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Highradius Dashboard 🖥️

This project is built with React18 support which means it has bleeding edge support of the latest web framework. To get started in clicks, follow the docker deployment guide below or follow the coder's guide (advanced).

⚠ All data used in the project, portrayed in the screenshot are for exemplar purposes only. The author/company owns no right on the data, and is not at all meant to be used on a production level. This was a training project and needs to be used for knowledge delivery purposes only.

Dashboard Screenshot


Project Milestone

The mandatory features are compulsory tasks and the optional features are for
extra credit points, which will give you an added advantage.

Mandatory Features Optional Features
1. UI Creation 1. Predict Button activation with Grid Data
2. Grid Creation 2. Shortcut search button on Grid for Customer Id
3. Grid Data Loading 3. Sorting columns
4. Crud Operation (ADD/EDIT/DEL) 4. View - Analytics
5. Pagination
6. Advanced Search

Technology Stacks Used

Docker Maven made-with-python

Dependabot React TailwindCSS Flask NodeJS ESLint Redux IntelliJ IDEA Postman Raspberry Pi Notion GitHub Actions CodeSandbox Gitpod Gitea Swagger

1. Backend

2. Frontend

3. CI/CD 🛠️ and Orchestration 📦

4. Development Tools

Getting Started

Easy Deployment

Backend Deployment using Docker

  1. Please visit the Docker folder to have a glance at the setup files

You would get a similar folder structure as shown in the image below.

Now take a look at the docker-compose.yaml file, that would expose us to the services that would be references while running the backend using Docker.

version: "3"

        container_name: highradiustraining-servlet
            replicas: 1
                condition: unless-stopped
            - "280:8080"
        image: ankurpaul19/highradiustraining-servlet
        container_name: highradiustraining-flask
            replicas: 1
                condition: unless-stopped
            - "5000:5000"
        image: ankurpaul19/highradiustraining-flask

        image: mysql:5.7
        command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
            - /var/lib/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
        restart: always
            - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysql
            - MYSQL_DATABASE=grey_goose
            - MYSQL_USER=mysql
            - MYSQL_PASSWORD=mysql
            - "3306:3306"

        image: mysql:latest
            - ./Database/db.sql:/db.sql
                "sleep 10 && mysql --user=mysql --password=mysql --host=db --port=3306 grey_goose < /db.sql && exit",
            - db

        image: phpmyadmin:latest
        restart: unless-stopped
            - 8080:80
            # we specify that we connect to an arbitrary server with the flag below
            # "arbitrary" means you're able to specify which database server to use on login page of phpmyadmin
            - PMA_ARBITRARY=1
            - db_seeder

We can see that it uses these services for the backend to be running.

  1. highradiustraining-servlet (Tomcat server for servlets)
  2. highradiustraining-flask (Flask service for AI predictions in the dashboard)
  3. db (MySQL Container)
  4. db_seeder (Seeder service for initial setup of the database)
  5. phpmyadmin (Database monitoring) (optional, remove if not needed)

Before you can use the docker-compose.yaml file readily, you need to build the images first. Please visit the Docker folder and execute the below scripts to build the images.

    docker build -t ankurpaul19/highradiustraining-servlet -f Dockerfile-servlet.dockerfile .
    docker build -t ankurpaul19/highradiustraining-flask -f Dockerfile-flask.dockerfile .

Once the images are built, you can start the containers from the docker-compose.yaml file by,

docker-compose up (-d to detach from the console and keep running in the background)

Frontend Deployment

  1. Navigate to the Frontend folder.

  2. Install the dependencies for the web project using your preferred package manager (yarn / npm)

    yarn install or npm install

  3. Perform a build of the project. Please make modifications to the .env file by copying the default variables from .env.example file.

    Build the Project or download the build from releases.

    yarn build or npm run build

    The build time shall be around ~3 minutes ⌚ depending upon your pc specs.

⚠️ ADVANCED Deployment

Coder's Guide

1. Backend Setup
  • Open the backend project in your favorite IDE like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse.

    You would get a similar folder structure for the backend project.

  • Bootstrap/Prepare Tomcat as per your IDE.

  • In IntelliJ IDEA you can see the build configuration here and perform the build server setup following the images below.

    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    5. 5
    6. 6
    7. 6
2. Frontend Setup
  1. Folder Structure


