Releases: oku-ui/primitives
Releases · oku-ui/primitives
Sponsors 🙏
👉 Changelog
🩹 Fixes
- deps: Update core to ^3.4.3 (#476)
- deps: Update docs (#477)
- checkbox: HTMLElement is not defined in Nuxt 3 (#483)
- deps: Update nuxt-module to ^3.9.1 (#486)
- deps: Update package-build to ^1.0.3 (#487)
🏡 Chore
- New working structure (#484)
- Update import paths in Vue components (f214deb)
- Add release script to package.json (c26947c)
- Update package.json to include new package-build workspace (39b8a3d)
- Add sponsors section to release notes (1e0e203)
🔖 Version
❤️ Contributors
- Cr0zy07 @Cr0zy07
- productdevbook @productdevbook
Now components will be released as different versions. We may get v.1.0.0 for some components soon. Each component development is now open for independent progress.
👉 Changelog
🚀 Enhancements
- menu: New component (#377)
- Docs (#445)
- core: All core update package versions to 0.6.0 (a0ca5e2)
- component: All component update package versions to 0.6.0 (49bc789)
- Vue 3.4 support.
🩹 Fixes
- dismissable-layer: Events (#392)
- deps: Update components to ^18.18.1 (#400)
- scroll-area: Fix type (#402)
- Nuxt install (#404)
- deps: Update components to ^18.18.8 (#410)
- deps: Update dependency local-pkg to ^0.5.0 (#414)
- deps: Update components to v20 (#418)
- deps: Update nuxtjs monorepo to ^3.8.0 (#417)
- Autofix (#423)
- deps: Update core (#461)
- deps: Update nuxtjs monorepo to ^3.9.0 (#462)
- deps: Update components to ^20.10.6 (#469)
- deps: Update dependency @antfu/ni to ^0.21.12 (#470)
- deps: Update dependency pacote to ^17.0.5 (#471)
- utils: Vue peerDependencies (5e252eb)
💅 Refactors
- popper: Props move to the top (#389)
- Github ci (#421)
- aspect-ratio: Update component (#425)
- avatar: Update component (#427)
- Fix core packages render function (#428)
- checkbox: Update component and some corrections to other components (#432)
- label: Update component (#433)
- separator: Update component (#449)
- toggle: Update component (#452)
- toggle-group: Update component (#453)
🏡 Chore
- playground: Feat auto import playground component (#391)
- popper: Fix test (#394)
- popover: More storybook and test add (#393)
- Eslint upgrade and fix (#419)
- Fix github ci cache (#426)
- Upgrade dependencies (#429)
- docs: Update ComponentCard.vue styling (f4e05a8)
- docs: Add nuxt-component-meta package and configure component meta settings (#447)
- docs: Update components and dependencies (#448)
- Add docs group to renovate.json (8c7856c)
- Update Node.js setup action to version 3 (8f60d74)
- Upgrade pnpm lock (3ff67ff)
- Fix types (f505ca5)
- Update package.json and pnpm-lock.yaml (03a759c)
- Feat add release scripts for packages (#472)
❤️ Contributors
- productdevbook @productdevbook
- Cr0zy07 @Cr0zy07
- Ibrahim Abdullahi Aliyu @Aybee5
There are great improvements in the new update. Now there are very few components left.
- 3 New Components Docs
- Figma Files
- Many bugs have been fixed
- Izlek Github Repo shadcn we'll start building shadcn soon.
