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Invoke ADAudit

oliwex edited this page Dec 6, 2021 · 1 revision
#                                  MAIN SCRIPT                                           #

function Invoke-ADAudit
    #Prepare to script execution

    #Prepare Workplace for script Execution
    $reportGraphFolders = Get-ReportFolders -BasePath $basePath -GraphFoldersHashtable $graphFolders

    $reportFilePath = Join-Path -Path $basePath -ChildPath "report.docx"
    $reportFile = New-WordDocument $reportFilePath

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Active Directory Report" -FontSize 28 -FontFamily 'Calibri Light' -Supress $True
    Add-WordPageBreak -WordDocument $reportFile -Supress $true

    #region TOC #########################################################################################################

    Add-WordTOC -WordDocument $reportFile -Title "Table of Content" -Supress $true

    Add-WordPageBreak -WordDocument $reportFile -Supress $true

    #endregion TOC ########################################################################################################

    #region OU ############################################################################################################
    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading1 -Text 'Organisational Units List' -Supress $true
    Add-Description -DescriptionPath $pathToDescription -DescriptionType "Organisational Unit"

    $ous = Get-OUInformation
    foreach ($ou in $ous) 
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading2 -Text $($ou.Name) -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($ou.Name) Information" -Supress $true
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $ou -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle $($ou.Name) -Transpose  -Supress $True
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($ou.Name) Graph" -Supress $true 

        $ouLeaf = $(Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter "*" -SearchBase $($ou.DistinguishedName) -SearchScope OneLevel).Name
        $ouRoot=$($($ou.DistinguishedName) -split ',*..=')[2]
        if (($null -eq $ouLeaf) -and ($null -eq $ouRoot))
            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "$($ou.Name) do not have above and below elements" -Supress $true
            $imagePath = Get-GraphImage -GraphRoot $ouRoot -GraphMiddle $($ou.Name) -GraphLeaf $ouLeaf  -BasePathToGraphImage $($reportGraphFolders.OU)
            Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $reportFile -ImagePath $imagePath -Alignment center -ImageWidth 600 -Supress $True
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($ou.Name) ManagedBy" -Supress $true 
        $ouTMP = $ou.ManagedBy | ForEach-Object { $(($_ -split ',*..=')[1]) }
        if ($null -eq $ouTMP) 
            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "$($ou.Name) do not have above elements" -Supress $true       
            $imagePath = Get-GraphImage -GraphRoot $null -GraphMiddle $ouTMP -GraphLeaf $($ou.Name)  -BasePathToGraphImage $($reportGraphFolders.OU)
            Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $reportFile -ImagePath $imagePath -Alignment center -ImageWidth 600 -Supress $True

        $ouACL = Get-OUAcl -OU $($ou.DistinguishedName)
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($ou.Name) Permissions" -Supress $true 
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $($ouACL | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty ACLs) -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle "OU Options" -Transpose -Supress $true #MediumShading1Accent5
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "" -Supress $true
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $($ouACL.ACLs) -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window  -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "" -Supress $true

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Organisational Unit Tables"  -HeadingType Heading2 -Supress $true
    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Cities and Country Table"  -HeadingType Heading3 -Supress $true
    $ouTable = $($ous | Select-Object Name, StreetAddress, PostalCode, City, State, Country)
    Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $ouTable -Design ColorfulGridAccent1 -Supress $True #-Verbose

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Organisational Unit List"  -HeadingType Heading2 -Supress $true

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "Last 10 changed organisational unit" -Supress $true
    $list = $($($ous | Select-Object whenChanged, Name | Sort-Object -Descending whenChanged | Select-Object -First 10) | Select-Object @{Name = "OUName"; Expression = { "$($_.Name) - $($_.whenChanged)" } }).OUName
    Add-WordList -WordDocument $reportFile -ListType Numbered -ListData $list -Supress $true -Verbose

