Amalgam Dev Tools is a project that was maked with the idea to facilitied the necesary tools to develop in Amalgam and Amalgam Front.
To establish all the develop environment a docker has been prepared. You need to install Docker and Docker Compose.
You need to configure some paramatres in the .env file located in docker/
The ports must be available in your local machine. If they are not availaible, change them here for a proper functioning.
First of all, you need to clone Amalgam and Amalgam Front. When the proyects are in your local machine you need to replace the text beteewn brackend and the brackedn includes with absolutes routes poingting the root folders.
APP_PATH={path to amalgam folder}
APP_FRONT_PATH={path to amalgam-front folder}
By default, you don't need to change this configuration values.
- MARIADB_STORAGE_FOLDER: You can indicate a relative or absolute route that poin the folder that database structure will be saved in your local machine.
- MARIADB_EXTRA_ENTRYPOINT: You can indicate a relative or absolute route that point a folder that contains sql files. This sql files are going to be execute the first time that docker-compose up is execute. *By the fault, the folder contains the sql files needed to feed the amalgam database
The proyect have 4 containers and they have to be build.
- amalgam_backend: This container have php mainly. Its function is to manage the websocket service of Amalgam.
- amalgam_mariadb: This container have only mariadb. Its function is to manage the database processes.
- amalgam_memcached: This container have only memcached. Its function is to manage the cache services.
- amalgam_front: This container have node mainly. Its function is to manage the front application called Amalgam Front.
You need to be in the same directory that docker-compose.yml file.
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose up
You need to be in the same directory that docker-compose.yml file.
docker-compose down
At all times, you can access in the container by bash mode.
docker exec -it {container_name} bash
Amagam_backend container have some scripts to ease your development experience.
# Starts the websocket server
docker exec -it amalgam_backend ws-start
# Restarts the websocket server
docker exec -it amalgam_backend ws-restart
# Stops the websocket server
docker exec -it amalgam_backend ws-stop
Amagam_front container have some scripts to ease your development experience.
# Starts the application
docker exec -it amalgam_front start
# Restarts the application
docker exec -it amalgam_front restart
# Stops the application
docker exec -it amalgam_front stop
The basic information for the configuration files on both applications to run the app successfully.
url: mysql://amalgam:amalgam@amalgam_mariadb:3306/amalgam