A very minimal micro-service monorepo
A very minimal micro-service monorepo
The project has 3 packages (inside packages directory)
- micro-one (http server - based on Micro)
- micro-two (http server - based on Micro)
- micro-three (http server - based on Express)
- Lerna - A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages
- Micro - Asynchronous HTTP microservices or,
- Express - 'Coz everybody uses it
- Jest - Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity
- Supertest - High-level abstraction for testing HTTP, while still allowing you to drop down to the lower-level API provided by it
The list of community contributed modules used in the micros is kept at minimum. I tried to keep it that way to show the power of the approach and, of course, the language itself.
Search/Discover, Order, Delivery, Payment/Checkout, Restautaurant
Checkout the repo and run
lerna bootstrap
in the project's directory
That's it 🚀.
You'll find the dependenices installed and resolved now
needs to be available globally for this
Go to the root of the project and run
lerna run start
That's it 🚀.
You'll find the services available on their respective ports. Visit the respective ports and see `em in action.
suppresses log output of npm scripts by defualt. To allow for that, run the above script with--stream
Reasons to use Jest
- Jest is easy to setup
- The watch-mode is amazing
- When you console.log something, it actually shows up without any difficulty (this is a bit tricky with many existing Frameworks ).
Since most of the micros
will share some common characterstics and behavior, Lerna is levaraged to manage community and cross-micro
depenedencies so that it's DRY and less boring DX for ya!
Here are few of the commands you may find yourselves looking up quite often
# Adds the module-1 package to the packages in the 'prefix-' prefixed folders
lerna add module-1 packages/prefix-*
# Install module-1 to module-2
lerna add module-1 --scope=module-2
# Install module-1 to module-2 in devDependencies
lerna add module-1 --scope=module-2 --dev
# Install module-1 to module-2 in peerDependencies
lerna add module-1 --scope=module-2 --peer
# Install module-1 in all modules except module-1
lerna add module-1
# Install babel-core in all modules
lerna add babel-core
Visit https://github.com/lerna/lerna for more..