Simple experiment for verifying the phenomenon of catastrophic forgetting, for a bunch of different neural network architectures, on a dataset realized merging CIFAR-10 and MNIST datasets.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the directory of the repository
- Create a virtual environment (optional, but suggested):
- Activate the virtual environment
- Install the required python modules (torch, torchvision, matplotlib, pysimplegui)
Simply copy-paste the following commands in a terminal:
git clone
cd verify-catastrophic-forgetting
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
you can run a command-line-based interface or a graphical interface.
Note: if you want to save the trained model or some figures, just be sure that the target directory exists, because your OS may forbid python to create new directories. The default subdirectories are "./models/" and "./figures/".
mkdir models
mkdir figures
For running the code from the command line, you have to run the command:
Some options can be specified for customizing the run:
--model the name of the model to be used for the classifier
choices = "shallow_mlp", "deep_mlp", "shallow_cnn", "deep_cnn"
default = "shallow_mlp"
--optimizer the optimizer to use in the model
choices = "sgd", "adam"
default = "sgd"
--hidden number of hidden units in the hidden layers (works only with MLP models)
type = int
default = 100
--weight_decay regularization parameter (default: 0.0)
type = float
default = 0.0
--dropout dropout probability (default 0.0) (works only with MLP models)
type = float
--batch_size mini-batch size (default: 64)
type = int
default = 64
--lr learning rate (default: 0.001)
type = float
default = 0.001
--device device to be used for computations (in {cpu, cuda:0, cuda:1, ...}, default: cpu)
type = str
default = "cpu"
--plot to plot the results of the training procedure
--save to save the final model obtained
--savefig to save the plots of the results of the training procedure
For using the graphical interface, just open the file "". The interface allows the customization of the main parameters. Press START to begin the trainig procedure.
The repository contains a demo that you can run without the effort of selecting the configuration. The parameters have been selected for getting a fast demonstration that can be run without GPU.
The code is organized in different modules, the ones implementing the logic of the project are,,
Contains the definition of the classes representing the neural models.
4 models are defined there: ShallowMLP, DeepMLP, ShallowCNN, DeepCNN.
An additional model (MyConv2d) is a subclass of the base pytorch class implementing a 2d convolution. Its purpose is to make the otpion padding="same" compatible with older versions of pytorch.
It contains the class that is responsible to realize a dataset that merges other datasets.
The merging is implemented by assigning unique identifiers to each esample of each dataset and keeping an iterable of those identifiers.
It is responsible for sorting the dataset by class.
It implements the classifier class, that contains a neural network model. It can:
- use a training set for training
- while training, use a test set for evaluating the network in each phase of the training (after each class)
- evaluate the performances of a trained model
- perform prediction
- saving and loading the model
- building a model, directly from a file
Other modules are present in the repository: they are for presentation of the results and experimental activity.