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useRust docs


Use npx userust <COMMAND> --help to get more info about each command


init: generate a new useRust hook

build: compile existing useRust hook

watch: compile hook after every code change

remove: remove installed useRust hook


Create useRust hook by running npx userust init NAME.

After that, the useRust will be available:

import useRust from 'NAME'
const { rust, error, isLoading, init } = useRust({ autoInit })

rust: undefined until WebAssembly initializes. After initialization will contain all Rust functions with #[wasm_bindgen].

error: undefined or error raised during the initialization of WebAssembly.

isLoading: boolean whether Rust is being initialized currently.

init: a promise function without parameters that should be used to initialize the useRust hook, if autoInit has been set to false

autoInit: optional boolean, defaults to true. If true, the WebAssembly will start to initialize immediately after the component mounts. Value false with init() can be used to delay this initialization.

Hot Module Replacement (HMR)

  • HMR works well, if Vite is used and configured according to the instructions given during npx userust init
  • NextJS's npm run dev and Create React App's npm start do not refresh correctly after userust build, and might need a restart after each recompilation

Known issues:

  • If problems with Apple M1 installing wasm-pack: this might be helpful
  • Yarn might have issues getting function type definitions, unknown reason so far