The goal of genomeassembler
and nf-annotate
is to make to genome assembly and annotation workflows accessible for a broader community, particularily for plant-sciences. Long-read sequencing technologies are already cheap and will continue to drop in price, genome sequencing will soon be available to many researchers without a strong bioinformatic background.
The assembly is naturally quite organisms agnostic, but the annotation pipeline contains some steps that may not make sense for other eukaryotes, unless there is a particular interest in NB-LRR genes.
The current recommended workflow for assembly and annotation of Arabidopsis from long reads is:
- Assembly:
- Annotation: This pipeline.
This pipeline is designed to annotate outputs from genomeassembler
It takes a samplesheet of genome assemblies, intitial annotations (liftoff) and cDNA ONT Nanopore reads or pacbio isoseq reads. If no long transcriptome reads are available short reads can also be used.
If --short_reads
is true
the pipeline takes short reads instead of long cDNA. This is probably better than no reads, but for high-quality annotations long transcriptome reads are recommended.
To run the pipeline with a samplesheet on biohpc_gen with charliecloud:
git clone
nextflow run nf-annotate --samplesheet 'path/to/sample_sheet.csv' \
--out './results' \
-profile biohpc_gen
Parameter | Effect |
--samplesheet |
Path to samplesheet |
--preprocess_reads |
Run porechop on ONT reads or LIMA -REFINE on pacbio reads? (default: false ) |
--exclude_pattern |
Exclusion pattern for chromosome names (HRP, default ATMG , ignores mitochondrial genome) |
--reference_name |
Reference name (for BLAST), default: Col-CEN |
--reference_proteins |
Protein reference (defaults to Col-CEN); see known issues / blast below for additional information |
--gene_id_pattern |
Regex to capture gene name in initial annoations. Default: ` "AT[1-5C]G[0-9]+.[0-9]+ |
--r_genes |
Run R-Gene prediction pipeline?, default: true |
--augustus_species |
Species to for agustus, default: "arabidopsis" |
--snap_organism |
Model to use for snap, default: "A.thaliana" |
--mode |
Specify 'ont' or 'pacbio' . Default 'ont' |
--aligner |
Aligner for long-reads. Options are 'minimap2' or ultra . Default: 'minimap2' |
--pacbio_polya |
Require (and trim) polyA tails from pacbio reads? Default: true |
--primers |
File containing primers used for pacbio sequencing (required if --mode is 'pacbio'). Default : null |
--short_reads |
Provide this parametere if the transcriptome reads are short reads (see below). Default: false |
--bamsortram |
Short-reads only: passed to STAR for --limitBAMsortRAM . Specifies RAM available for BAM sorting, in bytes. Default: 0 |
--min_contig_length |
minimum length of contigs to keep, default: 5000 |
--transpososons |
Annotate transposons, default true |
--satellites |
Annotate satellites, default true |
--out |
Results directory, default: './results' |
Samplesheet .csv
with header:
Column | Content |
sample |
Name of the sample |
genome_assembly |
Path to assembly fasta file |
liftoff |
Path to liftoff annotations |
reads |
Path to file containing cDNA reads |
If --short_reads
is used the samplesheet should look like:
Column | Content |
sample |
Name of the sample |
genome_assembly |
Path to assembly fasta file |
liftoff |
Path to liftoff annotations |
pair |
true or false depending on whether the short reads are paired |
shortread_F |
Path to forward reads |
shortread_R |
Path to reverse reads |
If there is only one type of read shortread_R should remain empty and paired should be
NB: It is possible to mix paired and unpaired reads within one samplesheet, e.g. when performing annotation of many genomes with heterogenious data availability.
NB: It is not possible to mix long and short reads in a single samplesheet.
This pipeline will run the following subworkflows:
: Subset to genome toparams.min_contig_length
: Subset input gff to contigs larger thanparams.min_contig_length
: Run the homology based R-gene predictionAB_INITIO
: Perform ab initio predictions:SNAP (kind of paralellized)MINIPROT
(long cDNA reads): Runporechop
(optional) on cDNA reads. These reads are aligned viaminimap2
mode or usinguLTRA
, depending on the value ofparams.aligner
. Then runbambu
to identify transcripts.TRINITY
(short cDNA reads): RunTrim Galore!
