Assumptions: -Cloudbreak machine is deployed, and configured with the necessary security group, network, template, blueprint, etc.
Deployment Steps
Using a web browser, login to the cloudbreak UI
Sign in with username: and 'cloudbreak' as the password
In the top-right corner of the UI, Select your Credentials from the dropdown
In the Cloudbreak UI, click the Create Cluster button at the top right, fill out the details as noted below (and the screenshot) and click next a. Cluster name: machine-log-analytics-cluster b. Region: RegionOne c. Avail Zone: SE d. Connector Variant: HEAT
Setup Network and Security screen, choose 'fieldnetwork' and move to the blueprint section
In the Blueprint config section, select 'machine-log-hdp-hdf' and configure the Host groups as follows. a. Host_group_1 i. Group size: 1 ii. Template: m3xlarge iii. Security group: modern-data-application-security-group iv. Ambari Server: check this box v. Recipes: check both of the following
- Machine-logs-demo-install
- Pre-install-java-8
b. Host_group_2 i. Group size: 1 ii. Template: m3xlarge iii. Security Group: modern-data-application-security-group iv. Ambari server: unchecked v. Recipes: check the following 1. Pre-install-java-8
c. Host_group_3 i. Group size: 1 ii. Template: m3xlarge iii. Security Group: modern-data-application-security-group iv. Ambari server: unchecked v. Recipes: check the following 1. Pre-install-java-8
Now click on Show Advanced Options a. Select Choose Failure Action i. Rollback resources
Configure HDP Repository a. Ensure you have the latest HDP version and URLs defined. These can be obtained from the Hortonworks documentation: b. Stack: HDP c. Version: 2.6 d. Stack Repo ID: HDP- e. Base URL: f. Utils Base URL:
Click on Review and Launch and confirm the configuration
Click on Create Cluster to begin provisioning!