Training a Deep Neural Network (DNN) on the MNIST dataset.
Create minimum implementation of backpropagation algorithm to train a DNN as both an educational resource and a starting point for implementing a training algorithm.
Before building project, initialize and update submodules,
git submodule init
git submodule update
To build project, in root project folder,
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build .
and then to run,
./runme --help
To display possible runtime arguments,
Create minimum implementation of backpropagation algorithm to train a DNN as both an educational resource and a starting point for implementing a training algorithm.
Usage: MNIST-DNN-Training [OPTIONS]
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
--training_data TEXT REQUIRED Path to training data file
--training_labels TEXT REQUIRED Path to training labels file
--test_data TEXT REQUIRED Path to test data file
--test_labels TEXT REQUIRED Path to test labels file
-v,--verbose [0] Print out debug information as well
--no-logging{false} [1] Disable logging by passing the --no-logging flag
To start training, pass the proper paths for training/test data as well as any flags,
./runme --training_data ../training_data/bin/train-images.idx3-ubyte \
--training_labels ../training_data/bin/train-labels.idx1-ubyte \
--test_data ../training_data/bin/test-images.idx3-ubyte \
--test_labels ../training_data/bin/test-labels.idx1-ubyte
You can also pass the -v
flag to enable verbose debugging
At the moment, training only really works for 1 hidden layer. Adding more layer results in terrible training convergence.
Only one cost function, and not one ideal for classification.
Implement AVX intrinsics for vectorized dot product calculation. While compilers like gcc and clang can usually optimize this automatically, my experience when building with different compilers has been inconsistent and suggests that there can be major differences in speed depending on which compiler is used.
Implement ADAM optimizer for better training
Implement multithreaded calculation (Possibly using OpenMP)
Use smart pointers rather than raw pointers
In the future I plan on creating some UI for training and analysing the network rather than doing it through terminal. Numerous variables and program structure decisions are made with this in mind.