Full System Observability for Linux
- Tracing script framework
- Run scripts as kernel modules
- Support User-space and Kernel tracing
- Support Python and JVM
- Systemtap is all about executing certain actions when hitting certain probes
probe <event> {handler}
probe timer.s(1)
printf("hello world\n")
Find function calls sequence for /bin/ls
probe process("/bin/ls").function("*").call{
log(thread_indent(1) . "=> " . probefunc() . " " . $$parms)
probe process("/bin/ls").function("*").return{
log(thread_indent(-1) . "<= " . probefunc() . " " . $$return)
Find which process use open
system call
probe syscall.open {
log(execname() . ": " . filename)
stap -l 'kernel.function("vfs_read")'
global reads, writes, total_io
probe vfs.read {
reads[execname()] += $count
probe vfs.write {
writes[execname()] += $count
probe timer.s(5) {
printf("%16s\t%10s\t%10s\n", "Process", "KB Read", "KB Written")
foreach (name in reads)
total_io[name] += reads[name]
foreach (name in writes)
total_io[name] += writes[name]
foreach (name in total_io- limit 10)
printf("%16s\t%10d\t%10d\n", name, reads[name]/1024, writes[name]/1024)
delete reads
delete writes
delete total_io
global reads
probe vfs.read {
reads[execname()] <<< $count
If a process received SIGKILL
, it dies imediately.
There is no chance for the process to log it.
However, we can use Systemtap to record the signal.
probe signal.send {
if (sig_name == "SIGKILL")
printf("%s was sent to %s (pid:%d) by %s uid:%d\n",
sig_name, pid_name, sig_pid, execname(), uid())
Build python with ./configure —with-dtrace
- function_entry
- function_return
- line
- gc_start
- gc_done
probe process("./Python-3.6.3/python").mark("function__entry") {
filename = user_string($arg1);
funcname = user_string($arg2);
lineno = $arg3;
printf("%s => %s in %s:%d\n",
thread_indent(1), funcname, filename, lineno);
probe process("./Python-3.6.3/python").mark("function__return") {
filename = user_string($arg1);
funcname = user_string($arg2);
lineno = $arg3;
printf("%s <= %s in %s:%d\n",
thread_indent(-1), funcname, filename, lineno);
Systemtap can not only record the kernel behavior but also change it too.
This script will change the event_code
everytime one press m
(this script must run in guru mode (-g
stap -l 'kernel.function(“kbd_event")'
probe kernel.function("kbd_event") {
# Changes 'm' to 'b' .
if ($event_code == 50) $event_code = 48
probe kernel.statement("*@/build/linux-8h04gD/linux-4.13.0/drivers/tty/vt/*.c:*"){
a.k.a. User Space Probing To Apps
- callgraph
- lock
- socket
- IO
- strace/ltrace
- ...
For Kernel/Userspace
- Tracing
- Profiling
- Debugging