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "Last 10 created organisational unit" -Supress $true
    $list = $($($ous | Select-Object whenCreated, Name | Sort-Object -Descending whenCreated | Select-Object -First 10) | Select-Object @{Name = "OUName"; Expression = { "$($_.Name) - $($_.whenCreated)" } }).OUName
    Add-WordList -WordDocument $reportFile -ListType Numbered -ListData $list -Supress $true -Verbose

    #endregion OU #####################################################################################################

    #region GROUPS#####################################################################################################
    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text 'Spis Grup' -HeadingType Heading1 -Supress $true

    Add-Description -DescriptionPath $pathToDescription -DescriptionType "Group" 

    $groups = Get-GROUPInformation

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "DomainLocal groups"  -HeadingType Heading2 -Supress $true

    $groupObjects=$groups | Where-Object {$_.GroupType -band 1 }

    foreach ($group in $groupObjects) 
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text $($group.Name) -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading4 -Text "$($group.Name) Information" -Supress $true
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $group -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle $($group.Name) -Transpose -Supress $True
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading4 -Text "$($group.Name) Graph" -Supress $true

        $groupLeafTMP = $group.Members | ForEach-Object { $(($_ -split ',*..=')[1]) }
        $groupRootTMP = $group.MemberOf | ForEach-Object { $(($_ -split ',*..=')[1]) }
        if (($null -eq $groupLeafTMP) -and ($null -eq $groupRootTMP))
            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "$($group.Name) do not have above and below elements" -Supress $true
            $imagePath = Get-GraphImage -GraphRoot $groupRootTMP -GraphMiddle $($group.Name) -GraphLeaf $groupLeafTMP -pathToImage $($reportGraphFolders.GROUP)
            Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $reportFile -ImagePath $imagePath -Alignment center -ImageWidth 600 -Supress $True

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading4 -Text "$($group.Name) ManagedBy" -Supress $true 
        $groupTMP = $group.ManagedBy | ForEach-Object { $(($_ -split ',*..=')[1]) }
        if ($null -eq $groupTMP) 
            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "$($group.Name) do not have above elements" -Supress $true       
            $imagePath = Get-GraphImage -GraphRoot $null -GraphMiddle $groupTMP -GraphLeaf $($group.Name)  -BasePathToGraphImage $($reportGraphFolders.GROUP)
            Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $reportFile -ImagePath $imagePath -Alignment center -ImageWidth 600 -Supress $True

        $groupACL=Get-GROUPAcl -GROUP_ACL $($group.DistinguishedName)

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading4 -Text "$($group.Name) Permissions" -Supress $true 
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $($groupACL | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty ACLs) -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle "OU Options" -Transpose -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "" -Supress $true
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $($groupACL.ACLs) -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window  -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "" -Supress $true

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Security Groups"  -HeadingType Heading2 -Supress $true

    $groupObjects=$groups | Where-Object { (-not($_.GroupType -band 1)) -and ($_.GroupCategory -eq "Security") }
    foreach ($group in $groupObjects) 
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text $($group.Name) -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading4 -Text "$($group.Name) Information" -Supress $true
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $group -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle $($group.Name) -Transpose -Supress $True
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading4 -Text "$($group.Name) Graph" -Supress $true

        $groupLeafTMP = $group.Members | ForEach-Object { $(($_ -split ',*..=')[1]) }
        $groupRootTMP = $group.MemberOf | ForEach-Object { $(($_ -split ',*..=')[1]) }
        if (($null -eq $groupLeafTMP) -and ($null -eq $groupRootTMP))
            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "$($group.Name) do not have above and below elements" -Supress $true
            $imagePath = Get-GraphImage -GraphRoot $groupRootTMP -GraphMiddle $($group.Name) -GraphLeaf $groupLeafTMP -pathToImage $($reportGraphFolders.GROUP)
            Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $reportFile -ImagePath $imagePath -Alignment center -ImageWidth 600 -Supress $True

