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CoinMarketCap API Wrapper. Supports endpoints cryptocurrency, exchanges (CEX), decentralized exchange (DEX), global metrics, community content and trends, tools and etc.


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CoinMarketCap NodeJS Api wrapper

The cmc-api is an generic api wrapper for CoinMarketCap. Supports endpoints cryptocurrency, exchanges (CEX), decentralized exchange (DEX), global metrics, community content and trends, tools and others.


This library is based on the Official RestFul Json Api of CoinMarketCap. Response data may change at any time, currently the sandbox and production responses may differ. If you are using TypeScript, consider using your own generics type implementation in case there are any differences in response.

CoinMarketCap Note: Making HTTP requests on the client side with Javascript is currently prohibited through CORS configuration. This is to protect your API Key which should not be visible to users of your application so your API Key is not stolen. Secure your API Key by routing calls through your own backend service.


Installing with npm:

npm install cmc-api

Installing with Yarn:

yarn add cmc-api

Installing with pnpm:

pnpm add cmc-api


Importing & Instantiating

Importing CoinMarketCapApi

import CoinMarketCapApi from 'cmc-api';
// or
import { CoinMarketCapApi } from 'cmc-api';
const CoinMarketCapApi = require('cmc-api').default;
// or 
const { CoinMarketCapApi } = require('cmc-api');

Create an instance

Using Sandbox
import CoinMarketCapApi from 'cmc-api';
const cmc = CoinMarketCapApi.sandbox();
Using production CMC ApiKey
import CoinMarketCapApi from 'cmc-api';
const CMC_APIKEY = 'YOUR_COINMARKETCAP_APIKEY'; // e.g: "dfa3195f-f1d4-f1c1-a1fa-83461b5f42eb"
const cmc = new CoinMarketCapApi(CMC_APIKEY);


Cryptocurrency ID Map

const crypto = await cmc.crypto.list('active', 'id', 10, 1, ['BTC', 'ETH']);
const btc = crypto.find((crypto): boolean => crypto.symbol === 'BTC');
const eth = crypto.find((crypto): boolean => crypto.symbol === 'ETH');


get cryptocurrency metadata by symbol
const crypto = await cmc.crypto.metadata<'BTC' | 'ETH'>({ symbol: ['BTC', 'ETH'] });
console.log({ btc:, eth: });
get cryptocurrency metadata by id
const crypto = await cmc.crypto.metadata<'1' | '1027'>({ id: [1, 1027] });
console.log({ btc: crypto[1], eth: crypto[1027] });
get cryptocurrency metadata by slug
const crypto = await cmc.crypto.metadata<'1' | '1027'>({ slug: ['bitcoin', 'ethereum'] });
console.log({ btc: crypto[1], eth: crypto[1027] });
get cryptocurrency metadata by contract address
const crypto = await cmc.crypto.metadata<'1027'>({ contract: '0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' });
console.log(crypto[1027]); // Ethereum

Listings Latest

get cryptocurrency latest listings
const crypto = await cmc.crypto.listing<'USD' | 'EUR'>(10, 1, 'all', 'market_cap', 'desc', 'all', undefined, ['USD', 'EUR']);

Listings New

get cryptocurrency new listings and convert to BTC and ETH
const crypto = await cmc.crypto.listingNew<'BTC' | 'ETH'>(10, 1, 'desc', ['BTC', 'ETH']);

Listings Historical

get cryptocurrency historical listings
const date = new Date()
const crypto = await cmc.crypto.listingHistory<'BTC' | 'ETH' | 'USD'>(date, 10, 1, 'cmc_rank', 'desc', 'all', ['BTC', 'ETH', 'USD']);

Quotes Latest

get cryptocurrency latest quotes by slug coin/token
const quotes = await cmc.crypto.quotes<'bitcoin' | 'ethereum', 'USD' | 'EUR'>({ slug: ['bitcoin', 'ethereum'] }, ['USD', 'EUR']);
console.log({ btc: quotes.bitcoin, eth: quotes.ethereum, btcUsd: quotes.bitcoin.quote.USD, ethEur: quotes.ethereum.quote.EUR });

Quotes Historical

get btc and eth historical quotes in range '2024-12-01' - '2025-01-01'
const start = new Date('2024-12-01T00:00:00Z');
const end = new Date('2025-01-01T00:00:00Z');
const quotesHistory = await cmc.crypto.quotesHistory<'1' | '1027', 'USD' | 'EUR'>({ id: [1, 1027] }, start, end);
const btc = quotesHistory['1'];
const eth = quotesHistory['1027'];
console.log({ btcQuotes: btc.quotes, ethQuotes: eth.quotes });
console.log({ btcQuoteFirst: btc.quotes?.at(0)?.quote, ethQuoteFirst: eth.quotes?.at(0)?.quote });

Market Pairs Latest

get ethereum market pairs
const ethereum = await cmc.crypto.marketPairs<'USD' | 'BTC'>({ slug: 'ethereum' }, { symbol: ['USD', 'BTC'] });
console.log({ ethMarketPairs: ethereum.market_pairs });

OHLCV Latest

get latest btc and eth ohlcv and convert to usd and eur
const ohlcv = await cmc.crypto.ohlcv<'1' | '1027', 'USD' | 'EUR'>({ id: [1, 1027] }, ['USD', 'EUR']);
const btcOhlcv = ohlcv['1'];
const ethOhlcv = ohlcv['1027'];

console.log({ btcOhlcv, ethOhlcv });
console.log({ btcOhlcvUsd: btcOhlcv.quote.USD, ethOhlcvEur: ethOhlcv.quote.EUR });

OHLCV Historical

get ohclv history of btc and eth in range date '2024-12-01' - '2025-01-01'
const start = new Date('2024-12-01T00:00:00Z');
const end = new Date('2025-01-01T00:00:00Z');

const ohlcv = await cmc.crypto.ohlcvHistory<'1' | '1027', 'USD'>({ id: [1, 1027] }, start, end, 'daily');
const btcOhlcv = ohlcv['1'];
const ethOhlcv = ohlcv['1027'];

console.log({ btcOhlcv, ethOhlcv });
console.log({ btcOhlcvHistory: btcOhlcv.quotes, ethOhlcvHistory: ethOhlcv.quotes });

Price Performance Stats

get performance of btc and eth in 24 hours and convert to the price into eur and usd
const performance = await cmc.crypto.performance<'bitcoin' | 'ethereum', 'EUR' | 'USD'>({ slug: ['bitcoin', 'ethereum'] }, '24h', ['EUR', 'USD']);
console.log({ btcPerformance: performance.bitcoin, ethPerformance: performance.ethereum });
console.log({ btcPerformanceQuote: performance.bitcoin.quote.USD, ethPerformanceQuote: performance.ethereum.quote.EUR });


get 10 categories on first pagination page
import type { CryptoCategoryResponse } from 'cmc-api';

type Category = Pick<CryptoCategoryResponse, 'title'>;
const categories = await cmc.crypto.categories<Category[]>(10, 1);
for (const category of categories) console.log(category.title);


get zkSync category and log the market cap and the USD quote for ethereum
const categoryId = '644620a2b124ea0434395dd1';
const zkSyncCategory = await cmc.crypto.category<'USD' | 'EUR'>(categoryId, 10, 1, ['USD', 'EUR']);

const eth = zkSyncCategory.coins.filter((coin): boolean => coin.slug === 'ethereum')?.at(0);


get all upcoming airdrops and log the project name
import type { CryptoAirdropsResponse } from 'cmc-api';

type Airdrops = CryptoAirdropsResponse;
const airdrops = await cmc.crypto.airdrops<Airdrops>();
for (const airdrop of airdrops) console.log(airdrop.project_name);


get a specific airdrop information by cmc airdrop id
const airdropId = 'bqdxotizdao';
const airdrop = await cmc.crypto.airdrop(airdropId);

Trending Latest

get latest trending cryptocurrencies for the last 24 hours
import type { CryptoTrendingResponse } from 'cmc-api';

type QuoteKey = 'USD' | 'EUR';
type Trending = CryptoTrendingResponse<QuoteKey>;
const trendings = await cmc.crypto.trending<QuoteKey, Trending[]>('24h', 10, 1, ['EUR', 'USD']);

for (const trending of trendings) {
   console.log(, trending.symbol, trending.slug);
   console.log(trending.quote.EUR, trending.quote.USD);

Trending Most Visited

get most visited cryptocurrencies for the last 24 hours
import type { CryptoTrendingResponse } from 'cmc-api';

type QuoteKey = 'USD' | 'EUR';
type Trending = CryptoTrendingResponse<QuoteKey>;
const trendings = await cmc.crypto.mostVisited<QuoteKey, Trending[]>('24h', 10, 1, ['EUR', 'USD']);

for (const trending of trendings) {
   console.log(, trending.symbol, trending.slug);
   console.log(trending.quote.EUR, trending.quote.USD);

Trending Gainers & Losers

get the top 10 gainers and losers for the last 24 hours and log the name, symbol, and quotes for EUR and USD
import type { CryptoTrendingResponse } from 'cmc-api';

type QuoteKey = 'USD' | 'EUR';
type Trending = CryptoTrendingResponse<QuoteKey>;
const trendings = await cmc.crypto.gainersLosers<QuoteKey, Trending[]>('24h', 10, 1, ['EUR', 'USD']);

for (const trending of trendings) {
   console.log(, trending.symbol, trending.slug);
   console.log(trending.quote.EUR, trending.quote.USD);

Exchanges (CEX)

Exchanges ID Map

get a list of all active exchanges
import type { CexIdMapResponses } from "cmc-api";
const exchanges = await cmc.cex.list<CexIdMapResponses>();
for (const exchange of exchanges) {
   console.log(,, exchange.is_active);
get binance exchange
import type { CexIdMapResponse } from "cmc-api";
const exchanges = await cmc.cex.list<CexIdMapResponse<"binance">>("active", { cexSlug: "binance" });


get exchange metadata by ID
const metadata = await cmc.cex.metadata<"3673">({ id: 3673 });
get multiple exchange metadata by slug
const metadata = await cmc.cex.metadata<"binance" | "okx">({ slug: ["binance", "okx"] });


get exchange assets by ID
const assets = await cmc.cex.assets<"3673">(3673);
for (const asset of assets["3673"]) {
  console.log(asset.balance, asset.wallet_address);


get the 10 latest exchange listings with and convert to EUR and USD
const listings = await cmc.cex.listing<"EUR" | "USD">(10, 1, "all", "all", "exchange_score", "desc", ["EUR", "USD"]);
for (const listing of listings) {
  console.log(,, listing.quote.EUR.volume_24h, listing.quote.USD.volume_24h);

Market Pairs

get binance market pairs by ID
const marketPairs = await cmc.cex.marketPairs<"3673">({ id: 3673 });
get binance market pairs by slug
const marketPairs = await cmc.cex.marketPairs<"binance">({ slug: "binance" });

Quotes Latest

get latest binance quotes by id for BTC and ETH
const quotes = await cmc.cex.quotes<"3673", "BTC" | "ETH">({ id: 3673 }, ["BTC", "ETH"]);
console.log(quotes["3673"].quote.BTC.volume_24h, quotes["3673"].quote.ETH.volume_24h);
get latest binance quotes by slug for BTC and ETH
const quotes = await cmc.cex.quotes<"binance", "BTC" | "ETH">({ slug: "binance" }, ["BTC", "ETH"]);
console.log(quotes.binance.quote.BTC.volume_24h, quotes.binance.quote.ETH.volume_24h);

Quotes Historical

get binance historical quotes by exchange slug in interval 4h and convert to BTC and ETH
const start = new Date("2024-12-01T00:00:00Z");
const end = new Date("2025-01-01T00:00:00Z");
const quotesHistorical = await cmc.cex.quotesHistory<"binance", "BTC" | "ETH">({ slug: "binance" }, start, end, 10, "4h", ["BTC", "ETH"]);

for (const binanceQuote of quotesHistorical.binance.quotes) {

Decentralized Exchange (DEX)


get 500 list of dex networks
import type { DexIdMapResponse } from "cmc-api";
const dexes = await cmc.dex.list<DexIdMapResponse>(500, 1, "id", "desc", ["alternativeName", "cryptocurrencyId", "cryptocurrenySlug"]);
for (const dex of dexes) {
  console.log(,, dex.network_slug);


get metadata for a list of DEX
import type { DexMetadataResponse } from "cmc-api";
const metadata = await cmc.dex.metadata<DexMetadataResponse>([51, 60, 68, 93, 118], ["urls", "logo"]);


get 10 list swap of DEX listings and sorted by volume_24h
import type { DexListingQuote, DexListingResponse } from "cmc-api";
const listings = await cmc.dex.listing<DexListingQuote, DexListingResponse>("swap", 10, 1, "volume_24h");
for (const listing of listings) {


get quotes of "WETH/USDT" by contract address in ethereum network by id
import type { DexQuote, DexSecurityScan } from "cmc-api";
const quotes = await cmc.dex.quotes<DexQuote, DexSecurityScan>("0xc7bbec68d12a0d1830360f8ec58fa599ba1b0e9b", { id: 1 });  // "WETH/USDT"
get quotes of "SOL/WETH" by contract address in ethereum network by slug
import type { DexQuote, DexSecurityScan } from "cmc-api";
const quotes = await cmc.dex.quotes<DexQuote, DexSecurityScan>("0x127452f3f9cdc0389b0bf59ce6131aa3bd763598", { slug: "ethereum" });  // "SOL/WETH"


