diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index c7637f7..ce6f7e0 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -132,16 +132,19 @@ The [web components community](https://www.webcomponents.org/) recommends the [c If you're looking to write some truly "enterprise-ready" web components, you will face a series of challenges for consideration: - Whether or not to include framework wrappers + - E.g., React wrapper for React 18 - Publishing on npm - How well a GIS web mapping library can work with web component technology (e.g., slots and Shadow DOM) - Typings - Including HTML typings is basically a freebie. Typings for JSX would be an additional effort - Documentation - - E.g., TypeDoc, JSON, MDX, etc. + - How will you output and share documentation? + - E.g., TypeDoc, JSON, MDX, etc. - Support module formats other than [ECMAScript Modules](https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html) (ESM), like [AMD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asynchronous_module_definition) - If we only support ESM applications then that means vanilla JavaScript script-tag users who prefer writing quick apps in an `index.html` file will struggle. The level of complexity for implementing this support can depend on how well your mapping library plays with certain module formats. - How to handle styling (e.g., [adoptedStyleSheets](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/adoptedStyleSheets), light DOM / shadow DOM, etc.) - Asset management (if the component package requires assets) + - Icons, translation files, etc. - Support disconnected / self-contained environment setups - Support [server-side rendering](https://www.debugbear.com/blog/server-side-rendering) (SSR) - Development system for web components