👉 Changelog
🚀 Enhancements
- primitives-nuxt: Nuxt module package (#357)
- alert-dialog: New component (#364)
- scroll-area: New component (#341)
- New version publish cli (#382)
- accordion: New component (#378)
- Nuxt module 0.2.0 version (#385)
🩹 Fixes
- toast: Story animation (#352)
- primitives-nuxt: Package name and upgrade package 0.1.4 (1e2ae28)
- primitives-nuxt: All component install (cdc0c42)
- direction: Reactive change (#365)
- presence: Close and open (#362)
- dialog: Aria-hidden error (#366)
- All component onUnmounted to onBeforeUnmount (#368)
- deps: Update nuxtjs monorepo to ^3.7.3 (#371)
- deps: Update components (#373)
💅 Refactors
🏡 Chore
- Primitives-nuxt readme update (5bdd676)
- Add alias vitest config and update packages tsconfig (#361)
- popper: Fix test click (#363)
- All story delete autodocs (#369)
- Refactor storybook css names (#375)
- Fix stories css underscores (#376)
- Core component folder move core folder (#379)
- Update version (#383)
- Fix changelog (15c230a)
❤️ Contributors
- Mehmet @productdevbook
- Kubra KIRAS @kbrkiras
- Cr0zy07 @Cr0zy07
- 11 New Components
- 1:1 Radix Primitives Core Structure
👉 Changelog
🚀 Enhancements
- switch: New switch component (#237)
- visually-hidden: Add visually hidden component (#239)
- core: UseComposeRefs and useForwardRef (#252)
- slot: New component (#259)
- collection: New component collection (#262)
- core: Package direction (#263)
- core: Direction Package Test (#273)
- roving-focus: New package roving-focus (#275)
- Use-rect package (#274)
- components: Add base for tab component (#196)
- Portal component (#277)
- collection: Add stories (#288)
- focus-scope: New component focus-scope component (#272)
- core: Focus-group package (#292)
- presence: Add stories (#298)
- radio-group: New component (#299)
- toggle-group: New component (#303)
- primitives: All components in one package (#307)
- dismissable-layer: New dismissable layer component (#269)
- tooltip: New component (#312)
- toolbar: New component (#319)
- slider: New component (#325)
- popover: New component (#314)
- toast: New component (#279)
- hover-card: New component (#334)
- dialog: New component (#338)
- 0.4.0 (c027fd5)
🩹 Fixes
- components: Package.json (#235)
- #218 peerDependencies vue version change (#218)
- PeerDependencies renovate #218 (#218)
- deps: Update core to ^10.3.0 (#254)
- deps: Update components to ^1.0.2 (#256)
- deps: Update dependency @antfu/eslint-config to ^0.39.8 (#258)
- deps: Update dependency @antfu/eslint-config to ^0.40.0 (#265)
- Struct primitives (#280)
- Collection type error (6b61458)
- Collection type error (#286)
- checkbox: V-model and checked (#287)
- collapsible: V-model and add tests (#290)
- Components model bugs (#295)
- component: Events (#297)
- deps: Update dependency @antfu/eslint-config to ^0.41.0 (#308)
- dismissable-layer: Typo event and utils (#313)
- Roving focus dir issue (#315)
- deps: Update core to ^10.4.1 (#323)
- dismissable-layer: Share data (#331)
- radio-group: Prop type and attrs (#333)
- Build floating (#335)
- avatar: Nuxt client load (#336)
- Core workspace link (#339)
- toast: Ssr window fix error (#342)
- tabs: ForceMount value (#343)
- toogle-group: Tabindex (#345)
💅 Refactors
- Image watchEffect (#245)
- useEscapeKeydown: Cleanup test (#250)
- core: Composedrefs name change (#261)
- Pnpm dev and build system (#278)
- Improving the Structure and Fixing Bugs (#284)
- focus-scope: Fix test (#302)
- Props and emits (#310)
- toggle-group: Migrate single and multiple groups to a single component (#318)
- avatar: Test and core code (#322)
- Popper (#326)
- All component style and some minor fix bugs (#330)
- Props struct (#346)
🏡 Chore
- Avatar separate each component (#227)
- Checkbox separate each component (#229)
- Seperate progress components (#231)
- Add .nvmrc to ensure node v18 (#238)
- PeerDependencies renovate #218 (#218)
- All update readme (#240)
- use-composable: Add new useEscapeKeydown (#248)
- Primitive type (#271)
- Smart build and smart dev (#270)
- Fix scripts storybook -> story (6d2a2bb)
- Rename tab components (#283)
- Readme update (61f20e5)
- provide: More tests (#293)
- Fix package (03dd5c0)
- Tsup to unbuild and node 16 to 18 (#311)
- Fix example package build system (80892ef)
- All packages readme update (#328)
- All component add nuxt playground (#329)
- Delete tsup and export visuallyhidden props (#332)
- Fix ignore-workspace-root-check (a266bc7)
- Fix ci (a9f8707)
- Fix ci (b197b1b)
- Fix toast story (7d0afe8)
- Alpha 0.4.0-x (#344)
- Update md (807042a)
- Publish 0.4.0-alpha.12 (8b80b79)
- Publish 0.4.0-alpha.13 (2d4652c)
❤️ Contributors
Thank you very, very much for all your efforts.
