- Clone the code
- Edit manifest
- Deploy to IBM Cloud
- View app
- Get service credentials
- Get workspace, env id, and collection ID
- Copy service-credentials.example.json and name the new file service-credentials.json
- Add credentials to the new service-credentials.json file
- Import Watson Developer cloud SDK
- Create Conversation object
- Create Discovery object
- Add conversation call
- Add If statements
- best
- list
- hotel
- else
- Create function declarations
- Complete the if best section
- overall
- new York
- san Francisco
- Chicago
- Complete the if list section
- complete the if hotel section
- complete the else section
- Test it out locally
- re push to IBM cloud
- hello
- what can you do
- what hotels do you have info on
- new York
- tell me about the 414 hotel
- is the 414 hotel any good?
- what is the best hotel in new york
- what is the best hotel in San Fran
- what is the best hotel in chi town
- what is the best hotel overall