This library intends to be a cross-platform static library for reading ESRI shapefiles.
Usage example:
/* Opens the file and ensures it's a valid ESRI shapefile. */
FILE* pShapefile = open_shapefile(path);
if ( pShapefile == 0 ) {
return 1;
/* Reads the shape records and returns them as an SFShape*. */
SFShapes* pShapes = read_shapes(pShapefile);
/* We can now iterate over each shape record. */
for ( uint32_t x = 0; x < pShapes->num_records; ++x ) {
/* SFShapeRecord describes the shape type, offset, and size in the file. */
const SFShapeRecord* record = pShapes->records[x];
/* Read the desired record into an SFPolyLine*. The caller is responsible for freeing this. */
SFPolyLine* polyline = get_polyline_shape(pShapefile, record);
/* Do stuff with the polyline. */
/* Done with the polyline; it is our responsibility to free it. */
polyline = NULL;
/* We're done with our shape records; ensure that they're freed. */
/* We're done with the shapefile; close it. */