Releases: observerly/astrometry
Releases · observerly/astrometry
What's Changed
- feat: add getCorrectionToEquatorialForDiurnalAbberation to abberation module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #409
- feat: add getCorrectionToEquatorialForAberration to aberration module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #411
- refactor!: amend to getCorrectionToEquatorialForAnnualAbberation usage in abberation module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #407
- refactor: amend EARTH_RADIUS in constants module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #408
Full Changelog: v0.59.0...v0.60.0
What's Changed
- feat: add wcs module to @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #400
- feat: add SIP2DParameters type to wcs module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #401
- feat: add parseSIPTerm utility in wcs module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #402
- feat: add WCS type to wcs module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #403
- feat: add convertPixelToWorldCoordinateSystem() to wcs module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #404
- fix: amend getQIndex() to calculate angular separation between target and moon in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #405
Full Changelog: v0.58.0...v0.59.0
What's Changed
- feat: add getFieldOfView() to optics module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #395
- feat: add getRefraction() to refraction module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #397
- feat: add getAirmass() to refraction module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #398
Full Changelog: v0.57.0...v0.58.0
What's Changed
- feat: add optics module to @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #386
- feat: add getFocalRatio() utility to optics module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #387
- feat: add GregorianMonth type to calendar module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #392
- feat: add AlgonquinMoonNames type to moon module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #390
- feat: add AnishinaabegMoonNames type to moon module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #391
- feat: add ColloquialMoonNames to moon module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #393
- feat: add names Map to moon module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #394
Full Changelog: v0.56.1...v0.57.0
What's Changed
- fix: amend q to adjust for negative angles in getParallacticAngle() in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #385
Full Changelog: v0.56.0...v0.56.1
What's Changed
🌑 A small precursor release, the API now exposes isBlueMoon utility to determine if today will be a blue Moon (using the colloquial definition of a blue Moon: the second full Moon in a calendar month).
- feat: add isBlueMoon utility to moon module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #325
- refactor: amend q() calculation for boundary conditions in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #380
- refactor: amend getTwilightBandsForDay() in twilight module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #381
- ci: enable dual registry publishing for scoped private in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #382
Full Changelog: v0.55.0...v0.56.0
What's Changed
- chore: amend .npmrc file for jsr configuration in worksapce by @michealroberts in #377
- style: ensure getCoefficientOfEccentricity has explicit return type in earth module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #378
- refactor: amend q() calculation for boundary conditions in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #380
- refactor: amend getTwilightBandsForDay() in twilight module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #381
- feat: add isBlueMoon utility to moon module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #325
- ci: add jsr publish command to .github workflows in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #379
- ci: enable dual registry publishing for scoped private in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #382
Full Changelog: v0.55.0...v0.56.0
What's Changed
- feat: add getNormalisedSphericalCoordinate() to astrometry module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #376
Full Changelog: v0.54.0...v0.55.0
What's Changed
🔭 This minor release improves the boundary drawing on constellations to a higher degree of accuracy, as well as handling the boundary conditions of the celestial sphere.
- feat: add interpolateGeodesic() utiltiy to math module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #373
- feat: add interpolateRank2DGeodesicCoordinateArray() utility to math module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #374
- refactor: amend createConstellationAsGeoJSON() in constellation module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #375
Full Changelog: v0.53.1...v0.54.0
What's Changed
- refactor: amend interpolate() utilty in maths module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #372
Full Changelog: v0.53.0...v0.53.1
What's Changed
- feat: add convertStereoToHorizontal() to projection module in @observerly/astrometry by @michealroberts in #371
Full Changelog: v0.52.0...v0.53.0