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Utilities for login, logout and session management in Scala Play


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Utilities for login, logout, password change and session management in webapps backends in Scala Play.


In a Scala Play project, you should add this to your dependencies:

resolvers += "Era7 maven releases" at ""
libraryDependencies += "ohnosequences" %% "webapp.auth" % "x.y.z"

where x.y.z is the version of the latest release


This package is intended to be used with PostgreSQL and PostgREST as database system.

Previous configuration

The database should have tables to store users and their sessions with the following minimal fields:

    password BYTEA NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE sessions (
    id INTEGER REFERENCES users(id),
    token BYTEA NOT NULL,

Apart from that, Scala Play should include the following configuration in conf/application.conf file:

play.http.session {
  cookieName = "MY_SESSION_COOKIE"
  httpOnly = false
  # 2 hours for max age of session, in milliseconds
  maxAge = 7200000
  # TODO This should be set to true when if our site has https
  secure = false
  sameSite = "lax"

Abstract classes

This package includes:

An abstract Login controller

It has two abstract fields:

  • usersTable which should point, when extended, to the endpoint of PostgREST corresponding to the users table: for example https://localhost:3000/users
  • sessionsTable which should point, when extended, to the endpoint of PostgREST corresponding to the sessions table: for example https://localhost:3000/sessions

This controller contains code to perform the login and logout action of an user with two methods:

  • login
  • logout

Following arguments for login should be passed in the body:

  • email
  • password

Password should be sent in plain text using HTTPs in the client.

When an user performs his/her logout, the token is marked as valid = False in the database, and the cookie gets erased from the client.

We DO NOT reuse tokens. That means that every time an user logins, a new token gets assigned to him/her.

Tokens are randomly generated with a length of 128 bytes.

An abstract Authenticated action builder

That class should be extended because it contains a sessionsTable abstract value, that should point to the same endpoint the Login class points to (e.g. https://localhost:3000/sessions).

Imagine we have code to do something once the user has identified himself/herself:

import javax.inject._
import play.api.mvc.Results._

class MyController @Inject (...) {
    doAction: Result = Action { request =>
       // parse the request for parameters and do actual stuff with it
    doAsyncAction: Future[Result] = Action.async { request =>
       // parse the request for parameters and do actual stuff with it

Then to restrict those actions to authenticated requests (those which carry a valid token) we should inject an instance of Authenticated, for example authenticated: Authenticated and substitute Action for authenticated:

import javax.inject._
import play.api.mvc.Results._

class MyController @Inject (..., authenticated: Authenticated) {
    doAction: Result = authenticated { request =>
       // parse the request for parameters and do actual stuff with it
    doAsyncAction: Future[Result] = authenticated.async { request =>
       // parse the request for parameters and do actual stuff with it

If the authentication fails, or the token is expired, a Results.Unauthorized instance is thrown (HTTP code 401). That's it, we do not have to worry about checking the credentials ourselves, the authenticated action does it for us, and if they are correct, then the code included among { } is executed.

An abstract PasswordChange controller

This controller is abstract because it includes a value usersTable which should point to the users table when the class is extended (e.g. https://localhost:3000/users). It contains a changePassword method which receives the current password, the new password and the new password repeated in the following body fields, respectively:

  • current
  • new
  • renew

Those fields should be transmited in plain text using HTTPs.

An auxiliary object Auth

Interesting thing about this Auth object is that it could be used to hash passwords and introduce them, by hand, in the database:

import webapp.auth.Auth


To introduce them in the database:


       users ( email, password )
       VALUES ( '', '\x24372443362e2e2e2e2f2e2e2e2e3774554b6631657252587931706f5469646c76757a4d74526a7949797058423972364a537a6944495061332470394c537a74316b496e454b52583333435453626d462e30664f4f2f706a64503141435636514c2f78633200');

Note the initial \x marker when introducing it in the database, because this data is encoded in hexadecimal.


This is an example coming from a real project.

app/controllers/db.scala file

package controllers

import javax.inject._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext}
import play.api.Configuration
import webapp.db.postgrest.Database

class Database @Inject()(val ws: WSClient, val configuration: Configuration)(
    implicit val ec: ExecutionContext,
    implicit val materializer: {

  private val host = configuration.get[String]("db.url")

  implicit val token = configuration.get[String]("db.token")

  implicit val wsClient = ws

  val users                = Database.Endpoint(host + "/users")
  val sessions             = Database.Endpoint(host + "/sessions")
  val projects             = Database.Endpoint(host + "/projects")
  val datasets             = Database.Endpoint(host + "/datasets")
  val files                = Database.Endpoint(host + "/files")
  val datasetFiles         = Database.Endpoint(host + "/files_in_dataset")
  val projectDatasets      = Database.Endpoint(host + "/datasets_in_project")
  val projectAnalyses      = Database.Endpoint(host + "/project_analyses")
  val datasetAnalyses      = Database.Endpoint(host + "/dataset_analyses")
  val projectAnalysisOwner = Database.Endpoint(host + "/project_analysis_owner")

app/controllers/auth.scala file

package controllers

import javax.inject._
import play.api.mvc.{BodyParsers, ControllerComponents}
import play.api.Configuration
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext

class Auth @Inject()(cc: ControllerComponents,
                     authenticated: Authenticated,
                     db: Database,
                     configuration: Configuration)(
    implicit override val ec: ExecutionContext
) extends webapp.auth.Login(cc, authenticated, ws) {

  val usersTable = db.users

  val sessionsTable = db.sessions

  val sessionMaxAge = configuration.get[Long]("play.http.session.maxAge")

class Authenticated @Inject()(parser: BodyParsers.Default, db: Database)(
      implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext
  ) extends webapp.auth.Authenticated(parser) {

    val sessionsTable = db.sessions

app/controllers/settings.scala file

package controllers

import javax.inject._
import play.api.mvc._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}

class Settings @Inject()(
    cc: ControllerComponents,
    authenticated: Authenticated,
    val db: Database
)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext)
    extends webapp.auth.PasswordChange(cc, authenticated) {

  val usersTable = db.users

conf/routes file

# Login
POST    /login                      controllers.Auth.login

GET     /logout                     controllers.Auth.logout

# Settings
POST    /settings/password          controllers.Settings.changePassword