If you found a bug, feel free to open issues
- I'm a bad graphic designer.
- Changing sound from the blofeld too quickly will lost program changed message information.
- Depends on parameter, display value may be not so accurate.
- app editor must reflect changes made on blofeld device in real time.
- missing blofeld section: effect, arp...
- change patch from the editor.
- add an X / Y matrix section.
- handle blofeld multi mode.
By using any part of Bolfeld Midi Controller iOS App you agree to our terms and conditions of use of this website. If you do not agree, please do not use this app.
1. Collection of personal informationi
We do not collect any personal information.
2. Access log files
We only uses access log files to analyze crashes.
3. Information sharingi
As a rule, we do not collect personal informations so we do not share them.
4. Updating our privacy policy
A link to this policy is available in the iOS app, feel free to come regularly.
5. Notice of update
This privacy policy was updated on May 19, 2020.
6. Contact
Any kind of questions: noreasonprojects@gmail.com