Search through meeting documents of 320+ Dutch local governments. Powered by Open Raadsinformatie.
Check it out at!
Check out the API docs.
pnpm install
pnpm run dev
pnpm run lint
Netlify tracks the master
branch and deploys succesful builds to the site.
The front-end is a search and browse GUI. It's a typescript react application that uses reactiveserach for search components and react-pdf to display PDF files.
Make sure ES has the correct proxy settings.
- VNG Realisatie for funding.
- Open State Foundation for providing useful feedback on this project and starting Open Raadsinformatie.
- Software developed by Joep Meindertsma from Argu / Ontola.
- Feedback from @breyten, @aolieman, @fletcher91, @jurrian
- Various open source projects that we're using, most notably ReactiveSearch and
Link-Lib. Check out the
files to see which projects were used. - @aolieman and Hendrik fpr implementing the Glossary feature (select text in PDF to view definition).