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading4 -Text "$($group.Name) ManagedBy" -Supress $true 
        $groupTMP = $group.ManagedBy | ForEach-Object { $(($_ -split ',*..=')[1]) }
        if ($null -eq $groupTMP) 
            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "$($group.Name) do not have above elements" -Supress $true       
            $imagePath = Get-GraphImage -GraphRoot $null -GraphMiddle $groupTMP -GraphLeaf $($group.Name)  -BasePathToGraphImage $($reportGraphFolders.GROUP)
            Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $reportFile -ImagePath $imagePath -Alignment center -ImageWidth 600 -Supress $True

        $groupACL=Get-GROUPAcl -GROUP_ACL $($group.DistinguishedName)

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading4 -Text "$($group.Name) Permissions" -Supress $true 
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $($groupACL | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty ACLs) -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle "OU Options" -Transpose -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "" -Supress $true
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $($groupACL.ACLs) -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window  -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "" -Supress $true

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Distribution Groups"  -HeadingType Heading2 -Supress $true

    $groupObjects=$groups | Where-Object {$_.GroupCategory -eq "Distribution" }
    foreach ($group in $groupObjects) 
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text $($group.Name) -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading4 -Text "$($group.Name) Information" -Supress $true
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $group -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle $($group.Name) -Transpose -Supress $True
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading4 -Text "$($group.Name) Graph" -Supress $true

        $groupLeafTMP = $group.Members | ForEach-Object { $(($_ -split ',*..=')[1]) }
        $groupRootTMP = $group.MemberOf | ForEach-Object { $(($_ -split ',*..=')[1]) }
        if (($null -eq $groupLeafTMP) -and ($null -eq $groupRootTMP))
            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "$($group.Name) do not have above and below elements" -Supress $true
            $imagePath = Get-GraphImage -GraphRoot $groupRootTMP -GraphMiddle $($group.Name) -GraphLeaf $groupLeafTMP -pathToImage $($reportGraphFolders.GROUP)
            Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $reportFile -ImagePath $imagePath -Alignment center -ImageWidth 600 -Supress $True

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading4 -Text "$($group.Name) ManagedBy" -Supress $true 
        $groupTMP = $group.ManagedBy | ForEach-Object { $(($_ -split ',*..=')[1]) }
        if ($null -eq $groupTMP) 
            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "$($group.Name) do not have above elements" -Supress $true       
            $imagePath = Get-GraphImage -GraphRoot $null -GraphMiddle $groupTMP -GraphLeaf $($group.Name)  -BasePathToGraphImage $($reportGraphFolders.GROUP)
            Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $reportFile -ImagePath $imagePath -Alignment center -ImageWidth 600 -Supress $True

        $groupACL=Get-GROUPAcl -GROUP_ACL $($group.DistinguishedName)

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading4 -Text "$($group.Name) Permissions" -Supress $true 
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $($groupACL | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty ACLs) -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle "OU Options" -Transpose -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "" -Supress $true
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $($groupACL.ACLs) -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window  -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "" -Supress $true

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Group Tables"  -HeadingType Heading2 -Supress $true
    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Grup difference"  -HeadingType Heading3 -Supress $true

    $groupTable = $groups | Group-Object GroupScope | ForEach-Object {
        $categories = $_.Group | Group-Object GroupCategory -AsHashtable -AsString

            GroupName    = $_.Name
            Security     = $categories['Security'].Count
            Distribution = $categories['Distribution'].Count

    Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $groupTable -Design ColorfulGridAccent1 -Supress $True #-Verbose
    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Group Lists"  -HeadingType Heading2 -Supress $true

    $list = $($($groups | Select-Object whenChanged, Name | Sort-Object -Descending whenChanged | Select-Object -First 10) | Select-Object @{Name = "GroupName"; Expression = { "$($_.Name) - $($_.whenChanged)" } }).GroupName
    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "Last 10 changed groups" -Supress $true
    Add-WordList -WordDocument $reportFile -ListType Numbered -ListData $list -Supress $true -Verbose