on the short reads, followed bySTAR
for alignment andTRINITY
for transcript discovery from the alignment.PASA
: Run the PASA pipeline on bambu output . This step starts by converting the bambu output (.gtf) by passing it
. Subsequently transcripts are extracted (stepPASA:AGAT_EXTRACT_TRANSCRIPTS
). After runningPASApipeline
the coding regions are extracted viatransdecoder
as bundeld with pasa (pasa_asmbls_to_training_set.dbi
: Take all outputs from above and the initial annotation (typically vialiftoff
) and run them through Evidence Modeler. The implementation of this was kind of tricky, it is currently parallelized in chunks viaxargs -n${task.cpus} -P${task.cpus}
. I assume that this is still faster than running it fully sequentially. This produces the final annotations,FUNCTIONAL
only extends this with extra information in column 9 of the gff file.GET_R_GENES
: R-Genes (NLRs) are identified in the final annotations based oninterproscan
: Create functional annotations based onBLAST
against reference andinterproscan-pfam
. Produces protein fasta. Creates.gff
outputs. Also quantifies transcripts viabambu
In addition to annotating protein coding genes, the pipeline can also create additional annotations:
: Annotate transposons usingHiTE
: Annotate satellite repeats usingTRASH
The weights for EVidenceModeler are defined in assets/weights.tsv
The outputs will be put into params.out
, defaulting to ./results
. Inside the results folder, the outputs are structured according to the different subworkflows of the pipeline (workflow/subworkflow/process
All processess will emit their outputs to results.
is used throughout this pipeline, hopefully ensuring consistent gff formating.
Graph for HRP
graph TD;
fasta>Genome Fasta] --> protseqs[Protein Sequences]
ingff>Genome GFF] --> protseqs[Protein Sequences]
protseqs --> pfam[Interproscan Pfam]
pfam --> nbarc[NB-LRR extraction]
nbarc --> meme[MEME]
meme --> mast[MAST]
mast --> superfam[Interproscan Superfamily]
pfam --> rgdomains[R-Gene Identification based on Domains]
superfam --> rgdomains
rgdomains --> miniprot[miniprot: discovery based on known R-genes]
miniprot --> seqs>R-Gene sequences]
miniprot --> rgff[R-Gene gff]
ingff --> mergegff>Merged GFF]
rgff --> mergegff
%%{init: {'theme': 'dark',
'commitLabelColor': '#cccccc',
'commitLabelBackground': '#434244',
'commitLabelFontSize': '12px',
'tagLabelFontSize': '12px',
'git0': '#8db7d2',
'git1': '#58508d',
'git2': '#bc5090',
'git3': '#ff6361',
'git4': '#ffa600',
'git5': '#74a892',
'git6': '#d69e49',
'git7': '#00ffff'
'gitGraph': {
'mainBranchName': "Prepare Genome",
'parallelCommits': false
gitGraph TB:
commit id: "Genome fasta"
commit id: "Length filter [seqtk]" tag: "fasta"
branch "HRP"
branch "Ab initio<br>prediction"
branch "Transcript<br>discovery"
branch "Evidence Modeler"
checkout "Prepare Genome"
commit id: "Protein sequences [agat]"
checkout "HRP"
commit id: "NLR Extraction"
commit id: "InterproScan PFAM"
commit id: "MEME"
commit id: "MAST"
commit id: "InterproScan Superfamily"
commit id: "Genome scan [miniprot]"
commit id: "Merge with input"
checkout "Evidence Modeler"
merge "HRP" tag: "R-gene GFF"
checkout "Ab initio<br>prediction"
commit id: "AUGUSTUS"
checkout "Evidence Modeler"
merge "Ab initio<br>prediction" tag: "AUGUSTUS GFF"
checkout "Ab initio<br>prediction"
commit id: "SNAP"
checkout "Evidence Modeler"
merge "Ab initio<br>prediction" tag: "SNAP GFF"
checkout "Ab initio<br>prediction"
commit id: "miniprot"
checkout "Evidence Modeler"
merge "Ab initio<br>prediction" tag: "miniprot GFF"
checkout "Transcript<br>discovery"
commit id: "Reads" tag: "fasta"
commit id: "Porechop / Trim Galore"
commit id: "minimap2 / STAR"
commit id: "bambu / Trinity"
checkout "Evidence Modeler"
merge "Transcript<br>discovery" tag: "Transcript GFF"
commit type: HIGHLIGHT id: "Merged GFF"
branch "Functional<br>annotation"
branch "Tranposon<br>annotation"
checkout "Functional<br>annotation"
commit id: "BLAST"
commit id: "InterproScan"
commit id: "Functional annotation [agat]" tag: "Gene GFF" type: HIGHLIGHT
checkout "Tranposon<br>annotation"
commit type: HIGHLIGHT id: "HiTE" tag: "Transposon GFF"
Interproscan is run from the interproscan docker image. The data needs to be downloaded separately and mounted into /opt/interproscan/data (cp. biohpc_gen.config, After downloading a new data-release, the container should be run once interactively to index the models (cp.
is looking for GN=
in the headers of the .fasta
file used as a db for BLASTP
to assign a gene name.
Currently, this is handled using sed
for a very specific case: the annotations that come with Col-CEN-v1.2.
