Card IDE (CIDEr) - Design playing cards using HTML, CSS, and tabular data
- Logo: red apple cider bottle
- Colors: red, beige, dark brown
- Display existing games
- Create new game
- Display existing templates
- Create new template option
- Edit template HTML
- Edit template CSS
- Display template live preview
- Display table of existing card data
- Create new field/column option
- Remove existing field/column option
- Inline table row editor
- Remove existing card/row
- Display existing templates
- Edit template HTML
- Edit template CSS
- Display template live preview (first x cards)
- Select print template
- Select cards to template
- Export as pdf/png
- Scrollable listing of cards
- Cards all rendered
- Angular
- PrimeNG
- ID
- Name
- ID
- Deck ID
- Name
- ID
- Deck ID
- Front Card Template ID
- Back Card Template ID
- Attributes (JSON)
field: "title",
type: "string"
- ID
- Deck ID
- Field Name
- Type
- Deck ID
- Card ID
- Field Name
- Value
- ID
- Deck ID
- File Name
fields = [
field: 'title',
header: 'Title',
type: 'string',
required: true,
conversion: (entity) => entity.title
Search/sort/filter on a table of entities Optionally allow CRUD operations The fields definition from the entity can be overwritten with custom fields
Edit/create new entity dialog