This extension can decorate any ActiveRecord method which returns list of the ActiveRecord models and you can use collection as a single ActiveRecord model.
- using git: go to the application.ext directory and clone project
$> git clone
- using archive: download archive and unpack it into application.ext directory
##Yii configuration
You can add extension into import section into your config/main.php file for class autoloading
return array(
'import' => array(
Override method which should return list of the ActiveRecord models such as findAll and etc..
Into your ActiveRecord model
* @property integer $id
* @property integer $status
* @property string $name
* @property string $avatar
class User extends CActiveRecord {
const STATUS_ACTIVE = 1;
public function findAll($condition = '', $params = array()) {
return ActiveCollectionDecorator::createCollection($this, parent::findAll($condition, $params));
public function relations() {
return array(
'posts' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Post', 'user_id'),
And now you can
$userCollection = User::model()->findAll();
// simple foreach
foreach ($userCollection as $user) {
// $user is a User model object
// ArrayAccess interface
echo $userCollection[0]->id; // get id of the first User model in the list of the models
// fetch any attribute as array
print_r($userCollection->name); // output: array(0 => 'John Smith', 1 => 'Sara Mitchel', ...)
// you can set attribute value for all models
$userCollection->status = User::STATUS_DELETED;
// you can save all models
// deletion
$userCollection->delete(); // all users will be deleted
// you can get relations
print_r($userCollection->posts); // in output you can see posts of every user
// filter models
$newFilteredCollection = $userCollection->filter(function (User $user) {
return $user->status == User::STATUS_ACTIVE;
}); // will be returned new collection which contains only models with active users
// get attribute names
// get relations
// get first model, if elements count == 0 will be returned null
if ($first = $userCollection->first()) {
echo $first->name;
// get last model, if elements count == 0 will be returned null
if ($last = $userCollection->last()) {
echo $last->name;