    $list = $($($groups | Select-Object whenCreated, Name | Sort-Object -Descending whenCreated | Select-Object -First 10) | Select-Object @{Name = "GroupName"; Expression = { "$($_.Name) - $($_.whenCreated)" } }).GroupName
    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "Last 10 created groups" -Supress $true
    Add-WordList -WordDocument $reportFile -ListType Numbered -ListData $list -Supress $true -Verbose

    $list = $($groups | Where-Object { $_.Members.Count -eq 0 }).Name
    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "Empty Groups" -Supress $true
    Add-WordList -WordDocument $reportFile -ListType Numbered -ListData $list -Supress $true -Verbose

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Group Charts"  -HeadingType Heading2 -Supress $true

    $chart = $groups | Group-Object GroupCategory | Select-Object Name, @{Name="Values";Expression={$_.Count}}
    Add-WordChart -CType "Barchart" -CData $chart -STitle "Distribution\Security group chart" -CTitle "Ratio between security groups and distribution groups"

    $chart = $groups | Group-Object GroupScope | Select-Object Name, @{Name="Values";Expression={$_.Count}}
    Add-WordChart -CType "Barchart" -CData $chart -STitle "Local\Global\Universal group chart" -CTitle "Ratio between local groups,global groups and universal groups"

    #TODO:Group Graphs
    #endregion GROUPS#####################################################################################################

    #region USERS#####################################################################################################
    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text 'Users List' -HeadingType Heading1 -Supress $true
    Add-Description -DescriptionPath $pathToDescription -DescriptionType "User"

    $users = Get-USERInformation

    foreach ($user in $users) 
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading2 -Text $($user.Name) -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($user.Name) Information" -Supress $true
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $user -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle $($user.Name) -Transpose -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($user.Name) MemberOfGroup Graph" -Supress $true 
        if ($null -eq $($user.MemberOf)) {
            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "$($user.Name) do not have below elements" -Supress $true
            $memberOfTMP = $($($($user.PrimaryGroup) -split ',*..=')[1])
            $imagePath = Get-GraphImage -GraphRoot $null -GraphMiddle $($user.Name) -GraphLeaf $memberOfTMP  -BasePathToGraphImage $($reportGraphFolders.USERS)
            Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $reportFile -ImagePath $imagePath -Alignment center -ImageWidth 600 -Supress $True
        else {
            $memberOfTMP = $($($user.MemberOf) + $($user.PrimaryGroup) | ForEach-Object { $(($_ -split ',*..=')[1]) }  )

            $imagePath = Get-GraphImage -GraphRoot $null -GraphMiddle $($user.Name) -GraphLeaf $memberOfTMP  -BasePathToGraphImage $($reportGraphFolders.USERS)
            Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $reportFile -ImagePath $imagePath -Alignment center -ImageWidth 600 -Supress $True

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($user.Name) ManagedBy" -Supress $true 
        $userTMP = $user.ManagedBy | ForEach-Object { $(($_ -split ',*..=')[1]) }
        if ($null -eq $userTMP) 
            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "$($user.Name) do not have above elements" -Supress $true       
            $imagePath = Get-GraphImage -GraphRoot $null -GraphMiddle $userTMP -GraphLeaf $($user.Name)  -BasePathToGraphImage $($reportGraphFolders.USERS)
            Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $reportFile -ImagePath $imagePath -Alignment center -ImageWidth 600 -Supress $True

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($user.Name) DirectManager" -Supress $true 
        $managerTMP = $user.Manager| ForEach-Object { $(($_ -split ',*..=')[1]) } 
        $directReportsTMP = $user.DirectReports | ForEach-Object { $(($_ -split ',*..=')[1]) }
        if (($null -eq $managerTMP) -and ($null -eq $directReportsTMP))
            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "$($user.Name) do not have above and below elements" -Supress $true    
            $imagePath = Get-GraphImage -GraphRoot $managerTMP -GraphMiddle $($user.Name) -GraphLeaf $directReportsTMP  -BasePathToGraphImage $($reportGraphFolders.USERS)
            Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $reportFile -ImagePath $imagePath -Alignment center -ImageWidth 600 -Supress $True
        #TODO:Create graph with full organisation manager and direct report

