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Bob Relyea edited this page Mar 5, 2025
1 revision
- Roll call (Bob) – quorum achieved.
- Greg S taking minutes.
- Attendance noted in KAVI
- Roll call
- Review / approval of the agenda
- Approve Minutes (September 13, 2023)
- PKCS#11 v3.2
- Work Items
- Action Items
- Work Items Deferred from 3.1
- Public Comments Items
- New Business
- Next meeting
- Call for late arrivals
- Adjourn
- Motion: That the agenda for this meeting be approved.
- Moved: Greg S. Seconded: Tim H. No objections, abstentions or comments. Agenda approved.
- Motion: That the minutes posted for September 13, 2023 be approved.
- Comment and discussion on the intention of discussion in the last meeting on the future of the usage guide from 2.40, after discussion it is noted that the minutes described that a future decision had not been made, a work item had been raised as discussed in the meeting and the minutes reflected that.
- Moved: Greg S. Seconded: Hamish C. No objections, abstentions or additional comments. Minutes approved.
- Items tracked in Wiki
- Item #3 - No update
- Items #6.1 #6.2 & #6.3 Comments have been received from Jonathan S on these three items, Bob R to review and if required integrate these items into the proposals in preparation for next meeting.
- Item #9 - Tim H advised that some work had been done and is looking at some representative examples, hoping to have that by the next meeting.
- Item 12 - Public/Private Key Linkage - Updated proposal posted on 1-Sep-2023.
- Motion: That the TC approves Public Private Key Object Linking v2
- Moved: Jonathan S. Seconded: Bob R. No objections, abstentions or comments. Motion Approved.
- Item 13 - No update.
- Item 15 - Usage Guide - Bob wold not be adverse to re-releasing the usage guide and this work item to track the decision.
- Action #6 - Interoperability issue using OAEP - Proposal posted on 11-Sep-2023 which amends sections 4.3.2 and 4.12.2 as discussed.
- Motion: That the TC Approves Profile objects and C_FindObjects not consistent
- Moved: Greg S. Seconded: Johnathan S. No objections, abstentions or comments. Motion Approved.
- Action #7 - No Update.
- No items outstanding.
- PC Item #1 GCM and CCM Wrapping - Hamish C uploaded the spec however on further thought and reviewing comments from Darren J Hamish would like to do an additional update (WD5) for review by TC members.
- PC Item #3 C_SetPIN - No Update.
- Initial drafts of the Profiles and Specification have been loaded into the new formats of the starter documents as working drafts by Tim H and Greg S.
- With NIST starting to formalise their Post-Quantum work we need to start to identify any items that must be included in 3.2 and what can be pushed to the next version. Tim H has suggested that C_SetPIN can be pushed to the next version. Greg S to create a 3.3 work items page so that items can be moved if they are not to be included in version 3.2.
- Email comment from 4-Sep-2023 regarding handling of Edwards Curve Keypairs has been added to the comments area in 3.2 Work items.
- Bob R - Noted that a colleague has been working on side channel attacks on error returns. OpenSSL has a mitigation for this Bogus Decrypt Error with a mechanism to switch padding off. Is this required in the specification or is it a policy referring to OpenSSL's implementation as there is no standards body that describes how to implement this. This should possibly be passed through the Security Algorithms and Methods (SAM) TC. Bob R asked to pass on contact details for Tim H and Greg S so that we can get the details and take it to the SAM TC.
- Motion: Next meeting will be October 11.
- Moved: Tim H. Seconded: Greg S. No objections, abstentions, or comments. Motion passed.
- None
- Motion: That the meeting be adjourned.
- Moved: Tim H. Seconded: Hamish C. No objections, abstentions, or comments. Meeting adjourned.
- Meeting Adjourned at 1:50 PM PDT