A Single Page Application for booking a lawyer's appointment. The app is built with React and Redux libraries for the frontend and fetches data from a backend API built using Ruby on Rails. backend repo
- The user logs in the app
- The user selects a lawyer from the list of available lawyers.
- The user can view the specific lawyer's details after selecting the lawyer'.
- The user books an appointment using the 'book an appointment' form.
- The user can see only the appointments he has booked from the appointments page.
Dependency | Use |
prop-types | Declare types for props passed into React components |
react | React library |
react-dom | React library for DOM rendering |
react-redux | Connects React components to Redux |
react-router-dom | React library for routing |
redux | Library for unidirectional data flows |
redux-thunk | Async redux library middleware |
--- | ---- |
Dependency | Use |
babel-eslint | Lint modern JavaScript via ESLint |
eslint | Lints JavaScript |
eslint-plugin-react-hooks | Adds additional React-hooks-related rules to ESLint |
eslint-plugin-react | Adds additional React-related rules to ESLint |
jest | Automated testing framework |
stylelint | Lints css |
stylelint-csstree-validator | Advanced linting validation for css |
--- | ---- |
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/okikiola11/symply-book-me-frontend.git
$ cd symply-book-me-frontend
$ npm start
# Testing
$ npm run test
Click Book a lawyer
👤 Apelehin Okikiola
- Github: @okikiola11
- Twitter: @Kikiolla3
- LinkedIn: @okikiola
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
- Feel free to check the issues page
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