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Parse SyRi into R and plot with gggenomes

Niklas Schandry


Here I provide a function to read in SyRi outputs from nf-plotsv for plotting.

Running this requires ‘tidyverse’ (dplyr, dtplyr, magrittr, and vroom) and the output is designed to be compatible with gggenomes for plotting.

This repo also comes with a snapshot that can be used with renv::restore().

The calculation of polygons to draw curves between sequences is directly lifted from the amazing GENESPACE package, but GENESPACE is not a dependency.

The files included in data/ for demonstration are the plotsr example files.


parse_syri() was intended to work with the outputs from nf-plotsv. Therefore, the script expects the SyRi output to be named genomeA_on_genomeB.syri.out, and will split based on this. There is no flexibility here.

Function reference

parse_syri() has a number of arguments. Most of those are outlined below with examples:

files:                    a list of files. These files are expected to: end with `.syri.out` 
                          and follow the naming scheme A_on_B.syri.out
order:                    a dataframe with a column bin_id , containing the order of genomes
chroms:                   (optional) list of chromosomes to retain.
spacing:                  spacing between chromosomes from the same genome (bin_id). 
                          This spacing works the same way as the spacing parameter of
                          gggenomes: "between sequences in bases (>1) or relative to 
                          longest bin (<1)",which is actually relative to 
                          (longest bin)/sqrt(number of seq_ids).
                          Default: 0.05
resize_polygons:          (logical) should polygons of short links be resized?
                          Default: TRUE
resize_polygons_size:     if polygons are resized, to what fraction of the total length?
                          Default: 0.003
min_polygon_feat_size:    minimum length of links to be resized. Default: 5000
no_polygons:              (logical) do not compute polygons. 
                          Default: FALSE, will compute polygons.
verbose:                  (logical), if TRUE returns some extra information for debugging.
                          Default: FALSE

parse_syri() returns a list of data-frames:

$seqs:                    contains sequenece information, compatible with gggenomes
$links:                   contains links between sequences, compatible with gggenomes
$polygons:                contains polygons that can be plotted via `geom_polygon()`


In this example, genomeA is col and genomeB is ler.

The output from SyRi can be parsed using parse_syri() (in functions/parse_syri.R)

If not installed, I recommend to install gggenomes.


parse_syri() builds on tidyverse and uses some special pipes from magrittr.

source("functions/parse_syri.R") # Contains syri_plot_fills

Data in

Data is read using parse_syri().

dat <- parse_syri("data/col_on_ler.syri.out",
                  order = data.frame(bin_id = c("col","ler"))


After parsing the data, it is ready for plotting.

gggenomes links

The parsed data can be used with gggenomes geoms, such as geom_seq, geom_bin, geom_link, etc.

gggenomes::gggenomes(seqs = dat$seqs,
                     links = dat$links) + 
  geom_seq(linewidth = 1) + 
  geom_bin_label(size=7) +
  geom_link(aes(fill = type),color = NA) +
  syri_plot_fills  +
  ggtitle("Synteny between Col and Ler")

With polygons

gggenomes::geom_link() currently draws simple rectangles. An alternative is to draw sequence relationships using polygons. These polygons are computed during parsing (unless no_polygons is set to TRUE) and returned in a dataframe in the $polys slot of the list.

gggenomes::gggenomes(seqs = dat$seqs,
                     links = dat$links) + 
    data = dat$polys %>% filter(direct) %>% filter(type == "SYN"),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      fill = type,
      group = link_grp
    alpha = 0.6
  ) +
    data = dat$polys %>% filter(direct) %>% filter(type != "SYN"),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      fill = type,
      group = link_grp
    alpha = 0.8
  ) +
  geom_seq(linewidth = 1) + 
  geom_bin_label(size=7) +
  #geom_link() +
  syri_plot_fills  +
  ggtitle("Synteny between Col and Ler")


Selecting chromosomes

Sometimes, only a subset of chromosomes is relevant. parse_syri() expects chromosome names to be identical across genomes. If that is the case, chromosomes can be selected with the chroms parameter

dat <- parse_syri("data/col_on_ler.syri.out",
                  order = data.frame(bin_id = c("col","ler")),
                  chroms = c("Chr1","Chr3")
gggenomes::gggenomes(seqs = dat$seqs,
                     links = dat$links) + 
    data = dat$polys %>% filter(direct) %>% filter(type == "SYN"),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      fill = type,
      group = link_grp
    alpha = 0.6
  ) +
    data = dat$polys %>% filter(direct) %>% filter(type != "SYN"),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      fill = type,
      group = link_grp
    alpha = 0.8
  ) +
  geom_seq(linewidth = 1) + 
  geom_bin_label(size=7) +
  #geom_link() +
  syri_plot_fills  +
  ggtitle("Synteny between Col and Ler Chromosomes 1 and 3")


