Software testing projects with various automation tools, i.e. Robot Framework and Selenium.
Projects includes test cases for the Mercury Newtours website. The structure of these projects is based on page object pattern.
Prerequisites and getting the tools:
- Python
- Pycharm IDE
- Chromedriver - check in your browser settings, which version you need.
- Selenium
pip install selenium
- Robot Framework
pip install robotframework
- Robotframework Selenium Library
pip install robotframework-seleniumlibrary
In Pycharm
- Add this 3 tools above to project interpreter
- Install Intellibot @SeleniumLibrary Patched plugin
Next steps:
- Put your chromedriver .exe file to Scripts in Python Folder
- Add tools (path to Scripts in Python Folder) to path in environemnt variables: Control Panel -> System and Security -> System Properties -> Environment Variables
Simple test cases for REST API HTTP reqests methods.
Prerequisites and getting the tools:
- requests
pip install requests
- robotframework-requests
pip install robotframework-requests
- robotframework-jsonlibrary
pip install robotframework-jsonlibrary
Don't forget to add this 3 libraries above to project interpreter in PyCharm IDE.
Projects includes test cases for the Mercury Newtours website. The structure of these projects is based on page object pattern.
Prerequisites and getting the tools:
- JDK - Java Development Kit
- IDE e.g. IntelliJ IDEA
- Maven - download .zip and add Maven to path in environemnt variables.
- Chromedriver
- Selenium
pip install selenium
In your IDE you can add 'Create TestNG XML' plugin.
If you don't want to create maven project, you can also create java project and download dependencies specified in pom.xml. Next, compile downloaded dependecies - in IntelliJ IDEA:
Project -> project structure -> dependencies -> click + button -> select .jar file -> compile -> OK
VideoGame Rest API testing using Rest Assured Technologies: Rest Assured in Java, TestNG, Maven
Prerequisites and getting the tools:
Download VideoGameDB API.
Run application using Gradle. Go to VideoGameDB-master localization. Type in cmd window:
gradlew bootRun
You can check out API documentation on SwaggerUI.
- Run tests from testing.xml file