This is a collaborative project where you, the participants, work together to reach a number with 100 zeros, known as one Googol.
- Backend: Located in the root directory, built with Rust.
- Frontend: Located under the view directory, built with Svelte.
The Rust-based backend manages the application's core logic, static file serving and real-time communication. These is established through a Websocket at /ws
It also saves the current count on quit in the file provided by the --counter
The Svelte-based frontend provides an interactive user interface for participants to view and manipulate the counter and a guide on How to Play.
- Build Frontend:
cd view
bun run build
- Run Server:
cargo run -- localhost:8080 -c data/counter.json -v view/build --cert data/cert/cert.pem --key data/cert/key.pem
- Build Frontend:
cd view
bun run build
- Build Backend:
cd ..
# For your platform
bun build -r
# For arm64 linux (using cross)
cross build -r --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
./one-googol localhost:8080 -v ./public -d ./data/counter.txt --cert ./cert/cert.pem --key ./cert/key.pem
Starts the server on localhost at port 8080, serves the frontend from ./public, uses ./data/counter.txt for data persistence, and the ./cert directory for tls configuration.
- Add increase timer vote system (base, exponent, etc. like kind or smth)
- Reaching Count Values/Levels (10th length) -> Upgrades:
- Vote on what gets upgraded (5 min time)
- Exponent +1 (addition modifier)
- Base/User +1 (multiply modifier)
- Add at Level 4: Clicking yourself +Clicking Multiplier (exponent + base), maybe: Auto Clickers (Upgrading them)
- Reaching Count Values/Levels (10th length) -> Upgrades: