Less common options for the pipeline, typically set in a config file.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Default |
Required |
Hidden |
publish_dir_mode |
Method used to save pipeline results to output directory. HelpThe Nextflow publishDir option specifies which intermediate files should be saved to the output directory. This option tells the pipeline what |
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Default |
Required |
Hidden |
samplesheet |
samplesheet |
string |
'' |
True |
enable_conda |
use conda (not supported) |
boolean |
collect |
combine reads from multiple fastq files into one? |
boolean |
skip_flye |
skip flye assembly |
boolean |
skip_alignments |
skip alignment to initial assembly and reference |
boolean |
flye_mode |
flye mode to use |
string |
'--nano-hq' |
flye_args |
extra args for flye |
string |
'' |
polish_pilon |
use pilon to polish with short reads |
boolean |
medaka_model |
medaka model to use |
string |
'r1041_e82_400bps_hac@v4.2.0:consesus' |
lift_annotations |
run liftoff to lift over annotations |
boolean |
out |
results directory |
string |
'./out' |
scaffold_ragtag |
Scaffold with ragtag |
boolean |
scaffold_links |
Scaffold with links |
boolean |
scaffold_longstitch |
Scaffold with longstitch |
boolean |
busoc_db |
path to busco db |
string |
/dss/dsslegfs01/pn73so/pn73so-dss-0000/becker_common/software/busco_db |
porechop |
run porechop |
boolean |
use_ref |
Use a reference genome |
boolean |
True |
busco_lineage |
busco lineage to use |
string |
"brassicales_odb10" |
jelly_is_reads |
not used |
string |
True |
kmer_length |
k-mer length |
integer |
21 |
read_length |
read length (if null, estimate) |
integer |
dump |
Dump kmers from jellyfish |
boolean |
genome_size |
Expected genome size, if null estimate from kmers |
integer |
hifi |
HiFi reads available? |
boolean |
lima |
Use lima on hifi reads |
boolean |
pacbio_primers |
File containing pacbio primers |
string |
hifi_ont |
Merge hifi and ont reads |
boolean |
hifi_only |
Only hifi reads |
boolean |
hifi_args |
Extra arguments for hifiasm |
string |
polish_medaka |
polish with medaka |
string |