  2. Install the dependencies


  3. Copy the .env.example -> .env.local and tweak the env variables as per your setup.


  4. Run yarn serve in the terminal (script source from package.json).


3. Postman Setup

Please import the followings for Postman to auto import the api endpoints

  1. API Endpoint Folder
  2. Environment Variables

API Route Table

Service Request Name Request Type Request Endpoint URL Parameters JSON Body Description CURL Equivalent
Servlets GET ROWS POST ?start=0&limit=10 Gets the rows from start to the next limit rows curl --location --request POST ’’ \ --header ‘Content-Type: application/json’
Servlets GET ANALYTICS POST { “clear_date”: [ “2019-01-01”, “2020-12-31” ], “due_in_date”: [ “2019-01-01”, “2020-12-31” ], “baseline_create_date”: [ “2019-01-01”, “2020-12-31” ], “invoice_currency”: “INR” } Returns an array with analytics data. Refer JSON body curl --location --request POST ’’ \ --header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \ --data-raw ‘{ “clear_date”: [ “2019-01-01”, “2020-12-31” ], “due_in_date”: [ “2019-01-01”, “2020-12-31” ], “baseline_create_date”: [ “2019-01-01”, “2020-12-31” ], “invoice_currency”: “INR” }’
Servlets ADD ROWS POST { “sl_no”:48558, “business_code”: null, “cust_number”: “200020431”, “name_customer”:“test company”, “clear_date”: “2022-3-1”, “business_year”: null, “doc_id”: null, “posting_date”: “2022-3-1”, “document_create_date”: “2022-3-2”, “document_create_date1”: null, “due_in_date”: “2022-3-19”, “invoice_currency”: “”, “document_type”: null, “posting_id”: null, “area_business”: null, “total_open_amount”: null, “baseline_create_date”: “2022-3-15”, “cust_payment_terms”: null, “invoice_id”: null, “isOpen”: null, “aging_bucket”: null } Adds the rows that is passed as JSON raw body curl --location --request POST ’’ \ --header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \ --data-raw ‘{ “sl_no”:48558, “business_code”: null, “cust_number”: “200020431”, “name_customer”:“test company”, “clear_date”: “2022-3-1”, “business_year”: null, “doc_id”: null, “posting_date”: “2022-3-1”, “document_create_date”: “2022-3-2”, “document_create_date1”: null, “due_in_date”: “2022-3-19”, “invoice_currency”: “”, “document_type”: null, “posting_id”: null, “area_business”: null, “total_open_amount”: null, “baseline_create_date”: “2022-3-15”, “cust_payment_terms”: null, “invoice_id”: null, “isOpen”: null, “aging_bucket”: null }’
Servlets ADVANCED SEARCH POST { “doc_id”: 1929873765, “invoice_id”: 1929873765, “cust_number”: 200792734, “business_year”: 2019 } Performs advanced search with the fields passed. Refer PRS and JSON body for example. curl --location --request POST ’’ \ --header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \ --data-raw ‘{ “doc_id”: 1929873765, “invoice_id”: 1929873765, “cust_number”: 200792734, “business_year”: 2019 }’
Servlets GET BUSINESSES GET Returns the businesses with their codes in the database. curl --location --request GET ’
Servlets GET CUSTOMERS GET Returns the customers with their codes in the database. curl --location --request GET ’
Servlets EDIT ROW POST ?serialNumber=2&tableName=winter_internship { “invoice_currency”: “USD”, “cust_payment_terms”: “NAA8” } Edits a row by sending a RAW JSON body curl --location --request POST ’’ \ --header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \ --data-raw ‘{ “invoice_currency”: “USD”, “cust_payment_terms”: “NAA8” }’
Servlets DELETE ETEROW DELETE ?sl_no=48568,48569,48570 Deletes a row or a range of rows curl --location --request DELETE ’,’ \ --header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \ --data-raw ‘’
Flask GET PREDICTION POST { “data”: [ 1929646410, 1929873765, 1930147974, 1930083373, 1930659387, 1929439637, 1928819386, 1930610806, 1928550622, 1929151655, 1930022117, 1930788296, 1930817482, 1930052739, 1930209407, 1930153511, 1930438462, 1991837617, 1929773400, 1930676042, 1929626925, 1930431304, 1928620435, 1930592246, 1929194820, 1929170780, 1929907681, 1929847863, 1929541405, null ] } Does prediction on the array of doc ids passed to it. curl --location --request POST ’’ \ --header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \ --data-raw ‘{ “data”: [ 1929646410, 1929873765, 1930147974, 1930083373, 1930659387, 1929439637, 1928819386, 1930610806, 1928550622, 1929151655, 1930022117, 1930788296, 1930817482, 1930052739, 1930209407, 1930153511, 1930438462, 1991837617, 1929773400, 1930676042, 1929626925, 1930431304, 1928620435, 1930592246, 1929194820, 1929170780, 1929907681, 1929847863, 1929541405, null ] }’
Flask PREDICT 200 ROWS POST Gets prediction of first 200 rows from Final.csv. This is for debugging purpose only that the flask service works. curl --location --request POST ’

HighRadius Training Details

Dear Student,

Finally the wait is over! The day has come when we are about to start with the internship program. So, brace yourselves for the upcoming roller coaster ride. The starting date for the Internship is 27-Jan 2022. The tenure for the Internship will be of 11 weeks wherein you'll be responsible to build an AI Enabled Fintech B2B Invoice Management Application..

Please read the PRS Document to get in-depth knowledge about the project.

Hope you have a pleasant journey ahead!

HighRadius Corporation

Made withJupyter made-with-javascript licensebuttons by-nc-sa