SVG image converter application made of Spring Boot 3.x.x and ReactJS for UI
Main purpose of this project is to demonstrate building a reactive web application with SpringBoot 3.x.x. and ReactJS
- React UI application with Spring boot framework
- WebFlux based REST API design
- Security with JWT token
- Open API documentation
- Cassandra data access
- Java Bean validation
- Dockerizing application
- Cucumber integration tests
For data access layer, it is configured to use memory based DAO by default but user can easily enable the Cassandra DAO by setting the active profile as dao_cassandra in application.yml file.
This project is using Ruby Cucumber framework for integration tests.
Gradle is used for building application. Minimum required Java is JDK17.
- Compiling UI project
The following gradle task will build and deploy the React application to Java backend project.
$ ./gradlew deployReactDist
Compiling React UI application
$ cd ns-svg-converter-react
$ yarn build
- Compiling backend application
$ ./gradlew clean build
- Google formatting for backend application Applied spotless plugin to format code and automatic copyright string.
$ ./gradlew spotlessApply
- Compiling application including UI
$ ./gradlew clean
$ ./gradlew deployReactDist build
$ java -jar ns-main-service/build/libs/ns-main-service-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Application log
. ____ _ __ _ _
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\\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) )
' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
:: Spring Boot :: (v3.1.3)
- Browsing the application
Supporting Open API
- Open API docs
- Swagger UI
This project provides a Dockerfile to run an application in Docker container environment and Kubernetes cluster.
- Creating a Docker image
$ cd ns-main-service
$ docker build -t [tagname] .
- Running an application in Docker container
$ docker run --rm -d --name=[name] -p 8080:8080 [image name]
This project is using cucumber BDD testing framework.
Ruby should be installed to execute cucumber tests.
- Running test
$ ./gradlew bdd
- BDD run result example
17 scenarios (17 passed)
135 steps (135 passed)