Pseudo code
Tasks available 4 this infra KUBE.
task: Available tasks for this project:
* default: List all commands defined.
* build:compile:all: Compiling binary for all platforms.
* build:compile:darwin: Compiling binary for the windows platform
* build:compile:linux: Compiling binary for the windows platform
* build:compile:wintel: Compiling binary for the windows platform
* build:test:all: Running entire test suite [static, unit, integration, e2e]
* build:test:helper:static:go: Running static test suite for Go source files
* build:test:helper:static:json: Running static test suite JSON source files
* build:test:helper:static:md: Running static test suite Markdown source files
* build:test:helper:static:yaml: Running static test suite for YAML source files
* build:test:helper:unit: Running unit test suite