        $userACL = Get-USERAcl -USER_ACL $($user.DistinguishedName)

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($user.Name) Permissions" -Supress $true 
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $($userACL | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty ACLs) -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle "User Options" -Transpose -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "" -Supress $true
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $($userACL.ACLs) -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window  -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "" -Supress $true


    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Users Table"  -HeadingType Heading2 -Supress $true

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Users Table Location"  -HeadingType Heading3 -Supress $true
    $table = $($users | Select-Object Name, Department, City, Country)
    Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $table -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -Supress $true

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Security Table"  -HeadingType Heading3 -Supress $true
    $table = $($users | Select-Object Name, CannotChangePassword, PasswordExpired, PasswordNeverExpires, PasswordNotRequired)
    Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $table -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -Supress $true

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Users Lists"  -HeadingType Heading2 -Supress $true

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "Last 10 changed users" -Supress $true
    $list = $($($users | Select-Object whenChanged, Name | Sort-Object -Descending whenChanged | Select-Object -First 10) | Select-Object @{Name = "UserName"; Expression = { "$($_.Name) - $($_.whenChanged)" } }).UserName
    Add-WordList -WordDocument $reportFile -ListType Numbered -ListData $list -Supress $true -Verbose

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "Last 10 created users" -Supress $true
    $list = $($($users | Select-Object whenCreated, Name | Sort-Object -Descending whenCreated | Select-Object -First 10) | Select-Object @{Name = "UserName"; Expression = { "$($_.Name) - $($_.whenCreated)" } }).UserName
    Add-WordList -WordDocument $reportFile -ListType Numbered -ListData $list -Supress $true -Verbose

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "User Charts"  -HeadingType Heading2 -Supress $true

    $chart = $users | Group-Object Enabled | Select-Object Name, @{Name="Values";Expression={$_.Count}}
        Add-WordChart -CType "Barchart" -CData $chart -STitle "Enabled\Disabled accounts chart" -CTitle "The ratio of the number of disabled and enabled accounts"

    $chart = $users | Group-Object Office | Select-Object Name , @{Name = "Values"; Expression = {[math]::round(((($_.Count) / $users.Count) * 100), 2)} } | Where-Object { $_.Values -ge 1 } | Sort-Object -Descending Values
    Add-WordChart -CType "Piechart" -CData $chart -STitle "Chart of offices in a cross section of the company" -CTitle "ratio of the number of positions"

    $chart = $users | Group-Object Title | Select-Object Name, @{Name = "Values"; Expression = { [math]::round(((($_.Count) / $users.Count) * 100), 2)} } | Where-Object { $_.Values -ge 1 } | Sort-Object -Descending Values
        Add-WordChart -CType "Piechart" -CData $chart -STitle "Chart of positions in the cross-section of the companyy" -CTitle "Chart of positions in the cross-section of the company"

    $chart = $users | Group-Object Department | Select-Object Name, @{Name = "Values"; Expression = {[math]::round(((($_.Count) / $users.Count) * 100), 2)} } | Where-Object { $_.Values -ge 1 } | Sort-Object -Descending Values
    Add-WordChart -CType "Piechart" -CData $chart -STitle "Chart of departments in a cross section of the company" -CTitle "Chart of positions in the cross-section of the company"

    #endregion USERS#####################################################################################################

    #region GPO############################################################################################################
    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading1 -Text 'Group Policy Lists' -Supress $true
    Add-Description -DescriptionPath $pathToDescription -DescriptionType "GPOPolicy"