get latest trades of "WETH/USDT" by contract address in ethereum network by id
const latestTrades = await cmc.dex.trades("0xc7bbec68d12a0d1830360f8ec58fa599ba1b0e9b", { id: 1 });  // "WETH/USDT"
for (const token of latestTrades) {
  for (const trade of token.trades) console.log(trade);
get latest trades of "SOL/WETH" by contract address in ethereum network by slug
const latestTrades = await cmc.dex.trades("0x127452f3f9cdc0389b0bf59ce6131aa3bd763598", { slug: "ethereum" }); // "SOL/WETH"
for (const token of latestTrades) {
  for (const trade of token.trades) console.log(trade);

Pairs Listings

importing type of dex pairs response
import type { DexPairQuote, DexSecurityScan } from "cmc-api";
get list of all active dex spot pairs by network id
const pairs = await cmc.dex.pairs<DexPairQuote, DexSecurityScan>({ id: 1 });  // networkId '1' == slug 'ethereum'
for (const pair of pairs) console.log(pair);
get list of all active dex spot pairs by network slug
const pairs = await cmc.dex.pairs<DexPairQuote, DexSecurityScan>({ slug: "ethereum" });  // ethereum
for (const pair of pairs) console.log(pair);
get list of all active dex spot pairs by network id and dex id
const pairs = await cmc.dex.pairs<DexPairQuote, DexSecurityScan>({ id: 1 }, { id: 1348 });  // networkId 1 = ethereum | dexId 1348 = "uniswap-v3"
for (const pair of pairs) console.log(pair);
get list of all active dex spot pairs by network slug and dex slug
const pairs = await cmc.dex.pairs<DexPairQuote, DexSecurityScan>({ slug: "ethereum" }, { slug: "uniswap-v3" });  // ethereum | uniswap-v3
for (const pair of pairs) console.log(pair);

OHLCV Latest

get the latest OHLCV data by contract address and network id
import type { DexOhlcvQuote, DexSecurityScan } from "cmc-api";
const ohlcvs = await cmc.dex.ohlcv<DexOhlcvQuote, DexSecurityScan>("0xc7bbec68d12a0d1830360f8ec58fa599ba1b0e9b", { id: 1 }); // "WETH/USDT"
for (const ohlcv of ohlcvs) console.log(ohlcv);
get the latest OHLCV data by contract address and network slug
import type { DexOhlcvQuote, DexSecurityScan } from "cmc-api";
const ohlcvs = await cmc.dex.ohlcv<DexOhlcvQuote, DexSecurityScan>("0x127452f3f9cdc0389b0bf59ce6131aa3bd763598", { slug: "ethereum" }); // "SOL/WETH"
for (const ohlcv of ohlcvs) console.log(ohlcv);

OHLCV Historical

get historical OHLCV data on daily interval and period by contract address and network id
import type { DexOhlcvHistoricalQuotes, DexSecurityScan } from "cmc-api";
const ohlcvsHistories = await cmc.dex.ohlcvHistory<DexOhlcvHistoricalQuotes, DexSecurityScan>("0xc7bbec68d12a0d1830360f8ec58fa599ba1b0e9b", { id: 1 }); // USDT/WETH in uniswap-v3 DEX
for (const ohlcvHistory of ohlcvsHistories) console.log(ohlcvHistory);
get historical OHLCV data on daily interval and period by contract address and network slug
import type { DexOhlcvHistoricalQuotes, DexSecurityScan } from "cmc-api";
const ohlcvsHistories = await cmc.dex.ohlcvHistory<DexOhlcvHistoricalQuotes, DexSecurityScan>("0x127452f3f9cdc0389b0bf59ce6131aa3bd763598", { slug: "ethereum" }); // SOL/WETH in uniswap-v3 DEX
for (const ohlcvHistory of ohlcvsHistories) console.log(ohlcvHistory);

Global Metrics


Community Content and Trends


Tools and Others



See Releases for more information what has changed recently.


Contributions of any kind are welcome! See here


Licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


CoinMarketCap API Wrapper. Supports endpoints cryptocurrency, exchanges (CEX), decentralized exchange (DEX), global metrics, community content and trends, tools and etc.





