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Meetingminutes Minutes21032018
Bob Relyea edited this page Mar 4, 2025
1 revision
- Roll call (Bob) - quorum achieved.
- Roll call
- Review / approval of the agenda
- Review of previous meeting minutes (March, 2018)
- V3.0 Items (Other business to be covered in the following meetings)
- Review Spec V3 from Chris Z
- Review Mechanisms V3 form Chris Z
- Planning for review/complete
- Proposal - Salsa20 & CHaCHa20 - Stef M
- Proposal - Blake2b - Stef M
- Proposal - X3DH & DoubleRatchet - Stef M
- Proposal - XEDDSA signateur mechanism - Stef M
- Revisit Function names
- Comment on comments list (Girish Kumar, CKA_TRUSTED). (Tony C) (https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/pkcs11-comment/201709/msg00000.html)
- Comments list query (Timo Teras, ETSI TS 103 097 certificates)
- Letter to NIST regarding AES GCM IV generation (Tony)
- PKCS#11 Repository (Tony C)
- PKCS#11 F2F Meeting (April 11 2018)
- Joint dinner with KMIP TC
- New business
- Next meeting
- Call for late arrivals
- Adjourn
- Tim moved, Daniel seconded. No objections, comments or abstentions. Agenda approved.
- March 07, 2018
- Tim moved. Chris seconded. No objections, comments or abstentions. Minutes approved.
- Chris: Hasn't received any further comments, been reading up on the new proposals.
- Stef uploaded the updated documents with the identifiers from Bob. Tony can open the ballots today.
- see above
- see above
- Tony to sync with Bob, will close out in next call.
Comment on comments list (Girish Kumar, CKA_TRUSTED). (Tony) (https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/pkcs11-comment/201709/msg00000.html)
- deferred
- deferred (awaiting Tony's mail to list)
- Checked with OASIS ADMIN, did not believe there had been a response, checking with legal. Seems we did not receive a response.
- Valerie still needs to update TC wiki to point to new repository.
- Tony set up repo to have "published" and "working" areas. For example, 2.40 errata 1 is "published", and the work we are doing now is for 3.0. We can make branches for each working draft, should make it easier to find what we're working on.
- Tony synced from the temporary repo Chris had set up. thank you Chris for covering while we waited for the official OASIS repo
- Valerie: folks, now that the header files are available, please check entries against spec for typos.
- Bob: wants to create a tool to cross check identifier DB with headerfiles, to also watch for copy/paste errors
- Reached out to Benton, but hasn't received a response.
- Bob has an emergency backup, but it will be really tight. Any other options?
- Dinner w/KMIP.
- KMIP team voted for Thursday, April 12, 2018. Tony will reach out to IDTrust for funding.
- If funding is arranged, will set up straw polls for attendees. Valerie will work on reserving restaurant.
- Hamish just joined TC, had some questions on the significant difference on v3.0.
- Tony doesn't expect them to be compatible.
- Valerie will send Hamish the slides from ICMC last year, covering the differences.
- Bob noted that most mechanisms have two versions - one that is compatible with old, and the other is message based encryption.
- Valerie: If you can make it work, you are welcome to use the new mechanisms in an older API, but please don't use the same identifiers if you have to modify it to make it work.
- April 4, 2018.
- Hamish, Justin.
- Justin moved. Daniel seconded. No objections, comments or abstentions. Adjourned.