🌐 Send & Receive DOT and KSM tokens to/from any blockchain address
💲 View your Polkadot and Kusama balances in fiat currencies
💌 Balance notifications for your wallet in Telegram
🔐 Secured by your personal Telegram cloud with manual account backups
To install all dependencies:
npm install
To start the project in dev mode:
npm run dev
is responsible for defining types for the existing routes in the project.
If some route needs to be added, run npm run build
in order to remix-routes
regenerate types and save them in
This file should not be ignored via .gitignore
otherwise GitHub CI will fail on Type checking
- Create a new bot in tg via @BotFather
- Create an external domain for your local host (
-lt -p 3000 -s your-domain-name
orngrok http --domain=your-domain
) - Start dev server with
npm run dev
- Put your variables into
file like described in.env.example
- Optional - connect web app domain to the local bot (via BotFather) to open gifts locally