Sometimes, the default spacing between chromosomes may not be optimal. parse_syri() follows gggenomes in spacing rules. If spacing is < 1, it is relative to the longest bin / sqrt(number of sequences), if it is >= 1 it is base pairs. The default is 0.05 (as for gggenomes)

In basepairs

dat <- parse_syri("data/col_on_ler.syri.out",
                  order = data.frame(bin_id = c("col","ler")),
                  spacing = 5000000 # spacing in bp

Of course, if the spacing was changed, this also needs to be adjusted in gggenomes:

gggenomes::gggenomes(seqs = dat$seqs,
                     links = dat$links,
                     spacing = 5000000) + 
    data = dat$polys %>% filter(direct) %>% filter(type == "SYN"),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      fill = type,
      group = link_grp
    alpha = 0.6
  ) +
    data = dat$polys %>% filter(direct) %>% filter(type != "SYN"),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      fill = type,
      group = link_grp
    alpha = 0.8
  ) +
  geom_seq(linewidth = 1) + 
  geom_bin_label(size=7) +
  syri_plot_fills  +
  ggtitle("Synteny between Col - Ler with 5MB spacing between chromsomes")


4 times the standard spacing:

dat <- parse_syri("data/col_on_ler.syri.out",
                  order = data.frame(bin_id = c("col","ler")),
                  spacing = 0.2 # relative spacing
gggenomes::gggenomes(seqs = dat$seqs,
                     links = dat$links,
                     spacing = 0.2) + 
    data = dat$polys %>% filter(direct) %>% filter(type == "SYN"),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      fill = type,
      group = link_grp
    alpha = 0.6
  ) +
    data = dat$polys %>% filter(direct) %>% filter(type != "SYN"),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      fill = type,
      group = link_grp
    alpha = 0.8
  ) +
  geom_seq(linewidth = 1) + 
  geom_bin_label(size=7) +
  syri_plot_fills  +
  ggtitle("Synteny between Col - Ler, spacing increased 4x")

No resizing

By default, short syntenic regions larger than 5000 bp are resized to make them visible. Since this does not reflect the original input, this can be disabled:

dat <- parse_syri("data/col_on_ler.syri.out",
                  order = data.frame(bin_id = c("col","ler")),
                  resize_polygons = F)
gggenomes::gggenomes(seqs = dat$seqs,
                     links = dat$links) + 
    data = dat$polys %>% filter(direct) %>% filter(type == "SYN"),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      fill = type,
      group = link_grp
    alpha = 0.6
  ) +
    data = dat$polys %>% filter(direct) %>% filter(type != "SYN"),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      fill = type,
      group = link_grp
    alpha = 0.8
  ) +
  geom_seq(linewidth = 1) + 
  geom_bin_label(size=7) +
  syri_plot_fills  +
  ggtitle("Synteny between Col and Ler without resizing")

Minimum resize size

Only regions larger than min_polygon_feat_size are resized (default 5000), this can be modified to also include smaller regions

dat <- parse_syri("data/col_on_ler.syri.out",
                  order = data.frame(bin_id = c("col","ler")),
                  resize_polygons = T,
                  min_polygon_feat_size = 1000)

Naturally, this will create a busier plot.

gggenomes::gggenomes(seqs = dat$seqs,
                     links = dat$links) + 
    data = dat$polys %>% filter(direct) %>% filter(type == "SYN"),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      fill = type,
      group = link_grp
    alpha = 0.6
  ) +
    data = dat$polys %>% filter(direct) %>% filter(type != "SYN"),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      fill = type,
      group = link_grp
    alpha = 0.8
  ) +
  geom_seq(linewidth = 1) + 
  geom_bin_label(size=7) +
  syri_plot_fills  +
  ggtitle("Synteny between Col and Ler, resizing regions larger than 999bp")

Resize output size

Regions are resized to have a certain length relative to the chromosome, controlled by resize_polygons_size, which defaults to 0.003 (0.3%) of the chromosome length. Changing this parameter will make resized regions larger or smaller.

dat <- parse_syri("data/col_on_ler.syri.out",
                  order = data.frame(bin_id = c("col","ler")),
                  resize_polygons = T,
                  resize_polygons_size = 0.01)