The easiest solution would be to correctly prepare the protein fasta in such a way that it contains GN=
with the appropriate gene names. In that case modules MAKEBLASTDB
need to be edited.
If you run into problems, please open an issue on github. If you would like to contribute to this pipeline, please do so via pull requests.
The pipeline is written in nextflow:
Di Tommaso P, Chatzou M, Floden EW, Barja PP, Palumbo E, Notredame C. Nextflow enables reproducible computational workflows. Nat Biotechnol. 2017 Apr 11;35(4):316-319. doi: 10.1038/nbt.3820. PubMed PMID: 28398311.
The HRP workflow has been re-implemented in nextflow. It was original described here:
Andolfo G, Dohm JC, and Himmelbauer H. Prediction of NB-LRR resistance genes based on full-length sequence homology. Plant J. 2022:110(6):1592–1602.
The pipeline uses these tools:
Dainat J. 2022. Another Gtf/Gff Analysis Toolkit (AGAT): Resolve interoperability issues and accomplish more with your annotations. Plant and Animal Genome XXIX Conference.
Stefanie Nachtweide and Mario Stanke (2019), Multi-Genome Annotation with AUGUSTUS. Methods Mol Biol., 1962:139-160. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-9173-0_8. PubMed PMID: 31020558
Hoff KJ, Lomsadze A, Borodovsky M, Stanke M. (2019), Whole-Genome Annotation with BRAKER. Methods Mol Biol., 1962:65-95. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-9173-0_5. PubMed PMID: 31020555.
Hoff KJ. ,Stanke M. (2018). Predicting genes in single genomes with AUGUSTUS. Current Protocols in Bioinformatics, e57. doi: 10.1002/cpbi.57. manuscript (PDF)
Stefanie König, Lars Romoth, Lizzy Gerischer, and Mario Stanke (2016) Simultaneous gene finding in multiple genomes. Bioinformatics, 32 (22): 3388-3395, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btw494
Mario Stanke, Mark Diekhans, Robert Baertsch, David Haussler (2008) Using native and syntenically mapped cDNA alignments to improve de novo gene finding. Bioinformatics, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btn013
Mario Stanke, Ana Tzvetkova, Burkhard Morgenstern (2006) "AUGUSTUS at EGASP: using EST, protein and genomic alignments for improved gene prediction in the human genome" BMC Genome Biology, 7(Suppl 1):S11
Mario Stanke , Oliver Keller, Irfan Gunduz, Alec Hayes, Stephan Waack, Burkhard Morgenstern (2006) "AUGUSTUS: ab initio prediction of alternative transcripts" Nucleic Acids Research, 34: W435-W439.
Mario Stanke, Oliver Schoeffmann, Burkhard Morgenstern and Stephan Waack "Gene prediction in eukaryotes with a generalized hidden Markov model that uses hints from external sources", BMC Bioinformatics, 7:62 (2006)
Mario Stanke and Burkhard Morgenstern (2005) "AUGUSTUS: a web server for gene prediction in eukaryotes that allows user-defined constraints", Nucleic Acids Research, 33, W465-W467
Mario Stanke, Rasmus Steinkamp, Stephan Waack and Burkhard Morgenstern, "AUGUSTUS: a web server for gene finding in eukaryotes" (2004), Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 32, W309-W312
Mario Stanke (2003), Gene Prediction with a Hidden-Markov Model. Ph.D. thesis, Universitaet Goettingen,
Mario Stanke and Stephan Waack (2003), Gene Prediction with a Hidden-Markov Model and a new Intron Submodel. Bioinformatics, Vol. 19, Suppl. 2, pages ii215-ii225
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Haas et al. Automated eukaryotic gene structure annotation using EVidenceModeler and the Program to Assemble Spliced Alignments. Genome Biology 2008, 9:R7doi:10.1186/gb-2008-9-1-r7.
Hu, K., Ni, P., Xu, M. et al. HiTE: a fast and accurate dynamic boundary adjustment approach for full-length transposable element detection and annotation. Nat Commun 15, 5573 (2024).
InterProScan 5: genome-scale protein function classification Philip Jones, David Binns, Hsin-Yu Chang, Matthew Fraser, Weizhong Li, Craig McAnulla, Hamish McWilliam, John Maslen, Alex Mitchell, Gift Nuka, Sebastien Pesseat, Antony F. Quinn, Amaia Sangrador-Vegas, Maxim Scheremetjew, Siew-Yit Yong, Rodrigo Lopez, Sarah Hunter Bioinformatics (2014)
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Kristoffer Sahlin, Veli Mäkinen, Accurate spliced alignment of long RNA sequencing reads, Bioinformatics, Volume 37, Issue 24, 15 December 2021, Pages 4643–4651