Start the solution, go to the laradock
folder and launch
docker-compose up -d
this command starts all the containers and creates the / crm folder in the project root
Enter the support container, workspace, to run all the various composer commands
docker-compose exec --user=laradock workspace bash
Install laravel
composer create-project laravel/laravel .
composer require crocodicstudio/crudbooster
Add the following class to the providers in the file, config/app.php
Set the database settings in the crm/.env
file in this way (to connect it directly to the newly created percona container)
Launch the crudbooster install
php artisan crudbooster:install
You will be asked if you have set up your credentials db, type "yes"
# __________ __ ______ ____ __
# / ____/ __ \/ / / / __ \/ __ )____ ____ _____/ /____ _____
# / / / /_/ / / / / / / / __ / __ \/ __ \/ ___/ __/ _ \/ ___/
# / /___/ _, _/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ (__ ) /_/ __/ /
# \____/_/ |_|\____/_____/_____/\____/\____/____/\__/\___/_/
--------- :===: Thanks for choosing CRUDBooster :==: ---------------
System Requirements Checking:
Laravel Version (>= 5.3.*): [Good]
PHP Version (>= 5.6.*): [Good]
Mbstring extension: [Good]
OpenSSL extension: [Good]
PDO extension: [Good]
Tokenizer extension: [Good]
XML extension: [Good]
GD extension: [Good]
PHP Fileinfo extension: [Good]
public dir is writable: [Good]
I remove some default migration files from laravel...
Do you have setting the database configuration at .env ? (yes/no) [no]:
> yes
Then he will ask you what kind of installation to do, give him the command 0
Publishing CRUDBooster needs file...
Which provider or tag's files would you like to publish?:
[0 ] Publish files from all providers and tags listed below
[1 ] Provider: Barryvdh\DomPDF\ServiceProvider
[2 ] Provider: Fideloper\Proxy\TrustedProxyServiceProvider
[3 ] Provider: Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider
[4 ] Provider: Illuminate\Notifications\NotificationServiceProvider
[5 ] Provider: Illuminate\Pagination\PaginationServiceProvider
[6 ] Provider: Intervention\Image\ImageServiceProviderLaravel5
[7 ] Provider: Maatwebsite\Excel\ExcelServiceProvider
[8 ] Provider: Unisharp\Laravelfilemanager\LaravelFilemanagerServiceProvider
[9 ] Provider: crocodicstudio\crudbooster\CRUDBoosterServiceProvider
[10] Tag: CBHook
[11] Tag: cb_asset
[12] Tag: cb_config
[13] Tag: cb_localization
[14] Tag: cb_migration
[15] Tag: cb_type_components
[16] Tag: cb_user_controller
[17] Tag: config
[18] Tag: laravel-mail
[19] Tag: laravel-notifications
[20] Tag: laravel-pagination
[21] Tag: lfm_config
[22] Tag: lfm_public
[23] Tag: lfm_view
> 0
- default email :
- default password : 123456
Open the terminal.
composer require crocodicstudio/crudbooster
php artisan crudbooster:update
php artisan crudbooster:update