Cybertopia is a set of color scheme and themes for several applications.
- Cybertopia Saturated - the main color scheme with vibrant colors
- Cybertopia Dimmer - same as Saturated but with paler colors
- Cybertopia Icecap - a color scheme reminding glacial waters
- Cybertopia Cherry - a color scheme inspired by a cherry tree
Palette | Hex | RGB | HSL | π¨ |
Background | #101010 |
16, 16, 16 |
0.00, 0.00, 0.06 |
Foreground | #abb2bf |
171, 178, 191 |
0.61, 0.14, 0.71 |
Comment | #5c6370 |
92, 99, 112 |
0.61, 0.10, 0.40 |
Cybertopia Saturated
Cybertopia Dimmer
Cybertopia Icecap
Cybertopia Cherry
Repository | Application |
cybertopia-highlightjs | highlight.js |
cybertopia-marp | marp |
cybertopia-tlrc | tlrc |