description |
Ticker bots display prices & price movements for specified tickers, available to any server. For better uptime & performance, or tickers we don't have- consider our exclusive or private bots. |
Our public bots are 100% free, but there's only 1 bot per ticker we provide. This can cause slower price updates as more servers invite a bot. With so many public bots, and as more servers continue to add them, we find ourselves needing to increase resources and provide maintenance more frequently than we'd like.
To solve the problem with scheduled & unexpected down time, as well as slower price updates for the more popular ticker bots- we've dedicated computing and resources to exclusive & private bots only. With this, we're able to guarantee 99% uptime and 100% price updates no later than 10 (7-8) second intervals and are obligated to do so or offer a money back guarantee.
To learn more about our exclusive & private bots check out
Ticker bots can be added by using the links below. Here's an example of how they look.
Bots automatically update price and can assign themselves roles when the price is up/down
To enable automatic color changes representing up/down price changes, the bots need to have the Manage Roles permission. This allows them to create Up and Down roles with their respective colors. To prevent the bots from creating duplicate roles, ensure that these roles are placed below the bots main roles. If duplicate roles are created, you can delete them, and the bots will continue working as usual.
We are no longer accepting requests for stock, futures, forex, or crypto tickers that we don't currently provide. Instead, servers can order an exclusive or private ticker bot for any tickers we don't currently have available.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Stocks & ETFs" %} $SPY SPDR ETF
$SQQQ ProShares UltraPro Short QQQ ETF
$SOXL Direxion Daily Semiconductor Bull 3X Shares
$SOXS Direxion Daily Semiconductor Bear 3X Shares
$TNA Direxion Daily Small Cap Bull 3X ETF
$TZA Direxion Daily Small Cap Bear 3X ETF
$DIA SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF {% endtab %}
{% tab title="Indices" %} S&P 500
US30 Dow Jones Industrial Average
OSEBX Oslo Børs Benchmark Index
US10Y Treasury Yield 10 Years {% endtab %}
{% tab title="Futures" %} $ES E-mini S&P 500
$6J Japanes Yen Future {% endtab %}
{% tab title="Forex" %} EUR/USD
XAG/USD (Silver Spot) {% endtab %}
{% tab title="Crypto" %} $BTC Bitcoin
$POL Polygon (Previously $MATIC)
$SEI Sei {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Offering a free platform and nearly 100 free ticker bots gives us the gratification when users and servers have and report a great user experience. However, market data isn't cheap and neither is the resources to run all this with stability.
Totally optional, but the best way to support the entire platform including these ticker bots is to become a PRO member for a low affordable fee of $6/month. You can also find promotions and discount codes within our Discord server to save upwards of 30-50% on this membership. Buying your own exclusive or private & customized ticker bot(s) also help supports the platform- more info on that here
We'll also accept any sized donations via CashApp, PayPal, or cryptocurrency.
OR PayPal Donate
CashApp: $TradeHub
- Can transfer any crypto & for free when doing coinbase-to-coinbase transfers.
Crypto: Contact us if you'd like to donate a different coin/token
Bitcoin (BTC): 3NPwubJKVwn751NGrTgwZoP9ALsDQuEA5p
Ethereum (ETH): 0xd8842865661b6901F04593d216Fe061DE906f312
Litecoin (LTC): MJH2gpgZnkVts4Y1S6cvoLfmab1MthDYoT
Ripple (XRP): rw2ciyaNshpHe7bCHo4bRWq6pqqynnWKQg
- Memo: 514910569
USDT Addresses:
TRC20: TPfsBMDZTfkBQTcq1y1bhNshACjkFpaQnT
ERC20: 0xd1d5B859f3BbB3671D77B4aD6130aB8AbA6cF2A9
BEP20: 0x45Ac4b386c78F2E4394DDfF947Dd626340da521A