    $groupPolicyObjects = Get-GPO -Domain $($Env:USERDNSDOMAIN) -All 

    $groupPolicyObjectsList = foreach ($groupPolicyObject in $groupPolicyObjects) 
        $gpoObject = Get-GPOPolicy -GroupPolicy $groupPolicyObject
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading2 -Text $($gpoObject.Name) -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($gpoObject.Name) Information" -Supress $true
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $gpoObject -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle $($gpoObject.Name) -Transpose -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($gpoObject.Name) Graph" -Supress $true
        if ($null -eq $($gpoObject.Links)) 
            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "$($gpoObject.Name) do not have below elements" -Supress $true      
            $linksTMP = $gpoObject.Links.split(";")
            $imagePath = Get-GraphImage -GraphRoot $null -GraphMiddle $($gpoObject.Name) -GraphLeaf $linksTMP -pathToImage $($reportGraphFolders.GPO)
            Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $reportFile -ImagePath $imagePath -Alignment center -ImageWidth 600 -Supress $True
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($gpoObject.Name) Permissions Simple" -Supress $true
        $gpoObjectACL = Get-GPOAclSimple -GroupPolicy $groupPolicyObject
        $gpoObjectACL.ACL | ForEach-Object {
            Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $($_) -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window  -Supress $true 

        $pathACL = Get-GPOAclExtended -GPO_ACL $($groupPolicyObject.Path)

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($gpoObject.Name) Permissions Extended" -Supress $true 
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $($pathACL | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty ACLs) -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle "GPO Options" -Transpose -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "" -Supress $true
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $($pathACL.ACLs) -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window  -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "" -Supress $true


    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "GroupPolicy Tables"  -HeadingType Heading2 -Supress $true

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Group Policy table 1"  -HeadingType Heading3 -Supress $true
    $gpoTable = $($groupPolicyObjectsList | Select-Object Name, HasComputerSettings, HasUserSettings, ComputerSettings, UserSettings)
    Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $gpoTable -Design ColorfulGridAccent1 -Supress $True #-Verbose

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Group Policy table 2"  -HeadingType Heading3 -Supress $true
    $gpoTable = $($groupPolicyObjectsList | Select-Object Name,UserEnabled, ComputerEnabled)
    Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $gpoTable -Design ColorfulGridAccent1 -Supress $True #-Verbose

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Group Policy Lists"  -HeadingType Heading2 -Supress $true 

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "Last 10 modified organisational unit" -Supress $true
    $list = $($($groupPolicyObjectsList | Select-Object ModificationTime, Name | Sort-Object -Descending ModificationTime | Select-Object -First 10) | Select-Object @{Name = "GPOName"; Expression = { "$($_.Name) - $($_.ModificationTime)" } }).GPOName
    Add-WordList -WordDocument $reportFile -ListType Numbered -ListData $list -Supress $true -Verbose

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "Last 10 created organisational unit" -Supress $true
    $list = $($($groupPolicyObjectsList | Select-Object CreationTime, Name | Sort-Object -Descending CreationTime | Select-Object -First 10) | Select-Object @{Name = "GPOName"; Expression = { "$($_.Name) - $($_.CreationTime)" } }).GPOName
    Add-WordList -WordDocument $reportFile -ListType Numbered -ListData $list -Supress $true -Verbose

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "Not applied group policies" -Supress $true
    $list = $($groupPolicyObjectsList | Where-Object { $_.Links.Count -eq 0 }).Name
    Add-WordList -WordDocument $reportFile -ListType Numbered -ListData $list -Supress $true -Verbose
    #endregion GPO################################################################################################

    #region FGPP##################################################################################################

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading1 -Text 'Fine Grained Password Policies List' -Supress $true
    Add-Description -DescriptionPath $pathToDescription -DescriptionType "FineGrainedPasswordPolicy"