This will produce wider polygons for resized links.

gggenomes::gggenomes(seqs = dat$seqs,
                     links = dat$links) + 
    data = dat$polys %>% filter(direct) %>% filter(type == "SYN"),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      fill = type,
      group = link_grp
    alpha = 0.6
  ) +
    data = dat$polys %>% filter(direct) %>% filter(type != "SYN"),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      fill = type,
      group = link_grp
    alpha = 0.8
  ) +
  geom_seq(linewidth = 1) + 
  geom_bin_label(size=7) +
  syri_plot_fills  +
  ggtitle("Synteny between Col and Ler")

Multiple genomes

Comparing two genomes is nice, but more might be better.

parse_syri() can handle multiple inputs in one go when those are provided as a list:

file_list <- list.files("data", full.names = T)
syri_order <- data.frame(bin_id = c("col", "ler", "cvi", "eri"))
dat <- parse_syri(file_list, order = syri_order)

Making a plot from this works the same way of making a plot of only one comparison. The order of sequences is set via the order argument to parse_syri()

gggenomes::gggenomes(seqs = dat$seqs,
                     links = dat$links) + 
    data = dat$polys %>% filter(direct) %>% filter(type == "SYN"),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      fill = type,
      group = link_grp
    alpha = 0.6
  ) +
    data = dat$polys %>% filter(direct) %>% filter(type != "SYN"),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      fill = type,
      group = link_grp
    alpha = 0.8
  ) +
  geom_seq(linewidth = 1) + 
  geom_bin_label(size=7) +
  syri_plot_fills  +
  ggtitle("Synteny between Col - Ler - Cvi - Eri")

Keeping chromosomes separate

By default, parse_syri() takes all chromosomes from the same genome (bin_id) and puts them on one axis, adding space between them as needed (See spacing).

Sometimes, it might be useful to have the chromosomes each on their own coordinate system instead. This can be done by making use of the chroms argument to read each chromosome individually and then combining them. Below is an example for the col-ler-cvi-eri data used above and included in data/.

file_list <- list.files("data", full.names = T)
syri_order <- data.frame(bin_id = c("col", "ler", "cvi", "eri"))
chromosomes <-  c("Chr1", "Chr2", "Chr3", "Chr4", "Chr5")
dat_tmp <- lapply(chromosomes,
                  \(chrom) parse_syri(file_list, order = syri_order, chroms = chrom))

# Bind sequences
dat$seqs <- lapply(1:length(chromosomes), \(l) pluck(dat_tmp, l, "seqs")) %>%
# Create y coordinates for sequences
seq_pos <- left_join(dat$seqs, syri_order %>%
                       mutate(y = rev(1:length(bin_id))),
                     by = join_by(bin_id))
# Bind links
dat$links <- lapply(1:length(chromosomes), \(l) pluck(dat_tmp, l, "links")) %>%
# Bind polygons
dat$polys <- lapply(1:length(chromosomes), \(l) pluck(dat_tmp, l, "polys")) %>%
# Add seq_id column to polygons, only keep polygons that connect the same chromosome
dat$polys <- dat$polys %>%
    Chr_grp1 = str_extract_all(link, "Chr[0-9]*", simplify = T)[, 1],
    Chr_grp2 = str_extract_all(link, "Chr[0-9]*", simplify = T)[, 2]
  ) %>%
  filter(Chr_grp1 == Chr_grp2) %>%
  mutate(seq_id = Chr_grp1)

Note that geom_segment() should be used to draw chromosomes, since geom_seq() would again place the chromosomes onto a single axis.

gggenomes::gggenomes(seqs = dat$seqs,
                     links = dat$links) + 
    data = dat$polys %>% filter(direct) %>% filter(type == "SYN"),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      fill = type,
      group = link_grp
    alpha = 0.6
  ) +
    data = dat$polys %>% filter(direct) %>% filter(type != "SYN"),
      x = x,
      y = y,
      fill = type,
      group = link_grp
    alpha = 0.8
  ) +
  geom_segment(aes(x = 0, xend = length, y=y, yend=y), data = seq_pos) +
                 # Avoid overly long extension of x to the left
                 expand_left = 1e-2,
                 nudge_left = 5e-3) +
  facet_wrap(~seq_id, ncol = 1,  scales = "free_x") +
  syri_plot_fills +
  theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white")) +
  ggtitle("Synteny between Col - Ler - Cvi - Eri")


If you encounter any problems, please open an issue.

If you have suggestions for improvement, please open a pull request.


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