This is the repository for integrating Kubernetes with Oakestra. A Kubernetes cluster can be added to Oakestra as an additional Oakestra cluster. The following setup must be pursued for this integration.
All these components must be installed on the Kubernetes cluster.
Important Note:
Many of the Kubernetes resources require environment variables to be set. For more details, refer to the respective READMEs of the components. The components need to be initiated in the sequence they are listed here.
For the integration of Kubernetes with Oakestra, a few prerequisites must be met beforehand. Firstly, there must be an existing Kubernetes cluster with kubectl access. Secondly, all nodes of the Kubernetes cluster must be able to communicate with all nodes of Oakestra. Moreover, a default CNI (e.g., Calico) is required. Lastly, an Oakestra Root server must be operational to facilitate this integration.
kubectl create namespace oakestra-system
kubectl create namespace oakestra
kubectl create namespace oakestra-controller-manager
To communicate with additional Oakestra resources, a separate Container Network Interface (CNI) is required, which must be installed on all nodes. For this purpose, a DaemonSet is used to ensure that all necessary installations are automatically performed by the NetManager on each node in the cluster. This DeamonSet is deployed in Chapter 3.4 Oakestra Node NetManager.
To use two CNIs per container, Multus is required. The following commands must be executed:
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f oakestra-network/Deployment/oakestra-cni/oakesta-cni.yaml -n oakestra
This component needs to run once per cluster and requires a MongoDB and an MQTT server.
kubectl apply -f oakestra-network/Deployment/oakestra-cluster-service-manager/mosquitto/ -n oakestra-system
kubectl apply -f oakestra-network/Deployment/oakestra-cluster-service-manager/mongodb/ -n oakestra-system
Check ReadMe for Oakestra Cluster Service Manager
kubectl apply -f oakestra-network/Deployment/oakestra-cluster-service-manager/oakestra-cluster-service-manager.yaml -n oakestra-system
This component must also run on all nodes; it is responsible for ensuring that the containers in Kubernetes find the correct routing.
kubectl set env daemonset/calico-node -n kube-system IP_AUTODETECTION_METHOD="skip-interface=goProxy.*"
kubectl apply -f oakestra-network/Deployment/oakestra-nodenetmanager/node-netmanager.yaml -n oakestra-system
The agent is needed to register with the cluster and establish communication with Root.
The following Kubernetes deployment must be initiated:
kubectl apply -f oakestra-agent/Deployment/oakestra-agent.yaml
This controller-manager is responsible for deploying the appropriate resources in Kubernetes for Oakestra.
The following commands must be executed:
Certmanager must be installed for this. The current documentation can be found here.
cd oakestra-controller-manager
make install
make deploy