    $fgpps = Get-FineGrainedPolicies
    foreach ($fgpp in $fgpps) {
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading2 -Text $($fgpp.Name) -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($fgpp.Name) Information" -Supress $true
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $fgpp -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle $($fgpp.Name) -Transpose -Supress $true

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($fgpp.Name) is applied to" -Supress $true
        if ($null -eq $($fgpp.'Applies To')) 
            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "$($fgpp.Name) do not have below elements" -Supress $true  
            $fgppAplliedTMP = $($fgpp.'Applies To').split(";")
            $imagePath = Get-GraphImage -GraphRoot $null -GraphMiddle $($fgpp.Name) -GraphLeaf $fgppAplliedTMP -pathToImage $reportGraphFolders.FGPP
            Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $reportFile -ImagePath $imagePath -Alignment center -ImageWidth 600 -Supress $True

    #endregion FGPP###############################################################################################
    #region COMPUTERS#############################################################################################

    Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading1 -Text 'Computers List' -Supress $true
    Add-Description -DescriptionPath $pathToDescription -DescriptionType "Computer"

    foreach ($computer in $computers)
            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading2 -Text $($computer.Name) -Supress $true
            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($computer.Name) Information" -Supress $true
            Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $computer -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle $($computer.Name) -Transpose -Supress $true
            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($computer.Name) MemberOfGroup Graph" -Supress $true 
            if ($null -eq $computerLeafTMP) 
                Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "$($computer.Name) do not have below elements" -Supress $true
                $computerLeafTMP = $($($($computer.PrimaryGroup) -split ',*..=')[1])
                $imagePath = Get-GraphImage -GraphRoot $null -GraphMiddle $($computer.Name) -GraphLeaf $computerLeafTMP  -BasePathToGraphImage $($reportGraphFolders.COMPUTERS)
                Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $reportFile -ImagePath $imagePath -Alignment center -ImageWidth 600 -Supress $True     
                $computerLeafTMP = $($($computer.PrimaryGroup) + $($computer.MemberOf) | ForEach-Object { $(($_ -split ',*..=')[1]) }  )
                $imagePath = Get-GraphImage -GraphRoot $null -GraphMiddle $($computer.Name) -GraphLeaf $computerLeafTMP  -BasePathToGraphImage $($reportGraphFolders.COMPUTERS)
                Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $reportFile -ImagePath $imagePath -Alignment center -ImageWidth 600 -Supress $True

            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($computer.Name) ManagedBy" -Supress $true 
            $managerTMP = $computer.ManagedBy | ForEach-Object { $(($_ -split ',*..=')[1]) }
            if ($null -eq $managerTMP) 
                Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "$($computer.Name) do not have above elements" -Supress $true       
                $imagePath = Get-GraphImage -GraphRoot $null -GraphMiddle $managerTMP -GraphLeaf $($computer.Name)  -BasePathToGraphImage $($reportGraphFolders.COMPUTERS)
                Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $reportFile -ImagePath $imagePath -Alignment center -ImageWidth 600 -Supress $True

            $computerACL = Get-GPOAclExtended -GPO_ACL $($computer.DistinguishedName)

            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "$($computer.Name) Permissions Extended" -Supress $true 
            Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $($computerACL | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty ACLs) -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle "GPO Options" -Transpose -Supress $true
            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "" -Supress $true
            Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $($computerACL.ACLs) -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window  -Supress $true
            Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "" -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Computers Table"  -HeadingType Heading2 -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Address Table"  -HeadingType Heading3 -Supress $true
        $table = $($computers | Select-Object DNSHostName, IP4, IP6,Location)
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $table -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -Supress $true

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Security Table 1"  -HeadingType Heading3 -Supress $true
        $table = $($computers | Select-Object Name,Enabled,LockedOut,PasswordExpired)
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $table -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -Supress $true

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Security Table 2"  -HeadingType Heading3 -Supress $true
        $table = $($computers | Select-Object Name, AllowReversiblePasswordEncryption,CannotChangePassword,PasswordNeverExpires,PasswordNotRequired)
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $table -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -Supress $true

