Clone/Download the repo and copy the gd-flags/addons/gd-flags
folder into <your_project>/addons
enum Sample {
const FLAG_A = 1 << 0 # 0001
const FLAG_B = 1 << 1 # 0010
const FLAG_C = 1 << 2 # 0100
const FLAG_D = 1 << 3 # 1000
var flags = Flags.collect(FLAG_A, FLAG_B) # 0011
print(Flags.hasf(flags, FLAG_A))
# Output: true
print(Flags.hasf(flags, FLAG_C))
# Output: false
Flags.setf(flags, FLAG_D) # 1011
print(Flags.hasf(flags, FLAG_D))
# Output: true
Flags.unsetf(flags, FLAG_A) # 1010
print(Flags.hasf(flags, FLAG_A))
# Output: true
print(Flags.list(Sample, flags))
# Output: [2, 8]
print(Flags.names(Sample, flags))
# Output: [FLAG_B, FLAG_D]