This project is a part of our dev-club activity and will focus on dom manipulation. basic dom manipulation knowledge is required, html & css as well.
- JS
- Clone this repository.
- Checkout to the starting-files branch
- Try to mimic the following site ( listed bellow )
- make the game responsible using the scratch layout principals ( refer to Jonas course in udemy if you forgot what it is ).
- Make the game 'work' - this is a simple rock paper scissors game with the well known rules, make sure to look in the design folder for visual explanation about the active part of the challenge.
Please fill free to use this style guide to complete the task.
background body color = circle at 50% 10%, hsl(214, 47%, 23%), hsl(237, 49%, 15%);
paper gradient = to bottom, hsl(230, 89%, 62%) to hsl(230, 89%, 65%)
rock gradient = to bottom, hsl(349, 71%, 52%) to hsl(349, 70%, 56%)
scissors gradient = to bottom, hsl(261, 73%, 60%) to hsl(261, 72%, 63%)
score header = hsl(229, 64%, 46%)
score number & icon Color = hsl(229, 25%, 31%)
header border = hsl(217, 16%, 45%)
fontFamily = [Barlow Semi Condensed](
Weights = 600, 700