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Security Table 3"  -HeadingType Heading3 -Supress $true
        $table = $($computers | Select-Object Name, AccountNotDelegated,TrustedForDelegation,IsCriticalSystemObject)
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $table -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -Supress $true

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Security Table 4"  -HeadingType Heading3 -Supress $true
        $table = $($computers | Select-Object Name, DoesNotRequirePreAuth,ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion,USEDESKeyOnly)
        Add-WordTable -WordDocument $reportFile -DataTable $table -Design MediumShading1Accent5 -AutoFit Window -Supress $true

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Computer charts"  -HeadingType Heading3 -Supress $true
        $chart = $computers | Group-Object Enabled | Select-Object Name, @{Name="Values";Expression={$_.Count}}
        Add-WordChart -CType "Barchart" -CData $chart -STitle "Computer account enabled\disabled chart" -CTitle "The ratio of the number of computer accounts enabled and disabled"
        $chart = $computers | Group-Object OperatingSystem | Select-Object Name, @{Name="Values";Expression={$_.Count}}
        Add-WordChart -CType "Piechart" -CData $chart -STitle "Operating systems ratio charts" -CTitle "The ratio of the types of operating systems"
        $chart = $computers | Group-Object OperatingSystemVersion | Select-Object Name, @{Name="Values";Expression={$_.Count}}
        Add-WordChart -CType "Piechart" -CData $chart -STitle "Operating system version ratio charts" -CTitle "The ratio of the versions of the operating systems"
        $chart = $computers | Select-Object Name,@{Name="Values";Expression={$_.LogonCount}} | Sort-Object -Descending Values |Select-Object -First 10
        Add-WordChart -CType "Piechart" -CData $chart -STitle "Charts of the most frequently logged in computers" -CTitle "The chart of the most frequently logged on computers"

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -Text "Computers List"  -HeadingType Heading2 -Supress $true
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "Last 10 logging in computers" -Supress $true
        $list = $($($computers | Select-Object LastLogonDate, Name | Sort-Object -Descending LastLogonDate | Select-Object -First 10) | Select-Object @{Name = "ComputerName"; Expression = { "$($_.Name) - $($_.LastLogonDate)" } }).ComputerName
        Add-WordList -WordDocument $reportFile -ListType Numbered -ListData $list -Supress $true -Verbose

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "Last 10 computer passwords changed" -Supress $true
        $list = $($($computers | Select-Object PasswordLastSet, Name | Sort-Object -Descending PasswordLastSet | Select-Object -First 10) | Select-Object @{Name = "ComputerName"; Expression = { "$($_.Name) - $($_.PasswordLastSet)" } }).ComputerName
        Add-WordList -WordDocument $reportFile -ListType Numbered -ListData $list -Supress $true -Verbose
        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "Last 10 changed computers" -Supress $true
        $list = $($($computers | Select-Object whenChanged, Name | Sort-Object -Descending whenChanged | Select-Object -First 10) | Select-Object @{Name = "ComputerName"; Expression = { "$($_.Name) - $($_.whenChanged)" } }).ComputerName
        Add-WordList -WordDocument $reportFile -ListType Numbered -ListData $list -Supress $true -Verbose

        Add-WordText -WordDocument $reportFile -HeadingType Heading3 -Text "Last 10 computers created" -Supress $true
        $list = $($($computers | Select-Object whenCreated, Name | Sort-Object -Descending whenCreated | Select-Object -First 10) | Select-Object @{Name = "ComputerName"; Expression = { "$($_.Name) - $($_.whenCreated)" } }).ComputerName
        Add-WordList -WordDocument $reportFile -ListType Numbered -ListData $list -Supress $true -Verbose

    #endregion COMPUTERS##########################################################################################
    Save-WordDocument $reportFile -Supress $true -Language "en-US" -Verbose

  • Type - public
  • Input
  • Output - Word document with Active Directory Report
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