The awesome oneAPI is a curated list of 'awesome' projects that the community can use to see a selection of projects that show off what oneAPI can do.
The awesome oneAPI repo will be well published and shared across the number of different outlets. Stakeholders will use this list to encourage development of oneAPI. If your project is selected it will have visibility within the oneAPI ecosystem amongst all the stakeholders. If you want to attention to your project and looking for folks to contribute or use your project then we highly encourage you to submit.
Contributing is easy! Fork this repo, create a PR against the and in the PR comment use this format:
Name of the project:
Description of the project:
What version of oneAPI it supports (if applicable):
What oneAPI components it uses:
Link to the github/gitlab/other:
Over a period of 1-3 days we will evaluate - we might give feedback on the PR asking for additional information. Once that happens, we'll merge your change. That's it!