- productdevbook @productdevbook
- Kubra KIRAS @kbrkiras
- Mustafa Türköz @mturkoz93
- Cr0zy07 @Cr0zy07
- Suxiong @YeSuX
- Anjorin Damilare @dammy001
- Ejiro Asiuwhu @ejirocodes
- Ramzo @ramzzo
- Charlie Wang ✨ @CharleeWa
New Component Collapsible
👉 Changelog
🚀 Enhancements
- presence: New component (#219)
🩹 Fixes
- collapsible: Nuxt refresh page error (#224)
💅 Refactors
🏡 Chore
🔖 Version
❤️ Contributors
- productdevbook @productdevbook
- Anjorin Damilare @dammy001
0.2.0 is the next minor release.
Timetable: to be announced.
👉 Changelog
🚀 Enhancements
- aspect-ratio: Add aspect ratio test (#164)
- toggle: V-model and refactor useControllable (#187)
- arrow: New component arrow (#168)
- Add precommit hook (#191)
- collapsible: Add new component collapsible (#199)
- Popper component (#190)
🩹 Fixes
- use-composable: UseId bug (#162)
- primitive: Default slots (#171)
- composable: UseSize and useRef (#169)
- chore: Ci workflows (e8a1a84)
- use-composable: Add size work when onMounted is done (#175)
- core: Render slots in return (#185)
- use-composable: UseRef type (#189)
- Pnpm lock (e978898)
💅 Refactors
- checkbox: New version useRef (#172)
- toggle: UseRef (#173)
- use-composable: Improvement in core structures (#182)
- label: Add use-composable (#184)
- checkbox: Model-value and indeterminate (#186)
- progress: Used useRef (#188)
- toggle: V-model (#206)
📖 Documentation
- checkbox: Fix checkbox readme (#153)
🏡 Chore
- Fix vue class error (#159)
- Fix typo (#158)
- toggle: Improvement on typo errors on the toggle package (#160)
- Pnpm version change in package (3167703)
- use-composable: Add new useId (#161)
- Vitest-axe and upgrade storybook (#170)
- Vitest/coverage-c8 to vitest/coverage-v8 (#179)
- Storybook unocss to tailwindcss (#183)
- Fix toggle test (bc1b7fe)
- Improve primitive tests (#166)
- Upgrade pnpm 8.6 (6addaca)
- Unocss to tailwindcss (1cee864)
- Autofix commit-message change (8c011b0)
- Split action workflows and cache monorepo pnpm (#198)
- Specify node engine required (#201)
- ci: Lint and typecheck job should run first before build job (#202)
- Update readme (#207)
🔖 Version
- use-composable: @oku-ui/use-composable@0.1.0 (#152)
- checkbox: @oku-ui/checkbox@0.1.4 (14b6fcb)
- core: All core packages v0.1.0 publish (#208)
- core: Core packages v0.2.0 (#209)
- components: Upgrade v0.2.2 (#210)
❤️ Contributors
- Anjorin Damilare @dammy001
- Suxiong @YeSuX
- productdevbook @productdevbook
- Didier @Didier-ds
- Hyden Liu @HydenLiu
👉 Changelog
🔖 Version
- checkbox: @oku-ui/checkbox@0.1.0 (#140)
- toggle: @oku-ui/toggle@0.1.0 (#147)
- progress: @oku-ui/progress@0.1.0 (#149)
❤️ Contributors
- Mehmet (@productdevbook)
- Mehmet (@productdevbook)
- Discord - To get involved with the Oku community, ask questions and share tips.
- Twitter - To receive updates, announcements, blog posts, and general Oku tips.
New Components Separator

👉 Changelog
🌊 Types
- separator: Type designation correction (e1ad1e4)
🔖 Version
- separator: @oku-ui/separator@0.1.0 (ba9ee84)
❤️ Contributors
- Mehmet (@productdevbook)
- Mehmet (@productdevbook)
- Discord - To get involved with the Oku community, ask questions and share tips.
- Twitter - To receive updates, announcements, blog posts, and general Oku tips.
New Components Avatar
👉 Changelog
🩹 Fixes
- avatar: Default slot (4b0eea3)
🔖 Version
❤️ Contributors
- Mehmet (@productdevbook)
- Mehmet (@productdevbook)
- Discord - To get involved with the Oku community, ask questions and share tips.
- Twitter - To receive updates, announcements, blog posts, and general Oku tips.
🔖 Version
- aspet-ratio: @oku-ui/aspect-ratio@0.1.0 (#141)
❤️ Contributors
- Mehmet (@productdevbook)
- Mehmet (@productdevbook)
- Discord - To get involved with the Oku community, ask questions and share tips.
- Twitter - To receive updates, announcements, blog posts, and general Oku tips.