Currently under construction!
git clone --recurse-submodules .dotfiles
to clone this repo.- Install
to apply these dotfiles ! - Use Vim version
! - Install zsh + Oh-my-zsh !
mv ~/.zshrc ~/.zshrc.BAK
to avoid collision when stowing zsh
- Install neovim!
- Install clangd package (if using C/C++ with nvim)
- Install nvm! nvm - Node Version Manager
- Vim
- Vim catppuccin colorscheme: Catppuccin for Vim
- Neovim
- Neovim setup guide: Transform Your Neovim into a IDE: A Step-by-Step Guide
- Neovim catppuccin colorscheme: Catppuccin for (Neo)Vim
- Lualine - neovim statusline: lualine.nvim
- Zsh + Oh-my-zsh
- antigen for easy zsh plugins: Antigen - The plugin manager for zsh
- jovial theme: Jovial