A list of Free Flutter resources that will help people get started with Flutter.
- Introduction
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- UI Kit
- Youtube Channels
- Firebase
- Machine Learning
- Contributing
- Support Me
- Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase
- Flutter Installation - Get Started by installing Flutter in your machine
- Flutter for Beginners - Youtube playlist about building apps with Flutter
- Dart for Beginners - Youtube playlist about the Dart programming language
- Flutter Basics - Youtube playlist that teaches the basics and uses the learned knowledge to create a Time app
- Http Requests - A medium article teaching how to make http requests to a server
- Widget of the Week - Introducing new widgets every week by Flutter
- Roadmap to Flutter Development - Visual roadmap with principles, patterns, and frameworks for Flutter newbies by Olexandr Leuschenko
- Layout Cheat Sheet - Extensive examples of layout widgets by Tomek Polański
- FlutterFire - FlutterFire is a set of Flutter plugins which connect your Flutter application to Firebase
- State Management - A list of State-Management Approaches in Flutter
- Provider - A wrapper around InheritedWidget to make them easier to use and more reusable by Remi Rousselet
- Animation Intro - An introduction in creating animations by Flutter
- Animation Intro Youtube Playlist Version by Flutter
- Animation Tutorial - A video playlist tutorial about using animations in Flutter by NetNinja
- Flutter Bloc - A flutter package that helps implementing the bloc architecture by Felix Angelov
- RxDart - A wrapper around streams that adds additional capabilities to Streams and StreamControllers by ReactiveX
- Rive Introduction - An introduction in using Rive for complex Flutter animations by Flutter
- Flutter Screens - Collection of nice flutter samples.
- Flutter-UI-Kit - Collection of useful UIs in a UIKit.
- FLUTTER UI CHALLENGE - Profile App, Book Reader App, Drink Shop App .
- Beautiful Dashboard - Awesome Dashboard Component .
- Gorgeous Login - Smooth Login Template .
- Flutter Samples - Collection of Amazing flutter samples .
- Starter Kit - Starter kit for beginners to learn Bloc pattern, RxDart, sqflite, Fluro and Dio .
- Let's Clone - 18 Amazing Templates.
- Payment App UI - Stunning Payment App UI.
- ChatBot 🤖 - Incredible Chatbot using Flutter and Dialogflow.
- Covid-19-Global-Mapper - Tracking Covid-19 cases on a Map based view.
- GetWidget - GetWidget is open source libraries that come with pre-build 1000+ UI components.
- Flutter - The official flutter channel is the best place to get started
- The Net Ninja - One of the best channels for flutter in English
- The Flutter Way - A channel for creating beautiful UIs
- Reso Coder - Posts a lot of tutorials about Flutter
- Mtechviral - First Indian YouTuber who started flutter tutorials
- Desi programmer - Here you can also get some tutorials in Hindi
- RetroPortal Studio - An amazing channel for UI and custom widgets development
- Santos Enoque - Building an E-commerce app in Flutter
- Academind - An entire crash course for beginners in Flutter
- FreeCodeCamp.org - A full tutorial for building iOS and Android apps in Flutter
- Google Developers - A playlist of Flutter guides from Google themselves
- FilledStacks - A Channel for Flutter Production Code
- ReactBits - Flutter + Appwrite Tutorial Series
- Firebase Installation - Official Documentation on how to setup Firebase for your Flutter apps
- FlutterFire - Official Documentation of Flutter's Firebase plugins
- Firestore vs RTDB - Official Documentation that helps you choose between Firebase Realtime Database vs Firestore
- Firestore vs RTDB Article - An article that points out the uses of Firestore vs RTDB
- TFLite - A Flutter plugin for accessing TensorFlow Lite. Supports both iOS and Android.
- Speech_to_Text - A Flutter plugin that exposes device specific speech to text recognition capability.
- Firebase_ML_Vision - Flutter plugin for Firebase machine learning vision services.
- Edge_Detection - A flutter plugin to detect edges of objects, scan paper, detect corner, detect rectangle. It allows cropping of the detected object image and returns the path of the cropped image.
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