A demonstration of a native plugin built with the .NET SDK, using Windows Forms
Install the tools listed in the general build requirements.
Launch the Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt or PowerShell from the Windows Start Menu.
Change into the same directory as this README and run:
dotnet publish -f net9.0-windows -c $(BUILD_CONFIGURATION) -r $(TARGET_RUNTIME) -o $(PLUGIN_FOLDER_PATH)
The command line arguments are the following:
Release OR Debug |
win-x64 OR win-arm64 |
the full path to the plugin folder created above |
If you would like to help further the development of Native AOT plugins, choose "Debug" for the $(BUILD_CONFIGURATION)
Start a portable Notepad++ with a debugger attached (e.g. the Visual Studio Windows Debugger), and watch the output window
for a stacktrace similar to the following:
Unhandled exception. System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException: Only the invariant culture is supported in globalization-invariant mode. See https://aka.ms/GlobalizationInvariantMode for more information. (Parameter 'name')
zh-Hant is an invalid culture identifier.
at System.Globalization.CultureInfo..ctor(String name, Boolean useUserOverride) + 0x81
at System.Reflection.AssemblyName.set_CultureName(String) + 0x36
at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssemblyName.CopyToAssemblyName(AssemblyName) + 0x3c
at System.Reflection.Runtime.Assemblies.RuntimeAssemblyInfo.GetName() + 0x33
at System.Windows.Forms.ThreadExceptionDialog..ctor(Exception) + 0x7ea
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.OnThreadException(Exception) + 0x94
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(HWND, MessageId, WPARAM, LPARAM) + 0xef
at Npp.DotNet.Plugin.Gui.Demo!<BaseAddress>+0x4ba9ea