Koa + Typescript + TypeORM codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.
- ✔️ Strict Typescript Configuration
- 🧬 TypeORM For ORM And Migration Configuration
- 💉 Awilix-Koa For Dependancy Injection And Declarative Routing
- 🐋 Dockerized For Easy Deployments
- 💯 100% Unit Test Coverage with Jest And Sinon
- 🧪 Integration Test Configuration using Docker-Compose, Jest and SuperTest
- 🚚 CI/CD Pipelines With Travis
- 🔒 JWT Auth and Password Hashing
- 📜 Environment Specific With Dotenv
- ⛔ Joi For Request Validation
- 🎀 Cleaner Code With ESLint And Prettier
- 🧭 Realworld Example Implementation
- 💣 Ejection script to remove example code
- 🛵 Generator scripts to add controllers, middleware and services with tests
- 🧪 More integration test coverage
- Node v12+
- Postgres v10+
- Docker
Clone and Install
git clone <url> cd koa-boilerplate npm install npm run build
Environment and DB setup
Add a .env file in the root of the directory with the following environment variables. Change connection URL as needed for your local postgres install
NODE_ENV=development PORT=3000 SECRET=foobar TYPEORM_CONNECTION=postgres TYPEORM_URL=postgres://postgres:Password1@localhost:5432/postgres TYPEORM_ENTITIES=build/src/entities/*.js TYPEORM_MIGRATIONS=build/migrations/*.js TYPEORM_MIGRATIONS_TABLE_NAME=migrations TYPEORM_MIGRATIONS_DIR=migrations
Run migrations using typeorm
npx typeorm migration:run
Run locally
Start app locally to verify connection
npm run start:dev
Test your local setup works
This should finish successfully to know you have a working local setup and any changes you have made are not breaking
npm run commit
- Build
- Linting
- Unit Tests
- Docker Build
- Integration Tests
npm run eject
Removes the Realworld Example Code, Updates the Initial Migration while maintaining full code coverage
npm scripts
npm run <command>
Run typescript files directly using nodemon and tsnode. Detects changes and automatically restarts serverbuild
Runs tsc to compile the app. Files are emitted to /build.eject
Removes example codelint
Checks for linting errors using ESLint configurationunittest
Run jest unittests with code coverageunittest:watch
Detects changes and automatically re-runs testsdocker:up
Standup the dockerize app, a postgres docker image and a migration image that migrates the dbdocker:down
Teardown the docker containersinttest
Run integration tests against the docker imagesinttest:watch
Run integration tests and watch for changescommit
Runs the previouse commands to verify changes before commit. This command also runs in the pipeline
typeorm scripts
All TypeORM commands run on the configuration information specified in the .env folder. See TypeORM CLI Docs
npx typeorm <command>
Apply any reminaing migrations to the db specified inmigration:revert
Revert the most recent migration appliedmigration:show
Show all migrations with statusmigration:generate -n migrationNameHere
Compare entities to current db schema and generate migration with changesmigration:create -n migrationNameHere
Create a new migration
- Coming Soon...
- MIT license
- Copyright 2020 © Evan Gordon Fleming.