Our internal MPI-CBS event as part of Brainhack global 2018.
register your email at Brainhack website our channel will be: #bhg-2018-le
- Alfred Anwander
- Seyma Bayrak
- Ahmad Seif Kanaan
- Michael Paquette
- Kornelius Podranski
- Daniel Rose
- Nico Scherf
Thursday, May 3 (6pm) - Saturday, May 5 (9pm)
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Leipzig, Germany
- Development of an integrated pipeline for correction of gradient nonlinearity, B0, motion and eddy currents artefacts in the CONENCTOM MRI.
- Using Machine Learning to classify (and correct) fat artefacts in MRI data.
- Porting more functionality from the CBS-Tools code base to Nighres.
- Introduction to Python for Neuroscience
- Introduction to Git/GitHub
- Some Basic Bash
Saturday 8:30pm @ Beyerhaus