the goal list that fall within
this time range.
One by one, the generator takes a goal from this list and tries to pick it for this square. If it's already on the
board, or if it causes too much synergy in a row (or with any other goal when it's a blackout), it continues to the next
square. If none of the goals fit, the time range gets widened, which means the generator will also accept goals for this
square when they deviate a little more from the desired time. The maximumOffset
parameter determines the maximum
allowed difference between the desired time and the actual goal length.
Calculating how much synergy adding a square to a row would cause is done in synergyCalculator.ts. Refer to Synergy Calculation doc for a step-by-step explanation. Apart from that, we've now seen all the steps involved in generating a bingo board!
The first square to fill in the population order was the one with index 23 (next to last square of row 5
). As
usual, this is the square with the highest desired time, 18m45s. The generator now looks at all the goals in the
goal list that have durations that are at most one minute away from the desired time. In this case, that's all goals
with a length between 17m45s and 19m45s:
- Beat the Spirit Temple (18m25s)
- 1 Skulltula from each Adult Dungeon (17m45s)
- Open all 6 gold rupee chests (18m25s)
- Both Rusty Switches in Spirit Temple (18m15s)
- 3 Swords, Tunics, Boots and Shields (17m45s)
Since the board is still completely empty, no restrictions prevent the first goal of the list from being picked. So the square with index 23 gets filled with 'Beat the Spirit Temple'.
If somehow none of these goals would have been legal to pick (which is not the case now), the time range would have been increased to 16m45 - 20m45s. For normal bingo boards, this 2-minute range in either direction is the maximum. If none of the goals within this increased range fits, the generator would fail to generate.
Generating blackout boards is actually very similar to generating normal boards. Different parameters are being given to the generator, but it still uses a magic square and looks at synergies like a normal board. This way, the boards have a nice distribution of short and long goals. In addition, it makes the total duration of a blackout board not vary too much between seeds.
The only difference in the generator itself, apart from these different parameters, is the hasConflictsOnBoard()
check. This check requires that any goal that gets picked does not have too much synergy with any other goal already on
the board, regardless of which row it is in. If a goal has more than the maximumIndividualSynergy
with another goal,
that is regarded as too much.
The current biggest parameter changes that were made for blackouts are the higher total amount of synergy allowed per row, an increased maximum deviation of goal times from desired times (6 minutes), and an increased maximum individual synergy (4.5 instead of 3.75).
Some goals are a lot more likely to appear on boards than others. As mentioned earlier, there are many more short goals than long goals, resulting in the same long goals being picked often. In addition, some goals may also have specific synergies that can make it harder for them to appear. To compensate for this effect a little bit, the concept of frequency balancing was introduced. Each goal in the goal list had a weight between -2 and 2 assigned to it; the rarer the goal, the higher the weight (see the balancer script).
In the getShuffledGoalsInTimeRange()
function in generator.ts, the generator shuffles the
potential goals that can be picked for a specific square. If frequency balancing is enabled, it uses a
. This function pushes goals with a high weight towards the front of the list, so they get considered
before goals with lower weights. There is still an element of randomness involved though, the list is not sorted solely
based on the weights.
For a given generator, we can calculate the theoretical row length. This is how long the generator aims to make each row.
theoretical row length = baselineTime + timePerDifficulty * 65
The values of parameters can be found in profiles.ts. The baselineTime
defines how long
the preparation setup of a row is expected to take. This includes things that are not included in the goal timings
themselves, like watching the intro, collecting items to escape, watching master sword cutscene, grabbing hookshot, et
cetera. The baselineTime
is not actually used in the generator since it's the same for each row.
The value 65 is the sum of the magic square numbers of a row. Multiplying by the timePerDifficulty
gives the
desired time of all the goals in the row.
For normal boards of the bingo version v10.1
the theoretical row length is equal to 1:13:30:
theoretical row length = 24.75 + 0.75 * 65 = 73.5
This is assuming the row has no synergies. The maximum amount of row synergy allowed in v10.1
is 7, and the
minimum is -3. So theoretically, the shortest possible row would take 1:06:30 while the longest possible row
would take
theoretical shortest row length = 24.75 + 0.75 * 65 - 7 = 66.5
theoretical longest row length = 24.75 + 0.75 * 65 + 3 = 76.5