An extension of Android's SharedPreferences classes.
In your project's build.gradle
repositories {
maven { url "" }
In your module's build.gradle
plugins {
id 'kotlin-kapt'
dependencies {
var pref2 = 'com.github.notrobots.preferences2'
implementation "$pref2:preferences2:$version"
implementation "$pref2:preferences2-annotations:$version"
kapt "$pref2:preferences2-processor:$version"
You can find all the versions here
Define a preference key using a static final string in any of the following ways:
// Object
object Preferences {
const val MY_BOOLEAN_PREF = "boolean_pref_key"
// Top level delcaration
const val MY_BOOLEAN_PREF = "boolean_pref_key"
// Companion object
class PrefTest1 {
companion object {
const val MY_BOOLEAN_PREF = "boolean_pref_key"
// or
val MY_BOOLEAN_PREF = "boolean_pref_key"
For each annotated field 3 functions are generated, in the above example the functions would be:
public fun SharedPreferences.getMyBooleanPref(default: Boolean = false): Boolean {
return getBoolean("boolean_pref_key", default)
public fun SharedPreferences.putMyBooleanPref(value: Boolean, commit: Boolean = false) {
edit(commit) {
putBoolean("boolean_pref_key", value)
public fun SharedPreferences.Editor.putMyBooleanPref(value: Boolean): SharedPreferences.Editor {
return putBoolean("boolean_pref_key", value)
You can customize the default value either by calling the getter and passing in the value or setting the defaultValue
field in the annotaton.
@BooleanPreference(defaultValue = true)
const val MY_BOOLEAN_PREF = "boolean_pref_key"
// Will generate:
public fun SharedPreferences.getMyBooleanPref(default: Boolean = true): Boolean {
return getBoolean("boolean_pref_key", default)
You can also customize the generated function names by setting the functionaName
field's value in the annotation.
@BooleanPreference(defaultValue = true, functionName = "DifferentName")
const val MY_BOOLEAN_PREF = "boolean_pref_key"
// Will generate:
public fun SharedPreferences.getDifferentName(default: Boolean = true): Boolean {
return getBoolean("boolean_pref_key", default)
Note that the defined function name will be used as is, it is recommended to start the name with an uppercase letter.
You can use Material 3's styled preferences by using the MaterialPreferenceFragment class for your fragments and by using the provided material widgets.
Replace PreferenceFragmentCompat with MaterialPreferenceFragment in your fragment's class:
class SettingsActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
.replace(, SettingsFragment())
class SettingsFragment : MaterialPreferenceFragment() { // <---
Replace the standard preference widgets with the material ones:
<!-- Replaces ListPreference -->
android:title="Material List Preference"
<!-- Replaces MultiSelectListPreference -->
app:entryValues="@array/values" />
<!-- Replaces EditTextPreference -->
android:title="Material EditText"
<!-- Replaces SwitchPreferenceCompat -->
android:title="Material Switch"
The library provides a few new functions that can be used to store more types.
// get
prefs.getEnum<Animal>("animal", Animal.Cat) // Value or Animal.Cat if not defined
prefs.getEnum<Animal>("animal") // Value or first value if not defined
// put
prefs.putEnum("animal", Animal.Duck)
You can also decide how your enum is stored, either as a String or Int.
// The stored value will be the enum value's inex
prefs.putEnum("animal", Animal.Duck, storedType = Int::class)
// The stored value will be the enum value's name (default)
prefs.putEnum("animal", Animal.Duck, storedType = String::class)
The getter will automatically detect which type was stored.
val json = JSONObject(mapOf(
"value" to "Hello",
"name" to "world"
val default = JSONObject(mapOf(
"value" to "",
"name" to ""
prefs.putJSONObject("json", json)
prefs.getJSONObject("json", default)
The library also provides two utilities that can parse values.
enum class Animal{
parseEnum<Animal>("Dog") // Animal.Dog
parseEnum<Animal>("DOG", ignoreCase = true) // Animal.Dog
parseEnum<Animal>(0) // Animal.Dog